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let's be honest about how often we really use condoms


do you always use a condom? (questions are for men OR women)  

51 members have voted

  1. 1. do you always use a condom? (questions are for men OR women)

    • yes, i've let it slip in without a condom every once in a while
    • who am i fooling? i rarely ever use a condom!
    • i always use a condom unless it's with a long-term relationship
    • i use a condom all the time, even in long-term relationships

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we all talk the talk but do we really walk the walk?

do you really use a condom every single time, from start to finish, with every sex partner you have?

do you really wait for the results of your HIV tests to start having unprotected sex with your new boyfriend or girlfriend?

if you're using a condom but it breaks the first time and you keep right on fucking, not realizing that the condom is broken until it's too late, then do you just say "fuck it" and not use a condom with that person the next time?

if you dated someone for a long time and didn't use a condom, then broke up with them for a while and each of you had other sex partners, do you use a condom then?

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Well, right now I am single and not sexually active but I can answer from my past. I am not proud to say but, no, I have not always used a condom every time I have had sex, even with someone who I only had sex with one time. I know that is not smart at all and I cannot believe how stupid I have been (although this has occured more then one time and even with a guy that had a girlfriend at the time). And no, did not take an HIV test to have unprotected sex with a new boyfriend. We always think, it will never happen to me but you never know. If someone is having unprotected sex with you, god only knows how many peopel they have done this with.

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It's about 50% for me. Awful, I know. I'm working on it, though!! Getting much better. In all honesty, though, I can't believe how unconcerned most of the guys I meet are. Um, hello, do I really look SOOOO young n' innocent to you? And are you really so apathetic as to let ME bear your children?

I wonder if I can even have kids, considering the number of times I've been unprotected. :( Not that I ever planned on em, but still. Or maybe I'm just really really lucky?

Tomorrow's agenda: get appointment for the shot!!!!!!

Grrrrr, I always give out TOO MUCH information to people!!!!!!!

My apologies.

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Its been a long time since I have not used a condom.....ie. my last serious girlfriend. I can't have a little kid right now (if I don't have one already). Anyway, I'm lucky I'm clean and I plan to keep it that way.

By the way, it really does suck when those things break. Most of the time I have back up, but when I don't its like FUUUCCKKKKKK!!!! And then there are sometimes that I just don't even notice because it gets so intense.

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Originally posted by djjonstephen

By the way, it really does suck when those things break. Most of the time I have back up, but when I don't its like FUUUCCKKKKKK!!!! And then there are sometimes that I just don't even notice because it gets so intense.

Oh, that's the worst, when you don't even realize until it's over- and it's like- uhhh, shit, I think we might have a problem here... You'd think, in this day and age someone could invent a condom that doesn't break!... but still lets in a sensation or two for the poor guy.

Just one of the many reasons I love being a woman- we can have safe sex and not be entirely impaired by it.

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Originally posted by tastyt

Oh, that's the worst, when you don't even realize until it's over- and it's like- uhhh, shit, I think we might have a problem here... You'd think, in this day and age someone could invent a condom that doesn't break!... but still lets in a sensation or two for the poor guy.

Just one of the many reasons I love being a woman- we can have safe sex and not be entirely impaired by it.

but can't the guy tell the difference when it breaks and suddenly he's feeling all the warmth and wetness with no barriers....

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Originally posted by tastyt

You'd think??? :confused:

Anyone with a penis care to answer this question?

Last time I checked, I had one :)

I've never had one break on me before...although I always imagined that if it did happen, I would know.

btw whats up guyssssss...Im seeing lots of familiar faces today on the board...long time no see :)

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Guest gabo
Originally posted by tastyt

You'd think??? :confused:

Anyone with a penis care to answer this question?

I have had one break on me, And I could tell the difference! I mean it actually felt good when it broke! Lets face it rubbers suck!! it does not have that intimate special feeling when you are using them, but we must use them !! The best way for a girl to see what a rubber feels like is to get a female condom. You won't be able to feel us sliding in and out like you normally do. we would have the feeling of how the vagina is supposed to feel!

