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how did you come up with your name on cp?

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by sexxybabyd

jus wanted to know cause ive seen some pretty cool names and jus wanna know the stories behind em.

I used to drive a saleen351, its my fav car.

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Mugwumps live in interzone..

they are disgusting creatures that sit at bars and drink all day..

they have penis like antenas that grow out of their lizard like headz..

They often secret mugwump JIZZM which, If drunk at the right moment, can

give you a reeeaaal buzz..

In fact Mugwump jizzm is quite addictive (Or so Mr. Lee tells me)

In fact it can become quite a habit..

a real literary HIGH!

(See movie by David Lynch for further images of me!)


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When trying to think of an AOL IM name, my bf's gf said I should call myself crobra due to my ethnic background:

My father is from Croatia and mother from Brasil!!

Cro from croatia and Bra from Brasil - Crobra - not cobra - I wasn't fucked up when entering my username and mispelled it- like some of you might think - lol!!


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Heretic is the name of a gabber single I did with four different mixes.

A tr-909 is a classic drum machine one uses to create gabber.

As I still don't have a 909 and am forced to use 909 simulators such as ReBirth, I feel that I will need to pay TheHacker a visit and steal his.

Hey, Hacker, when is a good time to stop by? I'll be taking your tb-303 while I'm there also, so if you could, leave them both by the door. Thanks. :D

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by xtcgirlie

Its really stupid I would change it on here if I could**:D;):rolleyes: :rolleyes:

sign up for a new acount, then email dave with you new name and he will copy over your stats...

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Guest gabo
Originally posted by xtcgirlie

MIne actually speaks 4 itself*Its really stupid I would change it on here if I could**:D;):rolleyes: :rolleyes:

If you look anything like that girl dancing in youre sig, I am in love!!;)

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lina was my spanish name in h.s but turned into my nickname and bina was my friend christines nickname also... so we always called each other lina and bina... and coincidentally my friend from brooklyn who i talk to online started callin me linabina outta nowhere... so it was a perfect name for me... cuz everyone was callin me linabina!!!!! <did u get all that? hehe> :tongue::D

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RFK = Robert Francis Kennedy who is a former Senator from the great state of New York and previous to that was Attorney General of the United States.

Freak = RFK is my idol. I've studied a lot about him, read many books and try to get my hands on anything I can relating to him. So, I've been told I'm a freak because of my passion about him.

Hence, RFKFREAK :)

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When I was younger people called me "science"

Or Sci cause I was a geek(in the coolest sense of the word)

So it stuck and I consider my self Awkward(or at least I feel it)

plus there is a science to everything -

and How you interpret the science of things

effects your life - I choose to look through

the cracks or differently - Hence Awkwardscience


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EXODUS - means movement of the people

It's a bob marley song and the name of one of his albums and bob is one of my all time favs.....

I just threw the t on at the end to sound more crackheaded???

don't know why....I guess now I regret it!

but I'll introduce my other one next..........NEYDOGS

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ok the nils part came from my high school electronics tweacher, who had a very nasaly voice and therefore couldnt pronounce my last name rgiht (NILSEN! how hard can that be!))

and the name just stuck. the big poppa attacthment one was my favorite variation of the nickname, even though it was used to make fun of my wieght back then. it just has a nice ring to it

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