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Has anyone literally gotten sick of smoking bud?


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Lately,I've been noticing waking up with a headache and a bit of a tummy ache....and I usually smoke every night after class or something and go to bed soon after...is it the weed or is it just me?But seriously...it's kind of scary as a pothead to notice this (lol) but I am kind of getting tired of the whole rolling a joint,lighting it up,etc etc etc....I think I've spent so much on weed in the past year,I could've bought a car!Sometimes I'd even smoke it if I'm having cramps or something and the pain would go away really quick...but last week it didn't work at all...and I thought it was maybe the weed I was smoking because it wasn't the best we could have gotten...but still...even shitty weed worked before....weird. :blank::(

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Originally posted by sassa

Lately,I've been noticing waking up with a headache and a bit of a tummy ache....and I usually smoke every night after class or something and go to bed soon after...is it the weed or is it just me?But seriously...it's kind of scary as a pothead to notice this (lol) but I am kind of getting tired of the whole rolling a joint,lighting it up,etc etc etc....I think I've spent so much on weed in the past year,I could've bought a car!Sometimes I'd even smoke it if I'm having cramps or something and the pain would go away really quick...but last week it didn't work at all...and I thought it was maybe the weed I was smoking because it wasn't the best we could have gotten...but still...even shitty weed worked before....weird. :blank::(

i hear ya bro,,,,,,,im getting tired of it myself.....but do what i do...just blaze once or twice a week and the high is soooo much better....since i have school now i only hit about 1 or 2 LL"s a week tops...
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i used to smoke every day, but one day just got tired/bored/call_it_whatever_you_want and stopped... for half a year.

then one day me and friends lit one up, and all i gotta say, the high was sooo much better then before (for me, my friends didn't stop smoking while i did). so now i lite one up once in a while and it's great.

moral of the story -- there is no moral, smoke whenever you feel like. for me, it didn't do it anymore to smoke everyday, so i stopped

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back in the day(before I grew up and stopped taking drugs) I used to have a five foot bong with a buncha check marks on it for all the people who puked from taking too big a hit. I've also have alot of people pass out from smoking too much in a single session(lightwieghts). I however throughly enjoyed smoking right up to my last hit two years ago.

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well,I smoked some chronic last night and I was really high...but it's not as enjoyable as it used to be..hmm..maybe my body is repelling it?I've noticed that even when I haven't smoked for a while,I still feel like I'm high......hey,maybe I'm just permanently high all the time. :):drunk::smoke:

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Maybe your body is just used to the feeling because you don't do it in moderation. if you smoke everyday the high is going to be the same and you will get used to the feeling. If you do it sparingly then maybe you will enjoy it more. Anyway I dont know shit about weed...

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every time i take to big of a hit, i get that feeling that i'm going to throw-up. i just always have some water nearby and i take slow breaths. usually goes away after a minute or so.

had some really got weed about a week ago. one hit got me a strong high for more than an hour.



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I'be been smoking for about 3 years straight almost daily and I'm getting so depressed from it. . . I think this may be my last bag . . . I never seem to do anything anymore because of pot. . .and add to it that I don't have any friends up here . . it just turned into a bad situation . . . . I don't even spin anymore because of the indo . . . it's destroying my life . . . I don't get nauseous or anythingthing . .

. . As I put that pipe to my lips for the first hit of the day, all I feel is sadness and a sense that yet another piece has died within me. .

I remember when I used to be somebody. . .


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wow, that was really depressing!

i think im gonna cry...

i remember when i smoked pot everyday...

then i got mad paranoid, would sit around in the basement of my frat every day in SILENCE listening to music i hated and just feeling stupid. i actually think i could enjoy smoking pot alone again sometime, but its not a priority. im much more of an uppers guy, anyway. these days, however, that only seems to include coffee and vivarin. lol.

pot is weird cuz its the most widespread, affecting, and socially acceptable drug addiction. so no one sees it as a drug addiction; they see it like smoking cigarettes or something. anyone who has ever had a problem with it, emotional or otherwise, knows quite differently. hunny, i had more drama with fucking pot than i did with crystal meth addiction. no shit. i hate it. pot is evil, for me at least.

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