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Banning k-hole6969?


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I have had requests to ban k-hole6969, but would prefer not to.

What I suggest is that you add this user to your ignore list. When you do this, all of his posts will show up as ignored.

To do this, click on k-hole6969 user name to bring up his profile. At the bottom, click on "Add k-hole6969 to Your Ignore List"

That's it....

Let me know what you think.

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This kid is a complete moron Dave. His posts are nothing but a line of b.s that contains nothing about clubs. He uses foul language towards everyone on the Boston Board when this prick is from Jersey. Ban him today please. I would love to see him reply back to this!!!!!!!

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Dave I think that you should ban this guy, he has not only threatened me, but my friends. I am not about to sit here and say that I haven't responded but I in no way threatened this guys life nor did I tell him that I was going to get him. This is so annoying. I don't think that this guy will actually do something, but it is annoying to have this guys posts even on this board. He uses terrible language and says things that have to pertenant information to clubbing. Please restore my faith in clubplanet and ban this guy.

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I understand your reluctance to bad k-hole from this board because the internet is just like anything else in the country, freedom of speech and opinion. But on the other hand it's ashame to try to use a board that is constantly interrupted by a lot of childish and pointless thoughts with the sole purpose of annyoing people and creating problems. I will try the ignore feature, I've never used it and quite honestly didn't know it existed. If this works then so be it, but if he does persist to be a nuisance then I would also be for having k-hole removed from this board.

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Originally posted by cgm

He means no harm, dont ban him.. Im sure if he reads this post he will stay out of Boston.

CGM, I agree with you when you say that, and I'm not even threatened by him. But there have to be approximately 30-40 posts that appear in random locations. It makes it very difficult to hold a consistent forum that people aren't turned off by due to a barage of useless posts.

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You Boston kids are such crybaby's.

You really want somebody banned from a message bd

Give me a break

Dave gave you an option so use it if Khole really makes you queers loose any sleep at night.

You just prooved how pathetic Boston is.

LMFAO please ban him Dave he hurts are feelings.

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Are you guys serious???? I mean if you find what he has to say to be so personally offensive then simply don't respond to him...its that simple! I don't think its even necessary to use the ignore feature, I mean are you not capable of ignoring his posts all by yourself??? And for some of you to sit here and cry to Dave about him "threatening" you and your friends...please, do you think he is really going to make a trip to Boston to harm you??? I think it is all harmless fun. And for certain people on here...your trying to get someone kicked off, eventhough you repeatedly respond to him, I mean if you have such a problem, just dont bother responding!!!:idea:

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Originally posted by DaVe

I have had requests to ban k-hole6969, but would prefer not to.

What I suggest is that you add this user to your ignore list. When you do this, all of his posts will show up as ignored.

To do this, click on k-hole6969 user name to bring up his profile. At the bottom, click on "Add k-hole6969 to Your Ignore List"

That's it....

Let me know what you think.

Banning someone is like taking away there first amandment. FUCK YOU from New Jersey.

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I think he should be banned!!

I don't know what is in the water in New Jersey (besides pollution)! Obviously the Jersey board isn't interesting enough for you so you have to come over to our board and talk trash. We have heard enough of your senseless conversations!! I have gone on the Jersey board to see if you people actually have good conversations over there but you all call each other Cuntrags!! That has to be one of the most disgusting terms that I have heard and you guys use it like it's hi.

By the way we have tried ignoring him and he replies to all of our posts with all kinds of ridiculous crap!!!! He needs to go and get a life because we are sick of him!!

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I would just like to say that I think this is so funny. I bother you that bad. For all of you retards out there....this is a online chat room....get a god damn life....get away from the computer once in a while....I can't believe my comments offended you that bad....do you all want me to bring you tissues? In my opinion, this shows how weak Boston and its people are....a bunch of pussies....Banning me from a chat room....I am throwing a finger up to you guys right now...this goes to Boston and as shown the losers on this board....If you fuckers you any balls, plan on coming to Jersey this friday...I will be at Djais for happy hour....show your faces....I am fired up right now and for you CUNTS in Boston....fuck off...me get a life, maybe you should take a step back and look at yourself....In closure...I mean this from the bottom of my heart....GO FUCK YOURSELF.....I'm out....


Bump Bump Bump... Bump Bump Bump The K K K K K K K K K K!!!!!!

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I would just like to say that I think this is so funny. I bother you that bad. For all of you retards out there....this is a online chat room....get a god damn life....get away from the computer once in a while....I can't believe my comments offended you that bad....do you all want me to bring you tissues? In my opinion, this shows how weak Boston and its people are....a bunch of pussies....Banning me from a chat room....I am throwing a finger up to you guys right now...this goes to Boston and as shown to the losers on this board....If you fuckers have any balls, plan on coming to Jersey this friday...I will be at Djais for happy hour....show your faces....I am fired up right now and for you CUNTS in Boston....fuck off...me get a life, maybe you should take a step back and look at yourself....In closure...I mean this from the bottom of my heart....GO FUCK YOURSELF.....I'm out....


Bump Bump Bump... Bump Bump Bump The K K K K K K K K K K!!!!!!

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Originally posted by k-hole6969

....this is a online chat room....get a god damn life....get away from the computer once in a while....

Hahahaha...my thoughts exactly about you, buddy! As to the banning thing, I don't care one way or the other. Use the ignore feature if you have to though.


one more thing, why would I actually want to come to Jersey for happy hour, that's fucking wack! Thanks for the Jersey invite though...lmfao

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