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Jews are NOT white.


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Originally posted by robocock

Israel is located between Africa and Saudi Arabia, it doesn't take a genius to figure our that Jews are not caucasians but rather african-asians.

and ostriches have wings, but cannot fly. They, therefore aren;t birds... they also hide their heads underground when they get frightened, a thing you will do very soon, robotic cocker

see, i want the truth to be told, too!:tongue:

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Jewish people are Semitic, not African or Asian. Read a book. They are also usually split into two main groups, the Ashkenazim who like to think they are European and above the other sect of

Jews called Sephardim which means Spanish in Hebrew.They usually hail from the Middle Eastern countries like Yemen,Morocco,Tunisia, etc etc...and look generally darker than Ashkenazi Jews do. So there you go. What's with the hating spree now...are you anti-Jew or something?Just remember that it's wrong to generalize and even though right now Israel has a fucked up government and an asshole racist pig for a Prime Minister, not all Jews are bad. If I can be a Muslim and have a Jewish best friend, then obviously we can all get along eventually in the world. Ciao, Sassa

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Heh well ya know I have cousins who are jews and they're

definatley black:tongue: for wahtever that's worth, heh but seroiusly judaism is a religion not a race, their are even jews in india and africa for that matter. Chill we got more in commmon than you think.


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Originally posted by robocock

Israel is located between Africa and Saudi Arabia, it doesn't take a genius to figure our that Jews are not caucasians but rather african-asians.

You really are an idot! There is a difference between Jews and Israeli's. Ignorance is so sad.

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I am sephardic and I always kind of chuckled when I got the funny look from people when I tell them I'm Jewish. I have to agree that Ashkenazim (read: the pale guy named saul from Brooklyn) have a tendency to look down on Sephardics. In those occasions I like to counter like this:

If your people lived in the desert for say . . 6 thousand years don't you think they're gonna develop a perma-tan?

Saul Rosenberg from Brooklyn isn't the real Jew . . I am!

Jesus was a black man!

Let's raise an offerin!

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Originally posted by phuturephunk

I am sephardic and I always kind of chuckled when I got the funny look from people when I tell them I'm Jewish. I have to agree that Ashkenazim (read: the pale guy named saul from Brooklyn) have a tendency to look down on Sephardics. In those occasions I like to counter like this:

If your people lived in the desert for say . . 6 thousand years don't you think they're gonna develop a perma-tan?

Saul Rosenberg from Brooklyn isn't the real Jew . . I am!

Jesus was a black man!

Let's raise an offerin!

no comment:blank:

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  • 3 weeks later...
Originally posted by sassa

Just remember that it's wrong to generalize and even though right now Israel has a fucked up government and an asshole racist pig for a Prime Minister, not all Jews are bad.

Israel has fucked up gov't???! Sharon would like to see the Palentstian's have their own state but no military. This country wouldn't be as wealthy as it is w/out the Jews. Y do u think Hitler got rid of them in Germany? Israel is the only democracy in the middle east. All those poverty stricken arab countries opress their ppl. They have NOTHING but Islam & hate. But NOT all muslims are bad...my best friend is turkish/muslim.
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Originally posted by robocock

Israel is located between Africa and Saudi Arabia, it doesn't take a genius to figure our that Jews are not caucasians but rather african-asians.

Wow..I'm new to thosi board...but ppl prolyl know me here already...and I can say your an idiot!:blown: :blown:

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Israel is located between Africa and Saudi Arabia, it doesn't take a genius to figure

our that Jews are not caucasians but rather african-asians.

:mad: :mad: :mad:

I'll try to go slow on this one....

First of all, what is an African-Asian?

Second of all, Judaism is a religion not an ethnicity, sorry maybe that word is too big try country

Third of all, I've never been to Israel, I'm Jewish and I'm white (incredible, huh?)

You're a moron...uh...robocock

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Originally posted by twilogoddess

Israel has fucked up gov't???! Sharon would like to see the Palentstian's have their own state but no military. This country wouldn't be as wealthy as it is w/out the Jews. Y do u think Hitler got rid of them in Germany? Israel is the only democracy in the middle east. All those poverty stricken arab countries opress their ppl. They have NOTHING but Islam & hate. But NOT all muslims are bad...my best friend is turkish/muslim.

