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exit fridays


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Wow... Expect a lot of new faces at Exit. Im sure all the factory heads will be there (due to the fact that almost everybody that is a somebody from SF moved over to Exit)

Im saying this because A-Luv is now at Exit



ps. - that means more bullshit for us "loyal" exit promoters from the gay factory promoters that think they are all that & hot shit.


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Who moved from Factory???? Please tell me, because every top promoter, including the partners, are still at Factory. In the beginning of the summer 300 promoters were either fired or left Sound Factory because they didnt produce. Where did they all go? Exit. Factory has done a consistent 1700 - 2000 people every Friday for the last 4 months, with less than 100 promoters.

Who fuckin cares about that sloppy no talent fat fuck DJ A-Luv. No one cared when he left Factory three months ago, and no one cares where he is now. Oh, and the only Factory promoters that you "loyal unpaid Exit promoters" will have to deal with is the lazy non producing slackers that got fired.

I give respect to David Marvisi because he knows that he doesnt have to pay you fucks for bringing 15 people on your guestlist. Exit, Im sorry Exit 2, will bring people no matter if they have 600 promoters or 30 promoters. Lets face it, only 30 people really do numbers at this club.

I always liked Exit as a club, and I have worked with quite a few of its promoters. But none of them have made such a rediculous statement as you. The Sound Factory crowd will always stay at Factory for two reasons: The music, and the fact that attractive people like to be with other attractive people.

Maybe one day Sound Factory can put a 2 behind its name, and hopefully it can reach the same status as Exit.

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HAHAHAHAHA. Realz, I heard that Factory wouldnt hire you when Exit shut down because you bring an Asian only crowd. I have nothing against Asians, dont get me wrong, but I sense some bitterness towards Factory. HAHAHA, go back to getting your list cut at Exit, and stop talkin shit about a good party. You are defending a party centered around Tony Draper. Give me a fuckin break, if I hear Rythym Ready one more time IM GONNA FUCKIN SHOOT MYSELF. Get some real Dj's to fill his spot, and maybe Exit can be respected as a place that has good music

Oh, I know people are going to diss Factory, saying that the music isnt Good. Here is a list of some Dj's that have been there in the last 3 months

Johnny Vicious(once a month resident)

Dave Ralph

Christopher Lawrence

Max Graham

David Waxman

Kimball Collins

Hex Hector

Eddie Baez

Scott Henry


Oh and Danny Tenaglia is spinning before Thanksgiving. But Im sure some Exit promoter will have some lame defensive response as to how Tony Draper is better than all of these Dj's. GET A FUCKIN CLUE

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ah chill out people

its such a promoter war with sf and exit

there ARE a lot of new faces at exit...a lot i DIDN'T recognize tonite (minus harry, i saw you!)

...and there were a few missing! ;)

opening should be decent...benefit for the red cross, good stuff ;)

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Originally posted by realz

Wow... Expect a lot of new faces at Exit. Im sure all the factory heads will be there (due to the fact that almost everybody that is a somebody from SF moved over to Exit)

Im saying this because A-Luv is now at Exit



ps. - that means more bullshit for us "loyal" exit promoters from the gay factory promoters that think they are all that & hot shit.


"almost everybdy that is a somebody from SF moved over to Exit"

bro, take your hands and place them directly on Daves left and right ass cheeks and hold firmly on both sides, spread your feet about shoulder width apart and hold your breath ... now with one quick move push your arms foward with your feet firmly planted on the ground and remove your head from his ass ... wipe your face of all the bullshit, take a nice clean breath and OPEN YOUR FUCKIN EYES.

who the fuck are you talking about? A-luv :laugh: come on kid, you're joking right?!?

go ahead ... take another look at what you posted. Its okay, we're here to support you and guide you through this tough time in your life. We know the Exit propaganda has comsumed you but luckily there are help/support groups out there. Dont be afriad, admitting you have a problem is the first step. Its friday nights 10pm on 46th St. btw 11th and 12th Ave., free fruit and candy will be served.

You know what though? you did a service to everyone who has read this post, its hard to make people smile sometimes but I actually Laughed Out Loud for awhile. Realz, you're a funny guy. Maybe you could talk to Dave about having Mic Night in the White Room every other Friday.

Anyway, Launch took the words out of my mouth ... Exit has all the Factory left overs (ie A-luv) ... Factory went on the k-cut diet and lost some weight, now it looks better than ever with some of the best guest Dj's in the world. There is no Exit vs Sound Factory promoters ... fact is the factory promoters dont use the exit tactics by coming on a public messageboard attempting to brag and talk shit. Unfortunately Realz... now who looks like the gay promoter?

