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How Much Dough Do You Guys Spend On clubbing EVERY MONTH?

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That is soooo your answer, really drinking at a club is a fortune, 200 beans easy on a night, think about it, pills, $15 - 20 each for a few hours, let's say 2-4 for the night, that's still cheaper than having 10 drinks in a club 7-10 a peice, that's just nuts...

But hey if you got it, party on!!!!!!!

Hint, pre party, go with a good buzz so you don't have to get there at the club, takes a few drinks off the tab.... and saves some $$$$$.

For me I could range from $40 to $250, all depends on the night.... Bars usually cost more than clubs for me, and theres no cover, go figure?....

Usually just smoke a bit for the music, and drink water...not much hardcore stuff anymore...:tongue:;):cool:

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i don't have a job (i'm still in highschool :eek: ) so i go whenever i have money, and that may mean i won't go to a club for a whole month. since i'm part of the b&t crowd i have to pay train fair, which is an added annoyance you lucky manhattanites don't have to deal with. anyway, i spend at least $70-$100 everytime i go. usually no drinks for me except water, so it's not too bad.

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I don't have a job right now either, so I keep shit at a minimum. That means I only go to the smaller joints where I get in for free and I get a few drink tickets from the manager. But when I was working, I think the most I ever spent in one night was around $350 one time at Twilo.

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My bad habit is in control at the tune of about $500 per week on average so thats about $ 2000. a month and that doe's not include dinners and all the other bullsiht I end up doing.Like tonight I know its monday but im going out for a few hours for no reason what so ever.

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Originally posted by xkingchangox

My bad habit is in control at the tune of about $500 per week on average so thats about $ 2000. a month and that doe's not include dinners and all the other bullsiht I end up doing.Like tonight I know its monday but im going out for a few hours for no reason what so ever.



I'm lucky if i can get together like $70 for the week!!!

omggg wow, what kind of job do u haave and are they hiring lol

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i do drink at clubs but i usually keep it to a $20-35 tab (if that!) whenever i go -- like 3/4 drinks is my limit -- tack on between $10 and $25 for admission (limelight being the most expensive; baktun being roughly the cheapest: $12 and you get open bar from 10 to 11pm for the same price)... i go out about half a dozen times a month; so like i dunno. like $200-250 a month.

guess i'm not so hardcore compared to some of u.

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That's why one of my dreams is to open a club, juding by the amount of money everyone throws down to go out, you can make a killing. Think about it, any mega club, 20-40 to get in, plus dinks and water is even 5 beans,

look at the fortune to be made.........

Unfortunatly, you need a fortune to make a fortune....:confused:

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damn i feel like such a cheapie.

I go to Vinyl: 20 bucks.

cost in fuel to get from Albany to NYC: 20 bucks (each way) - 40 total.

Tolls - 11 bucks total.

So like 70+ bucks on average. I don't do drugs or drink so that keeps it nice and low :)

Good for LOTS OF GATORADE and OJ the next morning!

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Originally posted by xkingchangox

My bad habit is in control at the tune of about $500 per week on average so thats about $ 2000. a month and that doe's not include dinners and all the other bullsiht I end up doing.Like tonight I know its monday but im going out for a few hours for no reason what so ever.

Good God Man, $500 per week???:eek: My fiancee and I go to a club and spend $400 per night but you figure it's for both of us so I guess it's average. Could be worse.

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Wow! And I thought I spent a decent amount of money at the club. LOL, you guys are insane! Heh, you gotta do what you gotta do though right? The sad thing is that most of my money goes to tolls and parking (that shit is MAD expensive) - tab = usually free but sometimes $20 (well, one lasts me like 6-8 hours anyways), $25 for admission, always gotta get drinks for me and usually buy for some of my friends (drinks are mad expensive), gotta have my pack of cigarettes full, usually buy a new outfit everytime (I love clothes) so we're looking at anywhere from $150-200 everytime I go. Over the summer it was ridiculous when i went every Friday, but now that school's in session (and Exit's closed anyways for now) I don't mind dropping two beans for an insane night. $500 though, that's crazy! But I guess if you have the $$$ like that to spend, then go for it!

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Wouldn't we all like to have enough money to go out and have a good time and not worry about anything.... I usually spend a shit load when it comes to occasions, My birthday, my friends birthday, new years and stuff like that.... Ranging $ 500 plus...

But you know what I can say I lived like a ROCK STAR for the night or weekend... I'm a PO boy for a bit after, but you know we all gotta LIVE A LITTLE every once and a while...

I can't do it every weekend or even every month, but when I (we) do, it sure is a good time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D:cool::)

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