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How many is too many???


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Guys/Girls- just curious to know- how many people have you had sex with? and how many is too many??

I've slept with 12 and keeping hoping that number wont go up too much more although at my rate who knows!!! I am especially curious to know a guy's take on this (since i am a female)!

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I think what's in the past should stay in the past. Someone might say that if a person has slept around a lot they're undesirable because either they might have caught something or they see it as their future behavior as well. This is utter crap! Even someone who's only had oral sex but is still technically a virgin could catch a disease, and just because someone was once promiscuous doesn't mean they won't settle down.

I don't know how old you are but I don't think 12 is a high number. Following Romy's example, I'll say I've slept with two women, but how many men? Ha ha, my lips are sealed! BUT, in the past four years I have only been with one man. When I was younger I thought I was so inexperienced and felt the need to "catch up," as I had only slept with 2 guys prior to college. Plus I was just really curious. Fortunately that attitude didnt' last too long.

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well, 12 is not out of this world by any standards, once I've slept with a girl who's been with something like 15 guys before me. I didn't give a shit simply b/c she was hot.

but as far as serious relationships go, I'd think twice b/f comitting to someone who's been with this many guys. The fact that half the guys around the block banged this girl wouldn't stop me from jumping on the band wagon, but might deter me from comitting to girl. (too many guys on a girl's resume is a turn-off to me)

That's just my $.02

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I know my mentality would be different if I was a woman. The general assumption is that man and women treat sex differently. A lot of women want at least to get to know the guy before they have sex, while most men just want to fuck. Deriving from this generalization, it's in man's nature to get laid with as many girls as possible, hence the big babe-count is almost 'justified'. Girls can and do whatever the fuck pleases them. All I'm saying, babe, is that a girl who's had more sex partners than me is my personal turn off.

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I definitely believe guys and girls look at sex differently. For most girls, it is more emotional. That is why I am bocyotting sex until I meet that special someone- whenever that may be! Although my last realtionship lasted about a year and we slept together after 3 days! I guess it all comes down to the person though. Although seeing what some guys have said, I dont think sleeping with a lot of people is a good thing for a girl- which I pretty much already thought.

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Originally posted by tastyt

I think what's in the past should stay in the past.

I'm with Tasty. Just because a guy or girl ask, doesn't mean they really want to know the truth. Unforunately that double standard still exist....A guy who sleeps with 50 girls is a stud and a girl sleeps with 50 guys is a slut. I think women use it against other women too.

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I feel that the less partners the better... And the more involved with the person then the better on both ends for the guys and gals... Who wants to buy a car that had many owners same with who wants to go with a person who had a lot partners... Sounds weird but thats just how i feel..

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Originally posted by petp

i agree with everyone that numbers really dont count to a certain extent, BUT....

if youre 18 years old and youve slept with 12 people...would you not think that was a little too much?!?!??!

That's agood point too. If you are 25 and sleep with 10 people vs someone who is 20 and sleep with 15, it puts a twist on things. In the end it it all comes down to what you learn about yourself , desires, and needs......

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