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Originally posted by lillizzy

ah chill out people

its such a promoter war with sf and exit


There was no drama until this kid posted this bullshit. "Im sure all the factory heads will be there (due to the fact that almost everybody that is a somebody from SF moved over to Exit) Im saying this because A-Luv is now at Exit." Give me a fuckin break

Im sure this kid is kicking himself for posting something so stupid, seeing as how he hasnt responded at all. I love when people make shit up, and then they get called out in front of everyone, and made to look like an ass.

I have no problem with Exit promoters. I have chilled with some of them many times, and I think they do a good job with the party. Stephen Lyons is good guy, and I give him a lot of respect for what he does at Exit. Would he ever post something like this? NO

"that means more bullshit for us "loyal" exit promoters from the GAY factory promoters that think they are ALL THAT & HOT SHIT"

There is only drama between SF and Exit promoters because of dumb fucks like this.

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Ok 1, I DID work for SF what are you bugging on? They didnt want my crowd there? HMMM... Thats why I was promoting for SF last year correct? Even our names was on the flyer LOL

Thanks to Luis K (who is also at Exit now)

Well I didnt mean to talk shit or take offense to you SF promoters but when Johnny Z., Bob Goodrich etc. brought in their promoters last year it really pissed me off because they came in thinking they were the shit. (NO not johnny but some of his promoters were trying to run shit at their new home, telling me to get in the back of the line, LOL pushing lizzy :P , remember that? countless shit to talk about but lets end it there.)

ANYWAY. yes i saw A-Luv at Exit and like 300 other promoters that only took nothing up but space.

I admitt SF has a lot of potential & the only reason you guys are running right now is because you are bringing in quality DJ's.


Johnny Vicious @ Exit on the 19th.

oh yea and Junior Vasquez is no talent :laugh:

Just my thoughts & opinions!

Dont cry


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Originally posted by realz


ANYWAY. yes i saw A-Luv at Exit and like 300 other promoters that only took nothing up but space.

Wait a second, didnt you just say that Sound Factory's top promoters just left to go to Exit? Uh oh, someone is contradicting themselves! Not a good habit to get into, the more you contradict yourself, the less valid your arguments will be. Oh and none of Exits 650 promoters take up space, everybody is a solid promoter and does numbers every week. HAHAHAH yeah fuckin right

I admitt SF has a lot of potential & the only reason you guys are running right now is because you are bringing in quality DJ's.


Johnny Vicious @ Exit on the 19th.

Exit finally has booked some good Djs to spin on a Friday, well I guess it is only one good Dj. Tony Draper is total crap, and Skribbles...lets face it he is total cheese. One night in the last how many months a respected dj has graced the Dj booth at Exit on a Friday?

WOW, you have Johnny Vicious for one night. Bro I

could have him spin in my fuckin basement playing to my little sister and her friends if I paid him enough.

oh yea and Junior Vasquez is no talent :laugh:

The more you talk, the more stupid you make yourself look. I swear this is a thread about Exit FRIDAYS. I didnt realize Junior Vasquez spins on Fridays? Realz, is this handed down from management straight to you?!?! Jackass, no one is talking about Saturdays. And if we were, you are going to diss Jonathan Peters? I didnt think so.

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yes harry i do remember that

that is the ONE thing i hated about when a lot of the sf kids moved over to exit. this one kid threatened to beat the shit out of me...it was ONE big mess that night, holy shit. i wonder where that kid went, i wouldnt mind smacking the shit out of him still :D

whatever a lot of them went back to sf or just quit promoting, blahhh

promoting is BUSINESS yoooooooo


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"Wait a second, didnt you just say that Sound Factory's top promoters just left to go to Exit? Uh oh, someone is contradicting themselves! Not a good habit to get into, the more you contradict yourself, the less valid your arguments will be. Oh and none of Exits 650 promoters take up space, everybody is a solid promoter and does numbers every week. HAHAHAH yeah fuckin right"

OK uhhhhh.. Please somebody tell me WHO Johnny Z, Bob goodrich, luiskain , gerson , a-luv , etc. is

Im sure you guys have solid promoters, GREAT!! Keep up the goodwork. Exit has some of the greatest promoters in this industry so stop buggin.

Scribbles is NOT spining, its JV & Draper. Draper isnt all that but hey.... he has a better following than Lodi will ever have in his lifetime. (even tho I do admit Luv & Lodi is my first house music experience) Oh right &.... Lodi has been at SF for how long? And how bad did everybody want luv & lodi off the mainfloor last year?? LOL Yes you remember, when Dom was playing level 4. DONT DENY IT..

