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Howells was on!!

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Well I am now officialy CONVERTED!

I am a Howells WHORE from this day forward!


Great seeing many of you..

I didn't think I was gonna make it after a really bad day I had..

But I'm soooo glad I did!

Vinyl sure has come a looong way from the days of the UNITY parties...

If they keep booking talent like this they are sure to reach the Musical status of TWILO!


I am still grinding a smile away...

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I wasn't even going to go out last night but thank God I did. I was dragged (and I mean dragged) on down to Vinyl to see Howells.

After drinking some beers at a friend's house, I was ready to turn in at about 4:30...............then they convinced me to go dancing. What a vibe that guy set. I've liked Vinyl since day one but now that place is definately moving up the ranks as one of my favorite places.

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Howells was PUUUUUMPING! That was an awsome night and one of the best in my life! I experienced utter joy, stomping and stumbling, and forgetting that there was ground under my feet. I was just floating to the beats and the flashing lights. The ugliness of the outer world melted away, and nothing remained but beauty and happiness.

I had such great time chilling some of you guys!

Why can't life be like that always?


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ON his CD nocturnal frequencies there is a interview and he talks about the best thing in dj'ing is to have a connection with the crowd, what a connection he had last night!!!!

Well got there about 1 when i got off of work, almost did go because i was sick, glad i did!! I was completely sober and unfortuntly i had to leave at 7 my body couldnt take anymore!!

Well i didnt meet anyone from CP except for the guy with the stanbul shirt but i think you left early?? Definately saw quoth (red shirt, ways to break up w/ your g/f). Met somebody from the ez dreamer board, forget his screen name but he was mike. Didnt see anyone w/ a danny fawkin howells shirt. I was wearing jeans and a white shirt that said "ive got my f, c and k all i need is you".

I think that "play to win" track he dropped around 3:30 may have been the best i have ever heard in a club!

Time for work!

Hope everyone had fun!!!

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Originally posted by brooklynkid

YES! DH was very much on, as usual, even though the energy level wasn't quite up to what it was on 7/3 and 9/2. It's all good though...

I remember meeting a few of you last night, but the only name I remember is Crobra! Ummm...who else did I speak to??? :laugh:

ahem, and i wasnt one of the ones u met!!!!!!! ito!!!!


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Glad to hear that all you guys had fun. I was stuck upstate and couldn't go :( . Danny Howells is absolutely amazing thought, every time he spins, he gets nothing but positive reviews. THat guy is a master at working the crowd. I heard him on 9/2 and the vibe he managed to create in that place was unfawkinbelveable. he creates the type of atmoshere where you could feel and live the music and not worry about anything else in the world. Also, Vinyl is the perfect venue for Howells...the underground feel of the club and bangin' flawless sets of DH create an out-of-this-world experience.

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howells blew me away...me tinks he was every bit as good as before if not betta cuz he was thowin on so much shit i never heard before and it would be a sin if i die never hearin those same tracks again..yo whose down with me on kidnapping howells and keepin him locked up in vynils basement..we don't have to keep him to long...just enough time to brainwash him..we can make him think that if he leaves the city he will die or something like that...its a plan

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Ok three very simple, easy, but powerful words:


This man threw down some of the most amazing progressive, deep progressive, beats I have heard in a long time. I love going and hearing Danny on Fridays, but Howells takes the cake in my eyes as throwing down a beautifully programmed set of pure bliss..

The man, as he sits there and taunts with his crowd, making school boys faces, raising his hands in the air, and most importantly, dancing to EVERY single song he laid down.

As he threw out beautiful ear candy to his crowd, the room became filled with an aura of love, soulfullness, and just plain and simple, being yourself... and no one else.

We left around 9:30ish, give or a take a little time, and the funky house and afterhours tracks he threw on, were amazing.

For those that were there, I couldn't make the meetup, because the Lincoln Tunnel traffic was RAW last night.

Anyway, if ya saw me, I had on a grey bandana, and was dancing all night, i was probably the only knucklehead that had shorts on, and white reboks.

See you next week!:D

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Danny, all I gots to say is Well Done! I would have never considered closing out a Vinyl set, especially Danny Howells. Being more of a Dream/Epic trance fan, I found his deep dark almost gothic techno to be heart and soul pulsing...Even sober, I managed to make it until the very end, and that is where I got my real surprise of the night. His encore set, in particular 'Helsinki', was outstanding. It made a totally tired, and danced out kid like myself willing to stop my bitching, forget my weary bones, and smile as he spun the last few tracks of the night. To those who stayed and finished on your feet...thanks. It was in watching the dedicated that made me realize that at that hour, in that club, there is a true meaning to this music. Fellow CP's whom I met last night...see you again soon, but until then, dont be afraid to drop me an IM...same name as you see here. Good night kids, thanks for the times.

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Howells is the man and to all you CP people - you guys and gals made the night great - the vibe in the club was awesome and I was great being around all of you!! Mugz - see how better it is when you use your powers for good - don't resist the trance, embrace it!! lol hehehe and tell SBJ (Kathy) - I said hello. Alby - It is always a pleasure to hang with you, Jammy - You are the nicest most positive person (the sunshine of the club), Quoth - it was great chilling with you, Trippintrance - it was great seeing you chilling - LM - or should I say smiley - lol it was great chilling with you, but stop playing with the hearts of those young CP guys - they almost duel to death over you lol - Trancend & romy - it was great seeing the both of you - NYC 420 - it's always a pleasure - Brooklynkid - dude it was great meeting you - Xpander - your just hardcore - Jeff Mills, Orbital, and the Howells - Anyone else I missed - I'm sorry - can't remember - oh yeah the guy I met twice but forgot your name for the third time - you were sitting on the floor at the end of the night with your girl in the chill room - it was great meeting you!!

Last night was off the hook baby!!!!!!!


Anyone notice how mugz looks similiar to the lead singer from system of the down!!haha lol

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Originally posted by crobra


Anyone notice how mugz looks similiar to the lead singer from system of the down!!haha lol

Anyone notice how QUOTH looks similar to the guitarist Wes Borland of Limp Bizkit?? umm, cause i cant really see it hehe...i dont even know who wes borland is yet mad people tell me that i look like him...*shrugs shoulders*

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Originally posted by dudey

i ended up meeting some cp people but i forgot who i talked to. for all those people who remember a lil asian guy wearing a red cap with a big ass grin on his face - raise yo hands!

Wassup Dudey!

Remember me? I would hope so... hahaha

It was good meeting u last nite... had a nice talk about Twilo and such.... Danced the nite away man... haha... sorry u ended up taking the cab... but the guys i was with wanted to take a walk around to ground zero... i should've left early too though... cuz as i was driving home, i hit the divider and my car was up on a angle for a few seconds before i woke up... haha... no biggie, no harm, no damage...

Well hopefully, we can meet up @ Vinyl and chill man...

Brooklynkid... i think it was you that i met last nite... In the bathroom, while you were having that "incident"... haha (you know what i'm talking about). I hope you feel better and that it tasted as good coming up....

Met up with a bunch of Twilo regulars last nite. Howells was freaking AWESOME!!!!!!! I was tired as hell but he had me moving all nite.

Hope everyone got home safe and maybe soon, at this rate, EVERYONE will know each other in the club from meeting up.


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