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The effects of Drugs (freinds)


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ever have someone so fuct up on drugs that they thought they were something, someone else.. please post about it..

one time my freind willy (willy wonka we call him) got so fuct up he thought he was from france.. he was walking around the club speaking tenth grade french to al the girls when he was 20.. you think he was fuct up.. i guess 5 pills will do that to you with some G

"je suis antoine, jemapple. PARIS' ":

crazy shit.

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Originally posted by sadelb

One of my friends told me he knew of somebody who took five tabs of acid. Hour later the kid thought he was a glass of orange juice. He would run away from everyone at the party because he thougth they were going to drink him. lol

omggg hahahahaha now thats pretty funny


hahaaaa:laugh: :laugh:

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One time my friend and I smoked way to much wet (hemy, dust) whatever, and he thought he was jamaican and was attempting to sound jamaican all night. He was completely convinced that was how he normally talked. He sounded like a moron and was basically speaking jibberish, but it was kind of humorous...until he decided it was his time to die and tucked himself in the corner for 3 hours and was crying for his mommy. It was an interesting night...

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LMFAO!!~ this is the best laugh i've had all day. thanx guys.

here's another one to add (not as bad as the orange juice story):

One time i sniffed maybe too much K...i was too dumb to say anything xcept.....MEOW. like my friends would ask "what is your name?" and i'd say "MEOW" or "how many bumps did u take?" "MEOW" hehe...i guess that's how i got the nick Kissa.

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Originally posted by bkissa

LMFAO!!~ this is the best laugh i've had all day. thanx guys.

here's another one to add (not as bad as the orange juice story):

One time i sniffed maybe too much K...i was too dumb to say anything xcept.....MEOW. like my friends would ask "what is your name?" and i'd say "MEOW" or "how many bumps did u take?" "MEOW" hehe...i guess that's how i got the nick Kissa.

haha thats cute

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Originally posted by bkissa

LMFAO!!~ this is the best laugh i've had all day. thanx guys.

here's another one to add (not as bad as the orange juice story):

One time i sniffed maybe too much K...i was too dumb to say anything xcept.....MEOW. like my friends would ask "what is your name?" and i'd say "MEOW" or "how many bumps did u take?" "MEOW" hehe...i guess that's how i got the nick Kissa.


its good sometimes to post about this.. cause either you think your crazy, or your freinds are crazy.. but you know us club kids.. we're all the same.. all the same stories with different crews.. crazy shit. that is why there is usually one love.. not like bar fags. more drama in our life, more humorous at what we do, but these stories are what makes me and my freinds.. when we';re not out partying this is what we do.. we sit around and begin all the sentences "remember when... "remember when you were so fuct up and you drove threw the tunnel and hit the dividers... or remember that time you did so much k you had to hold your legs to walk and you were thinkin there was steps in front of you.. ect.... i could go on for pages and pages... club life. omg crazy shit.

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This one is close... I do have a friend ... who claims he's in just the "right balance" of mixing K, E, and is own "mix" (I don't ask anymore -- lol)...

"when the right number of my [his] dancing angels and demons share the dance floor with me [him]"

... *WE* know he's gone too far when HE thinks he's dead -- as in dead and in Heaven already "his OWN angel". I'm just glad he only has this while *on* K, E, and his mix (I rue the day he has this delusion while being his normally fabulous self...).


-- Rob

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heres a good one....

last sat i wen i was in sound factory i thought i was in HELL!!

the club was on fire and all the little clubbers had HORNS and TAILS and GREEN TEETH and POINTY EARS....etc etc...it was sooooo scary!! i ran outside the club crying....but then i thought fuk it and went back in....the trip didn't go away but i could look at it from a new light

i was bumming cigarettes from little devils and took a little flame bath hehe....i was...wats that song....."dancing w/ the devil"

now wen i came back there last night...omg the flashbacks...its like i was back in hell...im scared to go back to that club...

now THIS is when u know u should stop w/ the drugs.

:horns: :flame: :flame: :flame: :horns: :flame: :flame:

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Originally posted by bkissa

heres a good one....

last sat i wen i was in sound factory i thought i was in HELL!!

the club was on fire and all the little clubbers had HORNS and TAILS and GREEN TEETH and POINTY EARS....etc etc...it was sooooo scary!! i ran outside the club crying....but then i thought fuk it and went back in....the trip didn't go away but i could look at it from a new light

i was bumming cigarettes from little devils and took a little flame bath hehe....i was...wats that song....."dancing w/ the devil"

now wen i came back there last night...omg the flashbacks...its like i was back in hell...im scared to go back to that club...

now THIS is when u know u should stop w/ the drugs.

