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a call to club promoters and owners


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i know this may raise a eyebrow or 2, and even meet w/ a fair bit of opposition, but for the safety of all your patrons, i think it would be a good idea to start frisking all people at the door and checking peoples bags. i know this would be a pain in the ass, and slow things up on the already slow doors, but for the safety of all involved, please consider this. i personally don't mind being slowed up and patted down if it means that we are all safer. considering all thats going on, i feel this is the least we could all do. thanks!

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james...i'm totally with you on this one. i for one would feel more safe if people were to be frisked upon entering clubs. with the fear of more attacks after wut's goin on in afgan...who knows what's going to happen? i'll even make it out to the clubs early if it'll take longer to get in.

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although, it is common practice at some clubs; in other parts of country. I don’t agree with it. currently ,we are in a heighten state of security; within our country. precaution, whenever there is a public gathering of people, is understandable. however, reasonableness; must be exercised as well. imo ,if someone is determined enough, they will eventually, evade any security structure; regardless of its complexity.

peace, sobeton

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well...if someone is determined enough, they'll break down your door just to get in. yet you still keep it locked right? all i'm saying is that it doesn't take that much to pat someone down. u never know what you could find or who you could scare away by doing so. yes if someone really wants to do something they probably can. but there's always a chance that you might prevent them from doing so. and i'll take that chance any day.

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i agree whole heartedly with what james has said! in this time of constant danger we need to be as careful as we can, esspecially when gathering in large crowds! those are the places we are most vulnerable(SP?). if it takes a little longer to get in a club, so be it! i'd rather get in and feel safe then get in and look over my shoulder at everyone, not knowing weather they might have a bomb or a gun or some sort of gas.

"if someone is determined enough, they will eventually, evade any security structure; regardless of its complexity. "

sobeton, in some cases your statement might be right but in this case you're way off base. if there is only one way into a club such as at crobar, and everyone is serched upon entery, then nothing sort of bum rushing the door will allow these people to get in. things like bombs & guns and containers of gas are not easily hidden. if someone had one or all of the above on their person then a pat down and bag serch would expose it!!

this NEEDS to be done at ALL clubs!

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i've been clubbing in many parts of the country where pat downs are the norm everytime you walk in the door. i've never seen any complaints or problems with this. if you see or have had a problem with it, please explain what it is in a little bit more detail. it's already common to be patted down at concert and sporting events at the arena's in this area. i don't hear any complaints anytime i go to one of these events.

the only time i've even seen anything questionable in terms of a pat down, is when the cops are outside of raves searching for pills. what was questionable about it was making people throw away chapstick or packs of gum. hardly anything to worry about. what i'm looking for are bombs, guns things like that. i don't think you'll be asked to take off your clothes for a quick pat down for something large and heavy. put it in perspective here.

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OK, for everyone's safety, I will be frisking all the females at my house party tomorrow.

And fortunately Mimi has volunteered to pat down all the boys.

But guys...if you want to be frisked more than once, Mimi says she is going to have to charge a dollar.

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Sobeton has a point. Frisking isn't gonna do much.

We've gotten by in Miami without it in the past (except for The Mix), and it's been fine here. If some crazed fundamentalist wants to lay waste to us, it's gonna happen frisking or no.

Only way I'd accept frisking is if it were done by my select group of all female security specialists.

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we'll i hate to be the one to brake it to you people but you might not have a choice. if miami clubs decide to frisk then you'll just have to suck up you petty diagrements with it and deal!

this is the problem this country has always had! the "it's not going to happen to us" attitude! well i got news for you, we're not as high and mighty as some of you may think we are and the malls & clubs are a perfect place for " crazed fundamentalists " to hit! loads of people and little security. so any trivial inconvenances frisking may cause you are much needed to try and maintain our saftey and are for the better good of the nation in general!!

as for the females doing the frisking, i think i might rather enjoy that ;)

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sarcasm and preaching aside. patting down people, may in fact prevent some instances, from occurring. at some point reasonableness, has to come into play. anyplace can be a target ( schools, shopping malls, movie theaters, parks, grocery stores, etc.). the tolerance factor; is not the issue. the point is, pat downs; can and have been abused in this country. just look ,back at our history.. at no point, have I said, I would not support pat downs. prudence, must be at the forefront, of any decision to pat down people. again, personally pat downs, don’t alleviate my sense of safety.

laterz, sobeton

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True, I don't know of any well-dressed terrorists.

But there's far less invasive ways of doing a search nowadays. For a reasonable price, a full body scanner can be installed...I saw it on TLC, it basically does some sort of fast MRI type of scan...

Of course, I'm the one for technological overkill. A simple wand metal detector is fine...

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Originally posted by shroomy

And fortunately Mimi has volunteered to pat down all the boys.

I'd love to see that! :rolleyes:

but seriously speaking, I do agree with James' statement. For everyone's safety atleast for the time being I think frisking should be mandatory. It's not a hassle plus we all know what people are capable of doing.

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Regardless of whether or not you thing security and pat downs are an "infringement" on your rights, or abused, they make clubs safer. I guess you would do something like leave your car on the street unlocked and hope it wouldn't get stolen either. Also, these clubs are designed to make money and entertain, while abiding by certain laws and co-operating with authorities. The only infringement would be if you have something to hide, personally, the only thing on your person when entering a club should be, money, id, smokes if you smoke, sunglasses for the patio, and maybe a camera, the ladies may carry a few other things-lipstick, makeup etc. other than that I don't see why someone would object to a search. Finally all clubs should have a metal detector of some sort, we do it at a lot of the clubs in NYC, and I've seen it done in other cities also. I don't think its a negative thing. Finally, these are Private clubs for the most part, which is why they can make their own rules and deny entry, based on attitude,dress, guest lists, or any other reason they want to, so realize that your admission, paid or not is a privledge and can be revoked, as you probably know, people that are asked to leave or are removed don't get refunds. Party Safe.


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most nightclubs.don't fall under the legal definition of "private club"under state or federal law . the rules the clubs impose; must not circumvent the law or the constitution. security is a good thing. however, pat downs should conducted by law enforcement; not hired security personnel..

peace, sobeton

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Originally posted by sobeton

most nightclubs.don't fall under the legal definition of "private club"under state or federal law . the rules the clubs impose; must not circumvent the law or the constitution. security is a good thing. however, pat downs should conducted by law enforcement; not hired security personnel..

peace, sobeton


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Originally posted by digital7

I disagree. A club is a private establishment? It gives it the right to set it's own rules and guidelines due to "liabilities" against them.

danny > yes, a club has right to set its rules. however, those rules cannot violate federal and state law. there is a legal test; an establishment must pass, to be considered "private".a country club, and nite club, are not legally considered the same. if you want, I will find and post the legal definition of a private club.

peace, tony

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Originally posted by sobeton

danny > yes, a club has right to set its rules. however, those rules cannot violate federal and state law. there is a legal test; an establishment must pass, to be considered "private".a country club, and nite club, are not legally considered the same. if you want, I will find and post the legal definition of a private club.

peace, tony

please do so! :):tongue:

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Originally posted by digital7

please do so! :):tongue:

a nightclub is a place of "public accommodation".although it is privately owned ,it is not a "private " club in the eyes of the law. rather then post the wordy definition; just refer to the civil rights act of 1964. it clearly defines public accommodation, and private clubs.

p.s. nice win for the canes yesterday.. :)

peace, tony

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