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Guys I May Be headed 4 jail tommorrow read this post cause theres a rat on this board


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Okay so heres the deal in January I got caught dealing got my house raided spent night in jail. I thought I was setup by this girl I later found out in court in May that I was ratted out. Not just by anyone but by my own friend. Some of you know this kid he posts on this message board and hes a promoter. His real name is Adam Bulin aka Adam Fierce. His sns on aol is adamfierce or fiercetwok. I was close with adam he was a friend to me I started of his career in promoting and cause he got caught with a loaded bb gun he goes and rats me out so he can get off. People ask me well why dont u kick shit out of him my answer because nothing i do can match what he did to my life my life is fucked this record is with me for the rest of my life. Im facing going into court tommorrow anywhere from probation-5 years in jail. I also want you guys to read the email he sent me and let me know what u guys think bullshit or not so read the following

Subj: read please

Date: 9/7/2001 5:01:05 PM Eastern Daylight Time

From: AdamFierce

To: SIyonsPromos

aight.. here it is... i don't want drama in this shit anymore... str8 up, i dind't rat you out.. i was used by that chick.. i called her up after u got arrested, i said , yo, wtf... why were u using me to get to him... .that's fuqqed up... and she said that i should keep my mouth shut because i was an accompliss to this.. i said, but it's fuqqed up what happened.. she said "i'm only doing my job"... so, i was pissed off.. i had a talk with some of the prosecutors from bergen county... told them everything that happened... i know some of the prosecutors very well.. my friends' mom works at the courthouse and we are there all the time.but anyway, after this shit went down, i told them to take it easy on u, that u are a good kid and that he didn't deserve anything... i told them u straightened out and they said, well, we'll see what we can do... which leads us to now.. i know my name was on the court thingy... and i asked the prosecutor about that and he told me if anyone is used to arrest someone, that person must be kept on record... so, i they used me to get to u.. tha'ts why i'm on the court thing... i'm not fuqqin with u here bro, i don't want any drama anymore... yeah, i know it's fuqqed up that the lady came thru me to get to u.. she didn't specifically ask for u.. it could have been anybody in exit that night... but she asked me for pills and i remembered u said to bring anyone to u... then i brought her to u, then she asked me for ur number but i gave her my card instead so she would call me... why do you think i went with her the next time u sold to her??? i didn't know her from a hole in the wall.. i didn't want any shit to go down... if i knew, i would have told u to completely stop talkin to her... bro, i'm not about to do something bad to someone who got me started in this scene... i'm not a backstabber... i know you might have heard different from people, but i'm tellin u the straight up truth... and whatever happened last night, mark told me that those kids did it because of what happened but u had nothing to do with it... i believe u didn't have anything to do with it, but i wanted to set shit straight once and for all... also... i know that it was planned out also because i overheard a few people talkin... one was the cop.... i overheard him talkin with someone else when i was first in the club and he was saying that shit was gonna go down tonight... and he said billy and someone else, i dind't hear the name, but that they were gonna beat someone up... i don't understand what is goin on here... but whatever, i want the drama to stop... if u wanna meet up with me and me and u will talk it out str8 up over dinner or some shit, i'm down... just me and u... so we can straighten shit out once and for all...



as u can see this isnt like i was setup but i was ratted out by my own friend just be aware and stay away from him and never turn your back on anyone always watch out they could set u up just like what happened to me.


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Stephen I want to say what I have to in front of every1 and let it be seen.

You started me out in the promotion business too. You took me and made me from being a club kid to a promoter. But thats not all you were worth. You always watched me and my friends in the white room and made sure they got in. You took care of me even when i thought i got jerked at exit u paid me out your pocket. The point is stephen your a really nice guy. You take care of others before you take care of yourself and thats one thing i admire about you. No matter whats happens to you ill make sure i pray for you and support you. Im only thanking you for what u did for me.