Just because Israel is the only "democracy" (which I beg to differ, I have lived in Israel half of my life, I think I know it better than you). in the Middle East, it does NOT mean democracy is the best form of government. There are other forms of government and ways of life that, while they may not be suited for American views, work for other people. People should be allowed to do whatever they want,and if they want to live in a country like that with a government that is based more on religion than anything else, then that is their choice. Who are you to cricitize them? Poverty stricken???Bullshit. The Jordanian royal family is definately not poverty stricken...neither is Saudi Arabia's ruling family. Don't believe everything you see on CNN, dear. There aren't homeless people or starving people over there because everyone helps each other out, it is a way of life as well as a religious duty. You don't hear about shit like this happening in the US, where life is all a money-chasing game. I'm sorry I cannot respect a society that doesn't feed its soul as well as its stomach.

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Originally posted by sassa

You don't hear about shit like this happening in the US, where life is all a money-chasing game. I'm sorry I cannot respect a society that doesn't feed its soul as well as its stomach.

Then get the fuck out of the country you dispicable low-life piece of shit. Your statements and views are some of the most repulsive venom I have ever seen.

All you do is continue to post anti-American bullshit. Fuck you and your elitist attitude.

Like I said in an earlier thread to you, don't take advantage of the freedoms of this country while you sit in a American University classroom and spit out your anti-American baseless bullshit.

You are a fucking hyprocrite

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Originally posted by igloo

Then get the fuck out of the country you dispicable low-life piece of shit. Your statements and views are some of the most repulsive venom I have ever seen.

All you do is continue to post anti-American bullshit. Fuck you and your elitist attitude.

Like I said in an earlier thread to you, don't take advantage of the freedoms of this country while you sit in a American University classroom and spit out your anti-American baseless bullshit.

You are a fucking hyprocrite

go fuck yourself

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Originally posted by twilogoddess

But NOT all muslims are bad...my best friend is turkish/muslim.

hey i know turkish... but im not turkish im Armenian... turkish ppl are cool though... they are not like other muslims... they r more down to earth... and not wanting to cause problems

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Originally posted by sassa

Just because Israel is the only "democracy" (which I beg to differ, I have lived in Israel half of my life, I think I know it better than you). in the Middle East, it does NOT mean democracy is the best form of government. There are other forms of government and ways of life that, while they may not be suited for American views, work for other people. People should be allowed to do whatever they want,and if they want to live in a country like that with a government that is based more on religion than anything else, then that is their choice. Who are you to cricitize them? Poverty stricken???Bullshit. The Jordanian royal family is definately not poverty stricken...neither is Saudi Arabia's ruling family. Don't believe everything you see on CNN, dear.

I lived in Israel for 6 months, I have family in Tel Aviv. I trained w/the IDF for 2 months. Palenstianins threw a BOMB at my bus when we were in Jersusalem..so yes I AM BIAS! There is no caste/class system in the middle east its rich or poor. Israel is the only country w/a middle class. Palenstian Propaganda is broadcasted thru out the middle east.."drop ur toys, pick up arms" THATS SICK! Isn't it an Islamic ritual to throw stones at Jews?!!! The whole concept of suicide bombers for the jihad is unfathomable & sick. 70% of Afghanistan is ILLERATE! They can't even read the boxes being dropped "food from US".
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First of all JEWS have total domination of everything and they need to keep it that way to protect their ass. You see JEWS are so stuck up they don't even recongize JESUS when in fact it was them who killed him. They use christians and christianity in every kind of way. They know the power of media and see for youselves who are the majority of writers for NY POST, NY TIMES, NY DAILYNEWS -----JEWS------

They think they will keep us in check forever by writing all their bullshit, but oneday people will start to question their grip of power in this country and something will happen. I don't know what.....But i am sick and tired of us sending ISRAEL over 3 billion dollars a year, when all they do is kill people and worst yet we have to clean their shit for them.

I mean common give the palestians their country and they will shut the hell up. why is israel so greedy, after all there wasn't an Israel 50 years ago, It was online Palestine, and palestinians only want 13% of the land that rightfully is theirs.


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Originally posted by robocock

Israel is located between Africa and Saudi Arabia, it doesn't take a genius to figure our that Jews are not caucasians but rather african-asians.



pretty interesting...

i will give you the name of two famous americans who were jewish and you tell me whether they have the same colour of skin(i.e.:white, black etc...):

1. albert einstein

2. sammy davis jr.


so just in case you didn't get it yet, judaism is a religion not a skin colour...


what are you going to say next, all christians are white????...

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