:horns: :flame: :flame: :flame: :horns: :flame: :flame:


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Originally posted by clubhead3k

you know us club kids.. we're all the same.. all the same stories with different crews.. crazy shit. that is why there is usually one love.. not like bar fags. more drama in our life, more humorous at what we do, but these stories are what makes me and my freinds..... club life. omg crazy shit.

sooooo true. i can only get along w/ clubbers.

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Many, many, years ago my ex-girl and myself came back from a night of partying and rolling to find 3-4 boxes of nitrous cartridges. So we broke out the cracker, laid in our bed and proceeded to do balloons for the rest of the night. On and on we went till we were so cracked out, we just laid in bed, no talking, the only sound one could hear was the balloons being filled by the cartridges.

After a few moments of laying motionless in silence, my ex says, "Oh my god, am I dead?"

I then thought it would be good time to stop doing the balloons.

The stuff that I do, err, use to do cracks me up.


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Originally posted by sadelb

One of my friends told me he knew of somebody who took five tabs of acid. Hour later the kid thought he was a glass of orange juice. He would run away from everyone at the party because he thougth they were going to drink him. lol

I knew that dude, he had a sheet down his pants and the plastic broke while running away from Pigs and he got all fucked up , he was from Routherford I think he died..

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  • 4 weeks later...
Originally posted by clubhead3k

ever have someone so fuct up on drugs that they thought they were something, someone else.. please post about it..

one time my freind willy (willy wonka we call him) got so fuct up he thought he was from france.. he was walking around the club speaking tenth grade french to al the girls when he was 20.. you think he was fuct up.. i guess 5 pills will do that to you with some G

"je suis antoine, jemapple. PARIS' ":

crazy shit.

when my man goes out to get really really drunk he does something similar to this. first of all he'll have abot 30 stoli oranges on the rocks...and then he becomes who we affectionatly refer to as "stefano"...he goes up to every woman he sees tells her his name is stefano and that he's from Calabria, Italy... and he only speaks Italian all night. It's really quite charming, especially when he mixes it with his two other favorite sayings while in this state: "go kill yourself" and "fuck you". Then he passes out in the car on the way home...what a little bitch...:laugh:

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one early morning while my boyfriend and i and a couple of friends were tripping at the keys, we were sitting outside.. enjoying a beautiful summer day there were kids playing and people (sober) fishing and shit... and my boyfriend straightened out his arms and began to fly around like an eagle and his best friend (also tripping) would come to him and place his both arms down to his sides and tell him i cut off your wings you can't fly anymore... and my boyfriend would put the biggest sad face and walk away and then like 2 min. later would get this evil face and slowly pull out his wings again and say they grew! and start flying... it was histerical... the neighbors thought we were mentally retarded... little did they know....

one night we were talking about going to level for a night out at sobe.. it was walking distance from where we live so.... we take our rolls and we didn't want to go anymore... our rolls are hitting us hard and me boyfriend goes to his next door neigbor and asks him to break his $20 with a $10 and the rest in singles... he then comes back home pours himself a glass of water and gives him self a tip... (he's a bartender) LOL!!!

my brother... after a night of clubbing stops by my apartment b/c his girlfriend needs to pee before heading back into miami... while she's in there he lays on the floor sideways and starts spinning.. i'm like sweety whats wrong... and as he's going around in circles he says i'm T-R-O-L-L-I-N-G!!!!

i'll post more when i remember...:laugh:

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one time on our way home from the city my friend had her sunroof open and all the windows were shut so it was like a really loud tunnel wind type thing! ((u guys know what i mean)) anyways...it was loud and annoying and we were all too beat to even say anything...so my friend is obviously bothered by this noise too...because she continually tried to lower the volume on the radio for about 5 min....too bad the radio wasn't on!! needless to say we were not to tired to laugh at her!!!! ..i will think of more....

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This last weekend, I had a rollin party at my house. Everyones goal was to get massively fucked up, and everyone did. My friend took 4 pills, we had igloos, and we smoked a 1/2 pill with some good ganja. We was doing shots of vodka to boot. He didnt even remember taking that last pill, but he had to of cause it was gone, but anyhow...After he started taking shots, he started to get delerious and had no idea who he was or what was going on around him. He would point to random objects in the room and say "The combination is 3, 4, 1, 7..." and kept doing it until he started puking everywhere. While he was puking he was yelling "I'm not gonna puke, just leave me alone and find the combination!" It was rather interesting to see, got me quite worried actually, but...oh well, he's fine today.

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This past summer we were hanging out at my house in Belmar and getting retarded on k. For some reason, there was a little plastic Tyco bike outside my house. Well, we decided to bring the bike inside and pretend it was a car. MY friend was like oh damn, I broke down on the parkway, I need to call AAA. Well, she picked up a hairbrush and "called" AAA. It was the funniest shit.

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