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Is it possible to have fun without drugs?


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Go to a club with amazing music and just DANCE. I've had to go sober several times due to 6 am shifts at work on Saturdays and SUndays. Some of the times I've had like these were the best because I could dance and dance and not have to sit and roll. I like to go sober.

Course, I also love to go UNsober, he he.

It's possible, you just have to let it happen.

Some of the worst times I've had out involved an endless and unsuccessful search for drugs. Those nights depress me. It's better to just be sober and let yourself have fun than need to find something else.

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Some of the most fun times I have had are when I just drank. It's nice to get drunk and go home and pass out. Believe me, I have fun when I do other stuff but it sucks when you go home and want to go to sleep and you just cant or when you come down but dont want that high feeling to end and want to keep doing more. Sometimes just drinking, or not doing anything, is the best!!!

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Originally posted by guinevere



Go to a club with amazing music and just DANCE. I've had to go sober several times due to 6 am shifts at work on Saturdays and SUndays. Some of the times I've had like these were the best because I could dance and dance and not have to sit and roll. I like to go sober.

Course, I also love to go UNsober, he he.

It's possible, you just have to let it happen.

Some of the worst times I've had out involved an endless and unsuccessful search for drugs. Those nights depress me. It's better to just be sober and let yourself have fun than need to find something else.

I definately agree that a person can have a good time sober, but the BEST nights I've had always involve drugs. Maybe it's just a phase...

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its def possible to have fun without drugs. i was doin pills for 2 years, and havent done any in almost 3 months now, and ive just been drinking when i go out. and im having just as much fun, if not more. i dont have to get depressed about not feeling it, gettin crappy stuff, etc. i can get drunk easily, and dance even more than i did when i was rollin. i even went to SF for vicious completely sober, not even a drink, and had a blast. u get such a different perspective of everything going on when ur sober. it was great

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Hate to tell you xtcgspot... but alcohol is a drug last time I checked..

And I'll guarentee that it has caused more problems than all the illegal drugs combined.

as for my opinion... of course you can have lots of fun w/o drugs.. but it is a rare occasion that the proper chemical could not make better ;)

just kidding.. kind of,

everything in moderation.... including moderation!

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Originally posted by senorfern

one word.......SEX!!!


agreed lol

oh and to answer the quesion, yes it is very possible, this past weekend i went out and saturday i stayed sober and still had a great nite. oh and hehe its true that yes i can actually remember the music lol

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Originally posted by shroomy

Hate to tell you xtcgspot... but alcohol is a drug last time I checked..

And I'll guarentee that it has caused more problems than all the illegal drugs combined.

so if people ask u if u do drugs, r u supposed to say yes cuz u drink alcohol? idk... i dont agree with that... but anyway i agree that fun can be had without drugs. i stopped doin pills too and if i dont drink, ill still go, just for the experience... but i get tired real quick... other than that though- id go sober if i had to
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Originally posted by linabina

so if people ask u if u do drugs, r u supposed to say yes cuz u drink alcohol?

Well I think it is known that they are really saying "do you do illegal drugs?"

IMO they are being hypocritical if they don't consider alcohol a drug. Yes there are legal and illegal drugs. harder and softer drugs But what is legal and illegal is simply a matter of tradition and popularity and has little relation to risks. If someone invented alcohol today, do you think it would be legal for long? (Just look at GHB)

PS... thanks about the avitar, I finally was able to get it to the 50 x 50 pixel size that is needed. :D

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Originally posted by shroomy

Hate to tell you xtcgspot... but alcohol is a drug last time I checked..

alright alright, ur gettin all technical with me. ur right, alcohol is a drug, to a lesser extent though imo. my main point was i dont have to be rolling or take any other narcotic to have fun at a club, and that's the way i took the question, regarding to illegal narcotics.

i also said that i went to SF for johnny vicious completely sober, not even alcohol, and had a great time

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Originally posted by djrep


We always make fun of the sober people. :)

and are'nt you the same guy who talks about acid and K in the other post?

I'm so sick of all this puritanical crap about all drugs being bad... damn... you can have fun without music too, but music certanly makes it better.

I have a friend who is into meditation who would make fun of you for needing the music to get into that state.

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My personal opinion is depending on where you go. Some places are more fun sober than others. Id rather drop a pill than drink...its cheaper...But only in the right place. Its all dependent and like was said b4 Moderation is the Key. Im a newbie here...trying to give ya my input :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by shroomy

We always make fun of the sober people. :)

and are'nt you the same guy who talks about acid and K in the other post?

I'm so sick of all this puritanical crap about all drugs being bad... damn... you can have fun without music too, but music certanly makes it better.

I have a friend who is into meditation who would make fun of you for needing the music to get into that state.

Thank you.

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last summer i rolled like every other week...and that was fun...but after that, i just started dropping for big events and raves and stuff...so i cut down to like maybe 1 pill every month or so...and i guarantee that if u don't do it for awhile, it builds the excitement and makes life much more interesting.

this goes for other drugs as well, i found out

moderation is key...and u don't lose your mind or burn out either

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