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Guys I May Be headed 4 jail tommorrow read this post cause theres a rat on this board


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Sucks the shitty situation you are in. Same thing happened to me about 5 years ago. A friend couldnt handle an order so it wanted me to take it, the fucker was a tweaker...got busted and set me up so he wouldnt take quite the fall he should have. I sold to a undercover and faced about 8 felonies. It was my first, got a lawyer and got no jail, didnt lose anything, no community service and was on probabtion 3 yrs...paid that off in 2. Funny thing is the guy that ratted me out was found dead about a year ago. Was satisfying seeing his obit in the paper...cuz i was tracking him down myself. I could have ratted out the whole state and taken down quite a few people from NY actually..but i didnt..i fucked up and i took it...i took 100% of the shit myself.

As for this state, your 1st offense can never land u in jail unless its super violent...take some weekends in jail or 30-60 days and plead it down to a mis.

much love and luck..i feel your pain.


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Originally posted by princess0111







First off Adam is my friend but as I said I am not taking sides, I don't want to get involved in something that has nothing to do with me, im jus saying I think that its fucked up that Steve is trying to make Adam look like the most horrible person. There was no need in having this post made to tell everyone about this. Steve are you looking for sympathy or revenge? I still say there are 2 sides of the story and the other side no one has heard, and I guarantee if you heard it then you would not be on Steve's side. I’m sorry Steve I do not feel sympathy for you and you know what when you came to me about the whole thing about hurting Adam in the beginning and telling me your plan I would have been the first one to press charges against you. That’s how it goes, sorry buddy

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well, i know you have all been waiting to post something up.. not until three weeks ago, when 2 of steve lyons friends attempted to jump me, was anything said to me from steve lyons about the incident... wtf was he waiting for??? well, u know something... shyt was fuqqqed up... here it is..

i met steve like last august of 2000, thru my friends... they wanted to promote and they got me into it.. steve was my team leader... well, from what i heard then later found out was true.. i was getting screwed... every time for payouts.. steve would tell all his promoters to wait and that he would pick up the money.. he wrote down his own version of the numbers.. example...

clubs numbers steve's numbers

liquid dreams- 22 liquid dreams 22

viper- 12 viper- 8

fierce- 24 fierce- 18

i've gone to see the clubs numbers myself for my list... and plenty of times i was shorted.. the best was... one night, i went to the office to collect.. i was paid for 24 people... steve lyons, not knowing i already collected from the club, went up to my friend and told him we did 18 people!!! sorry, don't screw me with money... ok, then it goes on, blah blah blah.. which brings us to now...

steve lyons... no, u don't deserve to go to jail.. you've learned ur lesson.. but do you think that by having ur friends attempt to jump me is the way to solve things??? nooo... u should grow up and handle your own.. don't have ur friends do it.. i know u knew it was goin to happen from the beginning... the cop was paid off.. that's why he didn't do shyt.. i know this ... steve, ONE OF YOUR OWN FRIENDS TOLD ME THIS... maybe u screwed this friend over too.. oh yeah.. what goes around comes around... also, exact words from steve "good, i'm glad, he deserved it" steve, if u wanna do something, do it urself.. don't have other people do ur dirty work... u coiuld have been a big boy and talked to me when this thing first happened... but no, u had to drag it out till three weeks ago and have me jumped... yah, this whole thing has straightened u out... you realized that dealing drugs is not a smart thing to do.. u shouldn't have been involved.. i even told u that u should calm that shyt down, that it might catch up to you one day.. but you didn't listen... well, there, everyone has seen what i have to say... i'm not trying to turn the board against steve.. i'm just trying to defend myself


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Originally posted by sexxybabyd

This is just my opinion

I think its totally immature of u steve

to post this on every club board imaginable

plus there are 2 sides to the story

and Adam is my friend

im not takin sides im jus sayin i think its immauture to bring

people in this and bring them against him when they don't

even know his side of the story

thats all i gotta say

hey sexy why the fuck shouldnt he post this on all the boards?? u shouldnt hang out with rats cuz some people dont give a shit and will fuck up the person who is the rat as well as any potential witnesses in his company.... for real there was a case where a friends gf was friends with this slut who was dating a rich dealer down south, robbed him for like 300k, skipped town... showed up a few years later... well my friends gf is in the car with her at an intersection one day at a light, next thing u know both shot in the head dead.

now im sure this aint gonna happen to u, but its just an example... and REAL LIFE, not some fu ckin sopranos shit, sure if your a hustler u know the risks u take... but who here hasnt hooked up a friend here and there when they ask a favor... now u might not consider that person a dealer but in the eyes of the law u might as well be fuckin pablo escobar...... i hope this shit gets posted on every board in the whole world, id spit in that kids face if i saw him out and if u were with him and said anything id spit in your face too, dont defend someone who deserves whats coming to them even if it is your friend...... why would u want to be friends with someone u could never trust??