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yo i know how you feel im in the same situation right now. some kid i met at limelight ended up setting me up with and undercover, and right now im in the process of going to court, ive been 3 times already and i still got to go. this shit put me $5000 in debt on top of other bills i got.

good luck

im lucky to still be living at home right now you don't understand

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Stephen whats up kid..... all i can say is good luck to you. I wish you the best of luck. Thanx for the spots you got me djing and most of all thanx for your friendship as well as your support I know everything will be alright for you just always remember to keep your head up. I know a lot of your friends are heading to court tommorrow with you but i have work I may not be there in person but spiritual i will be stephen you got my number and ill come visit if anything Im so sorry this happened to you kid and im glad u learned your lesson.


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Steve, best of luck in court tomarrow, ill be prayin for u. If it happens that u do go to jail, ill kill that moter fucker who ratted u out. I will miss u if u go, as if a piece was missing from me because u started me out and me being where i am today, i owe u alot. Your a good friend and I will be in tears to see u go away. Once again best of luck Steve.


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Did any of you see the episode of the Sopranos from the first season(I know msoprano must have seen it)...entitled "College" where Tony takes Meadow up to Visit schools in New England... and Tony happens to run into a rat... well if you haven't seen it... Tony eventually finds a way to ditch Meadow, and hunt the bastard down and choked him to death. Do the same.:shoot:

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Best of luck tommorow...

I hope everything will work out for you.....

Just remember ..what goes around, comes around.....

You dont have to sink to his level(and you seem to have been very mature about this situation), but he'll get his...they always do

Best of luck

Andy Z

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This is just my opinion

I think its totally immature of u steve

to post this on every club board imaginable

plus there are 2 sides to the story

and Adam is my friend

im not takin sides im jus sayin i think its immauture to bring

people in this and bring them against him when they don't

even know his side of the story

thats all i gotta say

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By the way you won't go to jail. You will be arrested booked fingerprinted and when your prints come back from albany ca. 10 hrs in holding cell you will be brought to central booking. After they lift the iron gate you will do the cell shoufle until the judge hears u. Rememebr you must be seen by the judge in 24 hours or they must let you go. The judge will get info from prosecutor and post bail. Anywhere from release on own recognacance-what ever bail they think should be posted. Basically they are racist so if u look like you come from money or u r white it will be well over 10 thousand dollars. Call someone now to get cash or bond just in case. If u dont have it you will stay in holdng cells untill your date which can be 2 weeks. They will palce u in the tombs and refingerprint u and give u a medical. At your next date u will have sentanceing. If ur in deep shit u go to rikers. So in fact there is no way u will be in jail. You will be in holding cells.

thats all i have to say.

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hhhmmmm, looks like class A pure breed run of the mill DRAMA.....

first comment I'd like to make is that some people need to realize that the boards aren't REAL LIFE.....

second - why people post personal email and the like on boards is beyond me....

and third - people should wisen up to how to treat a "relationship" of any kind....we are on the internet - when you think your speaking to someone - your really NOT - your typing words for someone to see later - if you really have issues especially something as serious as this I think less of the BOTH of you for not taking care of it in person...*hint* probably the reason you got in this mess in the first place (people are always watching) - I guess you didn't learn your lesson after all.

I mean you must be an idiot - you don't think someone could use this thread against you in court of law - it's your written words for christsake that you got caught?

I'm sorry but this was pretty stupid of you - think about it - my advise is to get Dave to erase this thread.......


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good luck! one of my friends got caught a couple years ago, too. and (just like your friend) had to rat somebody out in order to get off. He was scared sh_tless and didnt know what to do. None the less he cooperated with the cops. It made us (all of his friends) very wary of him and we never really trusted him after that. :(

god i am so glad iam outta the "scene"

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Well that sucks dude. I am sorry.... really. A few of my friends were caught in the same situation.

Serious question..... why are you involved in selling anything anyway? I mean, you put yourself in the prediciment u are in now. If you were straight as far as that goes, your "friend" could have killed someone, and you would have never been brought into it.

A bit too late now. I really hope everything works out for u man.

Rethink your situatiuon. Not to be a parent figure, but I had to say it. I'm sure you're thinking the same thing now....

As far as your "friend" goes, I would beat him badly.... over and over again....

Good luck.

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