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This Guys Tire Fell Off!!!!

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So I'm on this Semi-busy street somehwat near my house today, when I pull up to a stop light, and this guy in a jeep pulls up next time. When his car finally came to a complete stop, the front left tire popped off, and bounced over the front of my car, and kept bouncing and rolling until eventually it made it to the highway. I looked back at the guys car to find that it had completley tilted over on the front left side, and he had his door open and was screaming obsenities at the tire. So what could i do? go chase after the tire, pull over and help him jack up his car, well i could've done that, but that would've made me late for class, so I gave it a good smile, and a laugh, and went on about my day. I considered the even that happened today, one of life's little things that makes it easier to get you through the day...


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A pretty crazy thing happened to me once. I was following my friend, who was driving a minivan with a spare tire on the bottom of the car. He went ver a hill doing like 70, and his car bounces and hits the ground on its way down. Next thing I know, I see a full size tire flying at my windshield. I have to swerve to avoid the tire from smashing into me. THe guy didn't even realize what happened until i caught up to him shouting obscenities. It was pretty funny to drive back to pick up his tire lying in the middle of the road.

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i was driving on the NJT a couple of years ago, doing 70 in the third lane... over and across from me in the 1st lane is a corvette (the older version) doing about the same speed as me, except he's about 15 feet ahead of me...

all of a sudden... the back, left wheel just comes OFF, the rear of the body hits the ground doing 70... and take a WILD GUESS where that wheel is rolling towards...... i had JUST enough time to decide to either speed up or hit the brakes and....

story to continue next posting...

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