"WOW, you have Johnny Vicious for one night. Bro I

could have him spin in my fuckin basement playing to my little sister and her friends if I paid him enough."

Uhhh.................. Yes just like if I paid PVD $30,000 for his 3 hour set he will come. thats economics my friend.

Hey if Thorin was welcomed back at exit , im pretty sure you'd be up Exits ass. :)

Too bad Exit was 8,000 strong last saturday :]

Dont be bitter cause your left out , poor thing.


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Johnny Z, Bobby Goodrich and Luis Kain are some of the best promoters in NYC? HAHAHAHAHAHA. You dont know shit about promoting, you are telling me they are better that the Morrisseys, The Clique guys, Tanjeloff?? You are probably an 18 year kid that just started promoting a year ago, and dont know shit.

Since you are on Luis Kain's jock, why dont you ask him why he left SF? He didnt leave you dumb shit, he got fired. Luis was scamming the guestlist table week after week. Once SF switched from Tally to confirm guestlist, the owner knew that his numberrs were inflated. No team goes from doing 250 a week on a tally list, to doing 75 people the next week, especially when everyone else's numbers were consistent. Luis is banned from Factory, he snuck in the back door about a month ago and he was dragged out by security. Totally proves you dont know shit about what really happens behind the scenes.

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Why do Exit promoters always have to start shit? Jesus, Realz are you that insecure that you have to start drama for no reason? Im glad you and Luis left Factory, go to Exit with all the other ugly people. You are doing your part in keeping Factory the Pretty People Place.

Oh yeah, why are you talking about Junior V?? He spins on Sat., and I could have sworn this post was about Exit Fridays. Like Jonathan Peters has never packed Sound Factory on Sat. Dumbass

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First off, I dont work for Thorin, so tell me why I would go back to Exit if he did?? Kind of hypocritical considering you followed Luis Kain from Sound Factory to Exit.

You think I feel left out? HAHAHA, Thats right, Exit is the hardest club to become a promoter at. What a fuckin joke. I have been asked to promote for Exit so many times. I guess I do feel left out for not being at Exit, only because Im getting paid and none of you are.

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Originally posted by sfgirlie2001

Why do Exit promoters always have to start shit? Jesus, Realz are you that insecure that you have to start drama for no reason? Im glad you and Luis left Factory, go to Exit with all the other ugly people. You are doing your part in keeping Factory the Pretty People Place.

Oh yeah, why are you talking about Junior V?? He spins on Sat., and I could have sworn this post was about Exit Fridays. Like Jonathan Peters has never packed Sound Factory on Sat. Dumbass

Some ignorant people on this bored...

Ugh! :blown: Die!! :D

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Originally posted by tranza

It's funny you know..

If A-Luv never joined the Exit team then you would have never seen Johnny Vicious at Exit and that is a fact

A-Luv has been doin this shit for years.. Realz how long have you been doin this?

yes DEF. a true statement.

Ive been in the buisness for 3 years. Not long, but Im quite confident Ive pushed more numbers in a month then these promoters done in a year. *ouch*

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Luis is a friend, what are you people bugging on? lol

>>> Launch - Havent you worked with Thorin ? Yea Ive heard of you. *Congratulations* Ok I give you respect go do your thing at SF. Keep collecting change, Happy???

"Johnny Z, Bobby Goodrich and Luis Kain are some of the best promoters in NYC? HAHAHAHAHAHA. You dont know shit about promoting, you are telling me they are better that the Morrisseys, The Clique guys, Tanjeloff?? You are probably an 18 year kid that just started promoting a year ago, and dont know shit. "


Did I specifically state that they were some of the best? YES they are some of the best.. Considering the fact that -Adam S. Steve Zoomba Joey X PRM Entertainment (yes these bad boys can book more dj's than your lil brains can handle) Johnny Z Bob Goodrich Frank Mancuso- pull in what..... 5,000+ clubbers every Friday.. They are some if not THE BEST promoters out there.

The Clique team, Morrisseys, etc. are great, they throw awesome parties. Who said they werent some of NYC's finest?



Dont be bitter cuz my stack of $$ is taller than you. Maybe ill smack one of you with my wallet and knock you out. :laugh:

Launch makes money so I wont talk shit :]

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Originally posted by realz


I admitt SF has a lot of potential & the only reason you guys are running right now is because you are bringing in quality DJ's.


umm..potential?? not really a word i would use to describe factory!! more like already ESTABLISHED!!! u should look up the meaning of the word potential!! i'm not really a fan of friday parties but when factory brings in a good dj...i must say ALL GOES WELL!!so do everyone a favor and keep

a-luv!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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