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First---People come on these boards to vent about certain things and if u dont like them u shouldn't be reading message boards

Second--Slyons can post whatever he wants about this kid cuz they can't use this in court cuz that would mean that they would have to supenona the records from the own of the site and that is a pain in the ass (trust me on this one i know this for a fact but that is a whole different post)

Third--This is for the asshole who ratted Slyons out....You deserve to get you ass kicked by him, his friends and his friends friends (just remember you ratted him out you will have to look over your shoulder for the rest of your life)...My boyfriend got ratted out almost 3 yrs ago by some fat fuck who spins at river street on saturdays and the day my bf and the other person he ratted can get their hands on him i feel bad for that kid, but u know what they won't even have to kick ass cuz there is a thing called KARMA what goes around comes around i glad that the fat fuck had liver problems now he deserves just he deserved when my bf friend beat the shit out of him at a club....so i hope when slyons finds you he kicks your ass for ratting him out and for all the lawyer bills you cost him cuz u were a pussy and couldn't be a man

Slyons Good luck with everything keep us posted

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Originally posted by sexxybabyd

first off yea they can use this statement in court. He wrote that he got caught, whatever I don't care I just don't like the fact that one of my good friends got called a rat when hes really not

Sounds like your both rats, ughhh freakin rats :blown: :blown: :blown:

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Originally posted by sexxybabyd

first off yea they can use this statement in court. He wrote that he got caught, whatever I don't care I just don't like the fact that one of my good friends got called a rat when hes really not

well actually baby they couldnt use his post in court, because they would have to trace the IP back to his computer, and PROVE he was on the computer typing it, beyond a reasonable doubt, hell it could have been his brother or friend or anybody posing as him..... second of all its obvious he took a plea bargain anyways so it doesnt matter what he posted here......

and adam your a big pussy, u are telling him selling drugs is bad when you were helping him move shit at clubs?? i hate to tell u but that makes u an accessory or conspiracy at the least....

and who are u to tell him about being a man and confronting you himself?????? if u had a pair of balls you wouldnt have rolled on him in the first place, and since he has sentencing coming up i dont think it would be smart for him to jump you, then he would definitely see time in lockup.............. i hope his friends beat your ass again, and if you have a problem with it adam go ahead and tell me and ill post my pic and tell me that problem to my face when u see me somewhere.

i would have some sympathy for you if u had the least bit of evidence in your post that you may not have rolled on him, but all u did is bitch lecture and whine, dont try to change the subject about him not being man enough to come after you himself, your just trying to change the subject because your a raatttttt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Listen sexy who the fuck do u think u are....you can talk a lot of shit for some asshole who sits in front a computer but show up in jersey i will show that "I AM SOMEONE YOU REALLY DON"T WANT TO FUCK WITH"

No one needs to know his story he a ratted doesn't matter how u sugar coat he is a rat so if i were you i watch my back cuz he might rat u out someday

oh and by the way i would like to see u beat trapz ass i can't even and i kicked him the ribs.....

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Originally posted by sexxybabyd

your a fuckin idiot

first off u dont know half the fuckin story on his side so who the fuck are you to say ur gonna beat his ass? Ill fuckin kick ur stupid ass just for saying that you punk. Trust me, i am one little bitch not to fuck with

yes im a fuckin idiot, yet even i can still see his fucking story MAKES NO SENSE!! if he is so innocent why doesnt he just explain it all then, except he tried to already and tries to change the subject halfway though his post because he knows the truth and its blatantly obvious.

! i never said i would beat his ass i just told him if he has a problem with me calling him out for what he is im not going to hide behind my keyboard because ive dealt with way more serious shit than stupid lil internet shit, and if he has a problem with me calling him out for what he is ill be happy to post my picture or tell him where ill be, no threats here from me, i have no interest in this except not wanting to see anyone else who doesnt deserve to have to go thru the fucking legal ringer over stupid shit like this when there are terrorists all over our country the gov't should be spending time catching..... i have nothing to do with this situation i just call it how i see it as a person who has seen this shit more times than i wish to, and been fucked by friends myself... and if steve posting this all over every damn board on the net kept just ONE PERSON from trusting this kid and getting themselves in trouble, then its worth it in my opinion......

stick to shit you have a clue about, your just a fucking underage teeny bopper promoter sexy, and im sure your going to beat my ass LOL, and im really afriad to fuck with you now,a nd god forbid u called me a punk, i think im going to cry, your just a young and naive BABY just like your handle says..........

