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WTF! NYC under attack and more


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We've just lost tens of thousands of innocent people. Not only is the World Trade Center destroyed, but the Pentagon and Camp David as well as Pittsburgh have been attacked. This is worse than Pearl Harbor. We would have never imagined such an attack on this country.

I can't believe this. Now comes war. All my thoughts and prayers are directed towards the families of all those thousends of people that have died this morning.


Let's keep our heads together people. We will survive this.

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I live 20 minutes from manhattan and i had to go see it for myself.. I headed down rt 3 eastbound towards city, and entire skyline is smoke looks like a volcano erupted..

Those fuckers are gonna pay for this!!!! I am just blown away... words cant describe... ANGER, and Sorrow.... Im still awaiting word from many friends who work in those buildings... aaaaaaaaaaaahh!!!

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Today's events are absolutely surreal. Watching the live footage of the 2nd plane flying into the second tower was horrific, then hearing an eye witness describe the impact of the planes and then watching the tower collapse was extremely disturbing. Is this a movie?? No it's reality, we never thought it would really happen but it did.

My prayers go out to those in the WTC and their families, those in the Pentagon, and those in the flights, and lets not forget the rescue workers who lost their lives....

Diego, Glad to know you're ok!!

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I remember my pride and joy in 86 when the Berlin wall came down and the cold war ended.

Before then, there was always a little reminder in the back of my mind that the world could change in an instant, and all the things I valued and cherished could become meaningless as men who I didn't know decided our fate because of an ideology I didn't understand.

Well its been a good 15 years, but that feeling is back.

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My heart goes out to each and everyone that lost someone in today's tragedy. I cannot even begin to describe what I felt this morning when I heard the news...several family members of mine work in the WTC and reside in the city. Thank God they are all safe. We have to keep our prayers going. After all, there are still 4 missing planes that have been unaccounted for. May God be with us all as we prepare to enter into a state that this nation has not seen in years.

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I can't believe what happened today in NY! I also can't believe the video that was shown of the Pallies celebrating the death of innocent people! When I first saw it on TV, I felt as though it wasn't real......it looked too much like a movie! I feel sorrow and grief for all the people that lost their lives today and for all the families that lost their loved ones. I can only wonder what will happen next???


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This truly is the saddest day I've seen .. I cannot put into words what I felt when I saw the second plane crashing into the WTC's second building. I shed tear's and wondered how could there be people with no regard for human life at all and how society as a whole has fallen. My prayer's and condolence's to those affected by this horrible tragedy ...

NoLimit - good to see your ok .....

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Originally posted by bbflux

Did anyone see the footage of the pallies dancing in the streets in celebration? It was a very eerie sight. :shake:

I saw that!!! Infuckingcredible!!!!! :mad: I'm speechless, this is like a fucking nightmare. It's over whelming, i'm still in a state of shock!!!! :shake: My prayers go out to everyone in N.Y.

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You understand that although it may sound harsh....we are going to have to retaliate quickly and intensely.....we're going to have to destroy them all.......if we don't, then attacks like this will become more common on the US.....other countries will think that it is easy to attack us and get away with it.....we cannot let that happen and we have to prove that we must be respected....

We're going to have to pull a Hiroshima on their asses......it sucks, but it's the only way....if we are to continue being the best country in the world......

whoever did it.......will not exist soon......them and their families so they cannot even reproduce........

I don't mean to sound harsh and I definitely do not promote vilonce or death...but we have to save ourselves......it's us or them........

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i am in complete agreement with you....terrorists exist in small groups..but, larger communities hide and abate them...we need to strike fast and hard and leave no room for question. Unfortunately, i believe that our response should not be overly precise..in other words...bomb the living hell out of any area where we suspect the terrorists are or have been...if "innocents" are killed, it will leave a definitive message to never aid terrorists in any way. This is worse than Pearl Harbor...

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Surreal is the word for what has taken place today.

I cannot beleive what I have been witnessing and hearing in the news today.

That a country such as ours could be caught completely by suprise by today's developments is frightening to say the least.

What needs to be done is to place a high enough price on this fuckers head (Osama bin Laden)... Then we will see him brought out of the woodwork.

My condolences go out to all the families that have been affected by todays events.

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Unfortunately, I don't think there is any way to win. Do nothing and they will keep pushing the envelope to see what they can get away with. Flatten the entire Middle East, and even more hatred for us *will* be bred. I just don't see anything working that well. When you deal with people who will glady accept death while they take you down, too, all bets are off. They don't play by the conventional rules of war! No matter what we do, I fear that they will find a way to unleash some kind of a biological/chemical attack, explode a suitcase nuke, or something. At any rate, I do feel that the future of this current episode of civilization is looking really bleak. Many people have said that 2001 would be an extremely difficult year, and that seems to have held true.

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