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att. LARAVER.........................................

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>guess what.........I KNOW WHO YOU ARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 100% i know who you are. I won't blow up your spot but now it but makes sence why you bash or have problems w/ all the DJ's that play. I used to take into consideration things that you say on this board. But now that I know who you are i find it pretty funny how JEALOUS you are, and so does everyone else that knows. I'm going to let every industry person know who you are so next time you show your face somewhere you WILL look like an ass. All the remarks you say about me and everyone else on this board now means nothing. What goes around comes around.....



Andrew Mendez

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Why Wait Andy? Say what you have to say. If anything I say isn't true then come out on the board and refute it. On the other hand After hearing you play many, many times I think that I can accurately say what you play and how you play it. If you consider speaking the truth a bash, that's your problem.

If I was going to bash you you I would just say some thing like "This DJ sucks" without backing it by anything factual. I have never said that about you. I have stated my opinion many times and why I hold that opinion. You, your friends and the people who go to clubs are free to make up their own minds how they feel about it.

If you really read my comments I don't bash everybody or to quote you "all DJ's who play". In fact I have been very complimentary of many of them. In fact Andy if you really read what I wrote, I don't bash you. If you can't take some criticism I don't know what to tell you.

PS ANDY - I'm not the only one who thinks this way, but I'm probably the only one who will come out and say it directly.

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Originally posted by laraver

Why Wait Andy? Say what you have to say. If anything I say isn't true then come out on the board and refute it. On the other hand After hearing you play many, many times I think that I can accurately say what you play and how you play it. If you consider speaking the truth a bash, that's your problem.

PS ANDY - I'm not the only one who thinks this way, but I'm probably the only one who will come out and say it directly.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but you are trying to push your ignorance off as facts. Who the hell died and made you the authority on music? Your opinion is just that, so save it for someone cares...

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Originally posted by drama

Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but you are trying to push your ignorance off as facts. Who the hell died and made you the authority on music? Your opinion is just that, so save it for someone cares...

Drama - I always state that what I write is just that, my opinion. It is up to people who read it to decide if they agree or disagree. Their entitled to their opinion as well, just as you are.

In what aspect of music would you consider me ignorant?

Anyway thanks for stating your opinion.

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Laraver, if it wasn't personal you wouldn't take the time to bump your own replies to make sure they are seen.

Perhaps you should learn how to go out and have fun rather than stand around with a notebook and over analyizing the fuck out of the music.

NO one on this board has ever stated that Mendez is "the best dj", but people often make points that his parties are fun. Thats what counts.


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reasons to not become a dj in nj...see above...

i luv all of you guys but this is pathetic - what's worse is that you are all out of your teens...

why did u guys start out in this industry and stay in it?

is it the music, the drugs, or the drama?

come one...how bout a hug.


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I'm going to let every industry person know who you are so next time you show your face somewhere you WILL look like an ass.

Andy have you seen him. His face already looks like an ass.

hey, laraver my neighbors are having a bar mitvah u wanna job u pathetic looser!!!!!!!!!! I think i can get u in.

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Originally posted by kostaP

I'm going to let every industry person know who you are so next time you show your face somewhere you WILL look like an ass.

Andy have you seen him. His face already looks like an ass.

hey, laraver my neighbors are having a bar mitvah u wanna job u pathetic looser!!!!!!!!!! I think i can get u in.

Bar Mithzvah ?:confused:

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BarMitzvah, as in... you my friend should be playing at one.

Just like you said "The Wedding DJ" about Sibilia.


And don't attempt to bash my name and say I don't spin anywhere, cause I hold a residency at Exit in a side room and have done plenty of guest spots in NewYork and New Jersey, and yet im 18, and holy shit your 35, with um NO SPOT!

I can't wait till your'e spot get's blown up, cause I know the whoooooooooole story..

By the way Andy, Petey says you been riiiping it at Metro, so keep up the work!



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Originally posted by djustinh


BarMitzvah, as in... you my friend should be playing at one.

Just like you said "The Wedding DJ" about Sibilia.


And don't attempt to bash my name and say I don't spin anywhere, cause I hold a residency at Exit in a side room and have done plenty of guest spots in NewYork and New Jersey, and yet im 18, and holy shit your 35, with um NO SPOT!

I can't wait till your'e spot get's blown up, cause I know the whoooooooooole story..

By the way Andy, Petey says you been riiiping it at Metro, so keep up the work!



UH? When exactly did I say anything about YOU Justin? NEVER to my recollection. It's ok if you want to jump in Andy's favor, doesn't bother me a bit.

But I did not say anything to you, or about you on this board or any other. You need to take a chill pill bro!

