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Ass Play


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oh, btw, i mean actually touching ur ass, not exactly puttin her finger up there, but not just rubbin the cheeks either (heehee). u know what i mean right? she's rubbing ur ass hole.(i guess that's the best way to put it) do u guys like that?

and for the girls: do u mind doin that? does it bother u to touch that area?

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IMO, you've gotta be able to reciprocate.

Now, it ain't like I'm too excited to go sticking my hands up someone's ass, but if he's gonna do it to me, it seems like he should let me do it to him, ya know?

Regardless, a lot of times I've tried and he'll push my hand away. I think it's a homophobia thing, like no matter if they like what they're feeling, they can't let anyone think they like to have their ass played with. :rolleyes:

I want to hear a guy's side of the story.

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Originally posted by xtcgspot

oh, btw, i mean actually touching ur ass, not exactly puttin her finger up there, but not just rubbin the cheeks either (heehee). u know what i mean right? she's rubbing ur ass hole.(i guess that's the best way to put it) do u guys like that?

and for the girls: do u mind doin that? does it bother u to touch that area?

were u hopin id see this post babe?***lol*** :tongue:
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Originally posted by guinevere

IMO, you've gotta be able to reciprocate.

Now, it ain't like I'm too excited to go sticking my hands up someone's ass, but if he's gonna do it to me, it seems like he should let me do it to him, ya know?

Regardless, a lot of times I've tried and he'll push my hand away. I think it's a homophobia thing, like no matter if they like what they're feeling, they can't let anyone think they like to have their ass played with. :rolleyes:

I want to hear a guy's side of the story.

Honestly, I feel it IS a HOMO-phob thing... At first I would never let my girl (now X-girl) even get close to the hole..... Until one day while she was doing down, she kept going...... Nedless to say, I didn't cum from it but I did ENJOY the Rim Job.... Funny thing is I really felt GAY after I let her do it, until I convinced myself that it was O.K. :laugh:

I say your other post about the finger lickin' good incident.:laugh:

Would you let him TOSS your SALAD ???


If so, there's no difference and you should not be mad

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I personally dont like any kind of ass touching but I hooked up with this guy and he loved to do it for some reason. Did anyone ever watch the Sex and the City episode and they were talking about it?? Too funny!!! It's so funny to hear what people do in the bedroom because sometimes people can really surprise you!

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Originally posted by b-side

I say your other post about the finger lickin' good incident.:laugh:

Would you let him TOSS your SALAD ???


If so, there's no difference and you should not be mad

There's a big difference!! As long as it was cleaned before you went down, you don't really have to worry about getting shit on your face. But, if you stick your finger in it, it's a lot more likely you'll have more shit to deal with. The inside of your anus is almost never clean.

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Well, whenever we're doin stuff I always play with my boyfriend's ass. But I've always wanted to actually stick my finger in there lol cause I heard that guys can have an orgasm like that. So the other day I did and like (sorry if im being gross haha) my finger was half way and he was like "omggg stoppp it feels wierd it feels like i gotta take a shit" haha so i stopped lol

and yeah he also says that he feels "gay" doin it but im like omg wtffffff its me doing it you know?

it was pretty funny though haha

but im not gonna stop harassing him till he gives in lol


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Every guy's ultimate fantasy is two girls, a littlt lesbian action, etc. etc. and yet I have never met a guy who would try ANYTHING that might be remotely associated with "homosexuality," unless he was an admitted gay. Now, I'm not a lesbian and hardly even bi (I love nothing more than a big fat dick), but I'm so not scared to TRY things. I guess it's better for the girls because we have the freedom to experiment and try things without feeling bad about ourselves, but SHEESH. A GIRL would be doing these things to you, not another GUY...how is that homo?

I guess we all have our limits, though. Personally, though, I do find bisexual guys Very Sexy, or at least adventurous guys who aren't put off by stupid social standards.

Not attacking you, no drama intended, just curious why guys are so sensitive to the homo thing.

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Originally posted by guinevere



Every guy's ultimate fantasy is two girls, a littlt lesbian action, etc. etc. and yet I have never met a guy who would try ANYTHING that might be remotely associated with "homosexuality," unless he was an admitted gay.

I sooo agree.....Go figure that one....:rolleyes:

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there's one thing to being adventurous and another to not being gay. A girl can do just about anything to my ass she wants if it turns her on. But I don't want a man touching me. I'm not afraid of it and I don't care if I was gay - if I found myself attracted to men I would do stuffwith them - but until that day no palying with the boys for me. On the other hand you can't be so afraid that in group sex you freak if say a guy's nuts happen to brush up against you aor whatever. That's no biggie. All of thios means too that if a girl wants to put a dildo in my ass fine - but no strapping one on and reaming me while talking about her hard cock and me being her bitch :)

And as for the double standard - there just is one when it comes to same-sex play. More men are gay than women but women are freer to straddle the lines - especially sexually. Men tend tobe gay or straight (some exceptions) and any crossing of the line is a big committment and life changing event. Tat is just the way it is - its not a false double standard - its a real one.

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Originally posted by xtcgspot

i kinda liked it. and i dont feel gay because i liked it. but i wouldnt let u put ur finger actually in there...that i wouldnt like. and if i did like that, then i think i would feel gay.

:laugh: <evil laugh>.......... so he gives in to the ass play;) ... woohoooo!!! *lol* yay :grin:
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Guys who think heterosexual ass play is gay are dumb: gays about WHO you're with, not what you're doing. I mean, gay guys get blow jobs, but i'm sure you not like "get your mouth away from my dick" if you're lucky enough to have a girl offer to do y'a that way.

if your gf asked you to eat her out after you cum in her, is that gay? maybe u just won't like the taste (which is fine) but that doesn't make it gay!

IMO: so long as its clean, its all good. try it. be sensitive to your partner and only do what they think feels good. personally, being tickled down there, in the right way, at the right time, feels AWESOME and definitley makes me cum more.

a girl can do anything she wants to me so long as it doesn't hurt - and its better if you try instead of making me ask too. and i'll do anything back except hurt you - that i have a huge aversion to.

its more about trust and being comfortable with yourself and partner than anything else.

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Originally posted by barvybe

Guys who think heterosexual ass play is gay are dumb: gays about WHO you're with, not what you're doing. I mean, gay guys get blow jobs, but i'm sure you not like "get your mouth away from my dick" if you're lucky enough to have a girl offer to do y'a that way.

if your gf asked you to eat her out after you cum in her, is that gay? maybe u just won't like the taste (which is fine) but that doesn't make it gay!

IMO: so long as its clean, its all good. try it. be sensitive to your partner and only do what they think feels good. personally, being tickled down there, in the right way, at the right time, feels AWESOME and definitley makes me cum more.

a girl can do anything she wants to me so long as it doesn't hurt - and its better if you try instead of making me ask too. and i'll do anything back except hurt you - that i have a huge aversion to.

its more about trust and being comfortable with yourself and partner than anything else.


Where have you been?????

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