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the end of summer depression is setting in.....

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omg this summer went soooooooooooo fast omggg

unfortunately i hadda go to school for the whole summer wiht only 2 weeks off

well oh well no more summer till next year. wow in 3 months time for the xmas tree wow it goes fast lol:( :(


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Yeah I know I was jus talking to a friend about this.

Summer is my favorite season in nyc. It just seems to

slip by so fast... One minute were haveing our first

summer bash and the next thing ya know it's labor

day. Although it was a really great labor day. Had one

of my boys in from out of town. Went out like 10 hours

straigtht 3 days in a rowso I can't complain. Man summer

goes way to fast int he city. (though that's probably why we

enjoy it so much)

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Originally posted by SPYGIRL2

I love the summer, but I'm kinda glad it's over. It always seems to be a harsh 3 months. A ton of fun, but it's quitting time.

summer over?!? HAHA! there are still three weeks left. 9/21 kids.

now that i'm not in school anymore, the seasons don't have those events that really start and end them. gonna make the most of the next few weeks. Sept. - Oct. is my favorite weather time of the year here.

one thing that does suck is how crowded this place gets on the weekends again. <sigh>

some good september things:

long sunny afternoons in the park

low humidity

fresh garden tomatos

the first day you need long sleeves


lots of friends back in town

the last deck party of the year

hearing all the peeps complaining about school!!!

its been a great few months, but the next few will be great too

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Originally posted by barvybe

Sept. - Oct. is my favorite weather time of the year here.

its been a great few months, but the next few will be great too

October is also my fav time in NY, that's why I come back like a watch every year during late Sept-early Oct to NY...

See ya around in those long afternoon park walks:D

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Originally posted by latroya

October is also my fav time in NY, that's why I come back like a watch every year during late Sept-early Oct to NY...

See ya around in those long afternoon park walks:D

I'll be the one with the big smile on my face dozing near the tree in the sheep meadow every sunday :)

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School starts tomorrow

and the feeling of pressure is starting to come upon me

The voices of my parents in the back of my head screaming and yelling at me to work my hardest in my last year of school.

No more summer is really depressing

No more warm summer nights just hanging out by the drive

drinking and smoking

no more fun with my friends reaking havoc on nyc

no more cooling in front of my AC

no more going to the beach with the girlies

no more taking long drives with my boyfriend to the woods and sitting there underneath the stars with the windows open

no more feeling the summer breeze flow through my hair when the windows are down

no more smoking a blunt in the pool

no more anything that has to do with the outdoors

no more summer has come to an end

but until next summer

now we look foward to work and stress and freezing cold temptures. But I still look foward to that first day of summer all over again.


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You're right, Trancend.

The end of summer depression is setting in quickly. Plus the confusion regarding what the hell I want to do with my life is only adding to the depression and confusion. However, I love clubbing more in the winter than I do in the summer. Something about it, I can't really place it; I love manhattan in the winter, I love heading out to the city on a saturday evening around 7 or so in the evening when the streets are beautifully lit. I like having a drink in a nice bar, undoing my coat and scarf and placing it on the back of my chair. I like how it gets dark nice and early, and the gloominess of the days creates a nice sense of tranquility throughout the city, especially at night. I like taking a nice walk with the crisp air biting my face, and finally feeling the bass vibrating through the concrete from Sound Factory as I approach it. I like finally getting in and feeling the warmth hit my face. The whole experience is something I find to be far better than the summer ventures.

The days, months, and years are going by faster and faster.

I love the winter so much. :)

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Hey Barvybe,

I just noticed that little cartoon character you have under your name. Where did you find it? That sheep dog was so fucking hilarious. He would beat the fuck out of the coyote, and then while he is beating him, the horn would sound off which would signify an end to the day. Then they would both walk over to the clock, punch out, and walk home like pals. Funny shit.

"See you tomorrow, Ralph..."

"See you in the mornin, Sam."

The Warner cartoon are priceless, and nothing is, was, or ever will be better tham them. The animation, the humor: Priceless

I always loved the family of bears: The big stupid bear, "Junior" and his father and mother; the mother was always tranquil while the father would always flip out and beat the shit out of his son. "......but Pawwwwww."

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Originally posted by sexxybabyd

no more anything that has to do with the outdoors


now, i really do love the summer, but....WHAT? no more outdoors?

what's better than lying in the warmth of the sun bundled in your hat and gloves out on the grass, maybe on the leaves, with the cold thin air on your face and the high blue sky up above?

how about those perfect still mornings when you go for a walk and the world is so silent and cold you think it might break?

or the warmth running thru your body as you get a good workout shoveling the snow mid storm with the big fluffy flakes falling soft and silent in the glow of the street lamps?

and, ok, THIS is pretty hardcore, but, how about winter hiking / camping? snowshoes on, tromping through some drifts out in the country where the snow stays white, finding some little bunny prints and following them up a hill or down to the frozen stream. coming back after a few hours invigorated and needing that cream hot chocolate that's waiting for you....

OR really getting out there with a pack and a sleeping bag and spending a few days figuring out how to be a welcome guest in teh coldness of winter, melting snow for water, sleeping toasty warm with a cold cold face, getting to a quiet place no one else has been since before it snowed and sitting in the quiet of the woods thinking about stuff you never have time for back in the world....

Alright, so i'm a freak and i like every season and weather except 33 degrees and raining. and all this from someone born and bred in the concrete and steel of lower manhattan.


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Originally posted by lavendermenace

you know, I wasnt feeling any kind of end-of-summer depression, but since no one seems able to shut up about it, now I am.

Thanks a lot for spreading all your misery guys... geez.

Its a good thing I've got FBS/CM to look forward to tonight otherwise I'd really be pissed.:tongue:

YAY your avatar is finally recognizable!

(maybe it was a funked up background color in the .gif?)

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Originally posted by barvybe

summer over?!? HAHA! there are still three weeks left. 9/21 kids.

now that i'm not in school anymore, the seasons don't have those events that really start and end them. gonna make the most of the next few weeks. Sept. - Oct. is my favorite weather time of the year here.

its been a great few months, but the next few will be great too

I know, but it's just that the "summer season" is done. I'll still party hard, but I definitely need a break.

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