Justin yeah that's right I don't play, around here! Why would I continue to try with all the shadiness and drama that goes on in the NYC/NJ area? But make no mistake about it I'm playing out every month. If that means I have to travel someplace else to play, that's all the better for me. It's nice to have someone pay for my air fare, a couple days in a hotel, my meals etc., and then show up and play for a couple thousand ravers who appreciate what I'm throwing down.

December I have 3 confirmed bookings in Venezuela. They have already deposited half the money up front in my bank account. But that's ok, I'm no good, right? And I don't know what I am talking about right?

What whooooollllleeeeee story do you know share it with us, please.

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hey laraver youre an asshole and nobody likes you or your cheesy ass mixes. by the way when are u gonna drop off volume number 153 and ask me again if I can get u a spot. Instead of posting all this stupid shit why dont you sit in your mommy and daddy's house and practice your mixes on your little playskool mixer. Maybe by the time you 60 youll get it right.

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Originally posted by kostaP

hey laraver youre an asshole and nobody likes you or your cheesy ass mixes. by the way when are u gonna drop off volume number 153 and ask me again if I can get u a spot. Instead of posting all this stupid shit why dont you sit in your mommy and daddy's house and practice your mixes on your little playskool mixer. Maybe by the time you 60 youll get it right.

What does age have to do with anything? Only DJ's under the age of 30 can spin, is that it? Is that what you would say to JR, Tony Humphries, Frankie Knuckles, Paul Van Dyk, David Morales, etc, etc, etc? I already got it right, let me ask you if my mixes are so cheesy why did one of them chart ahead of Paul Van Dyk in a national magazine?

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Hey chief, WOW! You have bookings other than NY and NJ

Guess what, OH MY GOD! I have bookings in Boston at ROXY and AVALON coming up in November, so am I so-holy and go around talking shit?

First off, if you were a real dj, then you wouldn't even attempt to bash or throw down a negative comment....

DURRRR, do you see Tenaglia, Peters, or Junior or any other superior Dj coming onto boards and calling people "Wedding Dj's"

Do yourself a fav. :blown:

Criticize my friends and the ones I look up to, then I get upset.

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thats its you fucking looser one more post and your fucking name is going up here so everyone knows who the bitch really is hiding behind a screen name like a little pussy. notice some others like myself using my real name not hiding talking shit about others. I'll do it to your face not like you, you faggot. Grow some fucking balls. Tell CP who u are, if youre not scared and you feel so strongly about your opinions.

I;m waiting faggot.

Oh by the way nice coke bottle glasses you wear how the fuck u can even see a record is beyond me.

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Originally posted by djustinh

Hey chief, WOW! You have bookings other than NY and NJ

Guess what, OH MY GOD! I have bookings in Boston at ROXY and AVALON coming up in November, so am I so-holy and go around talking shit?

First off, if you were a real dj, then you wouldn't even attempt to bash or throw down a negative comment....

DURRRR, do you see Tenaglia, Peters, or Junior or any other superior Dj coming onto boards and calling people "Wedding Dj's"

Do yourself a fav. :blown:

Criticize my friends and the ones I look up to, then I get upset.

Justin good for you. I hope your bookings go well. The point I was trying to make and you continue not to get is that 1) You don't know anything about me. 2)If someone is willing to pay for me to play as far away as Venezuela, obviously I have something to offer as a DJ, even if people in NJ don't get it.

If they never get it that's fine with me, there are plenty of people who connect with what I do.

If you seek to create friction between me and you it will never happen. I have no beef with you and anything you say about me does not come from personal knowledge about me.

Nobody "talked shit". "talking shit" as you so eloquently put it is when you make a statement (ie that DJ sucks) but don't back it up with any factual observation. With regards to my previous statements I usually back it up with observation. It was also kind of interesting that several other people had the same observation about what was going on at Mediterraneo. By the way I don't know even one of those other people who had something negative to say.

I did voice my opinion, I backed it up with factual observation, and made sure that everybody knew it was my opinion.

If you want to come back with an intelligent response, thought out response, that's definitely always welcome.

Have A Nice Day!


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Originally posted by kostaP

thats its you fucking looser one more post and your fucking name is going up here so everyone knows who the bitch really is hiding behind a screen name like a little pussy. notice some others like myself using my real name not hiding talking shit about others. I'll do it to your face not like you, you faggot. Grow some fucking balls. Tell CP who u are, if youre not scared and you feel so strongly about your opinions.

I;m waiting faggot.

Oh by the way nice coke bottle glasses you wear how the fuck u can even see a record is beyond me.

Kosta - Who is talking shit? If you read the posts, you would have seen that it was MY OPINION! I never attacked anybody personally.

I stand by what I said, it was my observation. If you don't agree that's ok!

You go ahead and continue with the personal stuff though, if it makes you feel better

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