, wait a few more years when a good portion of your good club friends that you have partied with for years have a fucking record and are on probation or in, going to , or getting out of jail because of scumbags like adam getting themselves in trouble and taking advantage of their friends trust to fuck them over and get themselves out of trouble, then you will look back on this situation from a whole different perspective, trust me

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First off I would just like to say that if any one is noticing how Lyons has not posted a damn thing on any one of his posts because he knows what he did was retarded. Second off who are you to come and call me a "teeny bopper promoter" and all the other shit your going by when you know me from a hole in the wall. I jus posted on this stupid drama board because this thread got moved off the New York Board.

Why should Adam have to prove himself to anyone. He knows he’s not a rat and the people that know the TRUE story know he’s not a rat and know that Steve is fucked up. Only reason why I ever responded to this post was to back my boy up because I know he's not a fucked up person and I know a lot of things that Steve has done to him and a lot of other promoters at EXIT, and im sorry you never have true friends when it comes down to promoting or drug dealing because everyone is out to steal your title or bring you down. This is where that nice saying comes in "Trust No One"

And in conclusion I would like to see someone's face come up to me because there are a lot of shit talkers on this board and on the New York Board who sit there and call me a "Bitch" "little girl" "underage" and everything else, but yes to this day no one has yet to come up to me and say it to my face. I will shake the persons hand that has the balls to come off the Internet and say all there nice little comments to me to my face. Only reason why people don't like me is because they see that I have friends, and they see that I am going some where in this biz. Frankly I don't care, it started off as an easy way to make money and you make friends along the way and you know what, I consider them as friends not as fuckin biz partners as most people do. I’m not out to look for the best deal to work at a club, im jus looking to have fun.

I’m sorry if I post my opinion and im not sorry if I have a mouth because I do in person also trust me on that one. Anyone who knows me can back me up on that. I am the farthest person from shy. But if you do get to know me I am the biggest sweetheart. And I have met a lot of people from CP and became tight friends with them. So I jus want to say that the person that comes to my face with a comment to me I will fuckin congratulate them because he or she will be the first among many. My pix are on my web page and the link is provided below and im at factory every Friday night and im an easy girl to find there.

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Dee I wanna clear things up. I know you are adam's ex girl and i know your still friends with him thats fine. But I know for a fact he ratted me out. It was in the court documents that he ratted me out. The court documents have the relationship with me and the investigator. In it, explains how we met each other which is thru adam bulin on october 13 at the garden state plaza in paramus nj. Adam was caught with a loaded bb gun in his car that summer. He voluntarily gave my name up to testify against me. As for the stuff i hear you say on sicktracks bout them watching me in exit. I never got caught in exit and i didnt meet this girl in exit.

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Yeah Werd, u know i never liked both of u cats, but i gotta go on Steven side here cause i know Fierce is a bitch and he even knows it.WHAT! shutup!...i know that for a fact, and he knows he is too...but ya know in life u get fucked and remember u closest friend is ur closest enemy..but lay low remember a smart man moves in silence and a dumb man doesnt last long in the game...



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What side does your other friend have? He admits that he is a rat. He did this because he got in trouble with the law and decided that he would drag someone else down for his own misbehavior. Sounds straight forward to me.

While getting a rap sheet is something a person has to consider when they decide to deal drugs, it is always a punch in the stomach when a person you believed to be a friend betrays you.

Why post on the board???? The question itself is stupid. There may be many other people out there that may fall for this setup. People need to know if a person who comes to them asking for a favor is actually entraping them for the police. Your "friend" is apparently such a person and his identity should be known to those who might be setup by him.

As for this guy being your friend, be careful on whom you use that term with. Any future problems that arise from your association with him are your own fault.

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i've never met either of you, but i've seen a bunch of the posts about what happened and all that other crap...while i can't stand people that betray their friends, i can't stand people in the club business that decide to deal drugs, especially promoters..its ridiculous..what is the need to do so? you're promoting a party, yet need to sell the kids drugs to enjoy it? c'mon..it gives the whole business a bad name..when is everyone going to grow up and do something productive with their lives

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As everyone knows it's tough these days and you u peope make mistakes in there life, but no one can ever say that the drug bizness is not what made the clubs, let's face it 4 out of every 5 clubbers drop or bump, and those who didnt well there the ones that go once a year......people make mistakes in life, i think they should keep drama out of the people eye, but also u need to get back at those hard who did u wrong...



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