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Originally posted by gabo

I have had one break on me, And I could tell the difference! I mean it actually felt good when it broke! Lets face it rubbers suck!! it does not have that intimate special feeling when you are using them, but we must use them !! The best way for a girl to see what a rubber feels like is to get a female condom. You won't be able to feel us sliding in and out like you normally do. we would have the feeling of how the vagina is supposed to feel!

ah ha! the truth is OUT!

i hate the way condoms feel too. and let's admit it, it's just far more sexy to do it without...stopping to put on a condom ruins the mood. i know, i'm being stupid about my health and putting myself at risk with this attitude! but then again, i don't have sex all that often unless i'm in a relationship. *sigh*

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Originally posted by shugabooga

ah ha! the truth is OUT!

i hate the way condoms feel too. and let's admit it, it's just far more sexy to do it without...stopping to put on a condom ruins the mood. i know, i'm being stupid about my health and putting myself at risk with this attitude! but then again, i don't have sex all that often unless i'm in a relationship. *sigh*

That should change!! Get out and have some F-U-N!!! :)

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I only have used condoms when I cheated. I was with my high school g/f for 2 years and she was on the pill. The girl I'm with now doesn't make me wear one, but we've been dating for six years, though. She lets me shoot it on her back since she's not on the pill. Lovely story, eh?

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Originally posted by heretic909

I only have used condoms when I cheated. I was with my high school g/f for 2 years and she was on the pill. The girl I'm with now doesn't make me wear one, but we've been dating for six years, though. She lets me shoot it on her back since she's not on the pill. Lovely story, eh?

Lovely story...lol...but honestly, doesn't she mind that you always finish outside of her??? I'm not on the pill either and hence rely on condoms...but then again, I rather have it that way than my baby not being a part of me at that point.

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Originally posted by heretic909

I only have used condoms when I cheated. I was with my high school g/f for 2 years and she was on the pill. The girl I'm with now doesn't make me wear one, but we've been dating for six years, though. She lets me shoot it on her back since she's not on the pill. Lovely story, eh?

we love the really intimate details here at clubplanet. i personally love the withdrawal method, reminds me of my high school days, and damn cum is warm and silky, the finest lotion on earth.

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Originally posted by heretic909

I only have used condoms when I cheated. I was with my high school g/f for 2 years and she was on the pill. The girl I'm with now doesn't make me wear one, but we've been dating for six years, though. She lets me shoot it on her back since she's not on the pill. Lovely story, eh?

Very romantic story Heretic! Don't hold back on us, please feel free to fill in any missing details! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Originally posted by tastyt

Very romantic story Heretic! Don't hold back on us, please feel free to fill in any missing details! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Ya know the best part about that high school bitch? She dumps my ass after two years so she can start seeing this other older guy and she quit taking the pill. A few months later she's pregnant by the new guy and he leaves her to join the Navy. Hahahahaha. Stupid bitch. Then, she has the nerve to try and get back together with me. Fuck that, I ain't tryin to be no daddy to some lil bastard. That's why I provide my current g/f with the "lotion" as Shuga so delicately puts it. ;)

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Originally posted by heretic909

Ya know the best part about that high school bitch? She dumps my ass after two years so she can start seeing this other older guy and she quit taking the pill. A few months later she's pregnant by the new guy and he leaves her to join the Navy. Hahahahaha. Stupid bitch. Then, she has the nerve to try and get back together with me. Fuck that, I ain't tryin to be no daddy to some lil bastard. That's why I provide my current g/f with the "lotion" as Shuga so delicately puts it. ;)

That is harsh......:eek: :eek:

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Originally posted by heretic909

Ya know the best part about that high school bitch? She dumps my ass after two years so she can start seeing this other older guy and she quit taking the pill. A few months later she's pregnant by the new guy and he leaves her to join the Navy. Hahahahaha. Stupid bitch. Then, she has the nerve to try and get back together with me. Fuck that, I ain't tryin to be no daddy to some lil bastard. That's why I provide my current g/f with the "lotion" as Shuga so delicately puts it. ;)

Hey this story sounds very very familiar... what part of queens are you from??? what was the name of the girl???

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