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Is anyone else having a hard time digesting MUSIC?


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It's so wierd....since all this has happend - I can't find music that (for a lack of better words) satifies me.

I've tried a whole shitload of stuff....

I can't sit there and listen to electronic - because as we all know, your mind wanders and right now my mind isn't wandering to nice places......

but then most music with words - focuses me in on something I don't want to be thinking about - or takes on a new meaning, that ususally sucks.

So far the best I have done is a little jazz and some funk...(ie.parliment)

any suggestions ????

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I hear ya same here... that's why I posted that question earlier about if you guys think musix is gonna change after this. Kus I can't seem to find MODERN MUSIX soothing right now.

I've been listening too:




U2 (WAR)


I don't know if you are into this but, I figure I can give you an idea...

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Originally posted by starcapone

up until this past sun. suggestions?? move on with your life!!!!!

You know what you fucking insensitive bastard ....

You couldn't of picked a worse fucking time and a worse person to display your stupid ingnorant bullshit too.

I honestly think you have no heart - do you know anything about me???? NO

so go fuck yourself over and over and over again until you roll back into the fucking whole you came from.

You don't even know what you just did!

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I commend you for taking this so lightly. I mean knowing that your entire life as you know it is about to change, your home city will NEVER EVER look the same, a piece of the skyline will be gone forever, and in light of all this, ou have been able to move on with your life. Wow, you must be inhuman or maybe without a heart or something, I don't know how else to explain how someone can just move on with their life when their life is changing right in front of their eyes....


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I think the reason you can't digest music is that music has lost meaning, Music today is about one thing, the people singing it want to make money. Try listening to some classics 60's and 70's music. Those artists had a message, the exact message people are trying to get across now, violence solves nothing, love each other, I don't know I find that even if you don't like that stuff, try it out, listen again and pay attention to the message.

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Originally posted by starcapone

hello i live right next to the city and i'm as devastated as the next person. you need to relax and lighten up. don't come off on me like that for no reason. move on with your life...slowly taking it day by day..i didn't think i needed to spell it out for yah!!

NO REASON?????? that's what it must be your just stupid..I get it now....


you obviously have no life to move on with I feel sorry for you.

But you know *some* people lost family and friends in all this

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Originally posted by starcapone

up until this past sun. suggestions?? move on with your life!!!!!

I don't know how you meant this, but it sounds like "move on with your life you loser"

meanwhile you know people are strugglin with emotions right now, just look at the topic, she's havin trouble enjoying music...obviously someone who could use support rather than get a wise crack


I've been thinking about it, we may never "move on" cuz this will always be a part of us, this tragedy, this experience, the experiences to come, the changes to come.....to a degree, it is important to try to get back to some sense of normalcy, to get into the routine....its tough though, I hear what Exodust is sayin, the normal way for many of us to get away is to chill out to some music, maybe smoke if you got 'em.....but when each song reminds you of what's happened, or how good it used to be, it makes it hard to move on.....that's her point, she would like to 'move on' and music typically heals us, but right now even music tears a sensitive chord in us....

I think electronic music is good because it doesn't have too many words (my fav. kind), its just soundscapes, it gives a release, an escape....a lot of music we've always loved comes on and reminds us of how ignorantly blissful we once were, and how that is now forever changed.....or even the words remind us of what's happened "keep on rockin in the free world" came on and all of a sudden it has a whole new meaning......makes ya think

Art reflects the times, and music is certainly art......they're pulling movies that might be deemed "innaproppriate" or distasteful, I'm sure musicians will think similarly....or at least the labels will....what do you think a group like Rage against the machine will do at a time like this....kinda hard to rip on the gov't, even if its true, at a time like this......

it would be interesting to see what the change in music was during WWII......I don't count vietnam because madd music back then was anti-war, and we hadn't been attacked, whereas now, we were attacked and more people are supportive of our government....

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Tool has been good to me.

Disturbed, Deftones, Korn, System of a Down.

all good stuff.

Now and then when im feeling grumpy..

Ill throw on some slipknot

its angry...its fast...good to spin in your office chair

doing a round of airdrums

letting out some steam.

The other day I went to the park and just found a tree.

sat under it leaning back just listening to nature do its thing.

Was revitalizing.


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Hey hon, sorry I didn't get to talk to you more on IM today, being at work & all....

I hope that eventually, you can turn to music for solace, as I'm sure it has been many times in the past...for now, I would definitely recommend Jazz...having 4 years in New Orleans, I know how good a lil Funky Meters, Kermit Ruffins, and the Rebirth Brass Band can be...d/l some of their songs or even pick up a CD, you won't be sorry :).

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Originally posted by starcapone

hello i live right next to the city and i'm as devastated as the next person. you need to relax and lighten up. don't come off on me like that for no reason. move on with your life...slowly taking it day by day..i didn't think i needed to spell it out for yah!!

You phrased in a condescending way. Maybe you didn't mean it that way but...just look at what you wrote

suggestions?? move on with your life!!!!

translation of that statement... "you want a suggestion? stop being pathetic and move on already"

Like I said, maybe you didn't mean it that way but you need to think your words though a bit more before typing them. We have not heard from someone very special to all of us and after only one week...we are not ready to gloss it over and move on.

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