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Are you bothered by "hot" family members?


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may i ask what exactly is "gross" and "disturbing" about it? cause i don´t understand it. ask yourself this seriously, why is it "gross" to you. maybe because society and the media told you so? in that case, good sheep you are :)

i´ve never had anything with a cousin or so because i´m simply not attracted. but would i find imagining the situation disgusting? no, why should i?

let´s just suppose i would have a cousin 3rd degree (not related to me) that is extremely sexy. i wouldn´t bang her, but more because of the hassle society makes about it and the social consequences than because i find it "disgusting".

i understand that relationships within the same genetic pool (that result in children) lead to a far greater chance of the children becoming retarted and getting deseases. so that´s why it is logical to brainwash the sheep to find this disgusting. but when it´s not the same genpool the whole "incest" argument looses it´s ground.

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Originally posted by tastey

i understand that relationships within the same genetic pool (that result in children) lead to a far greater chance of the children becoming retarted and getting deseases.

they did a study showing that there is the same percentage of deformation, diseases and what not regardless of whether the kid is offspring of two cousins or whether his/her parents were not related. It's only when you have sex within your immediate family, like brother/sister/father/mother/etc.

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Originally posted by djjonstephen

alright.......here's a dilemma

I have an ex-cousin (my pops divorced again) who is definately hot. I wouldnt think of getting with her cause I considered her a cousin but now that she is no longer part of my extended family is it alright if I get with her?

Hell ya its alright, she is under 16 right?

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Originally posted by djjonstephen

alright.......here's a dilemma

I have an ex-cousin (my pops divorced again) who is definately hot. I wouldnt think of getting with her cause I considered her a cousin but now that she is no longer part of my extended family is it alright if I get with her?

yeah i think it is ok. i dont know. i have some relatives that arent really related like my aunts husbands brother... is that a relative? we call eachother cousin but we are in no way related. i am not interested in him but i am just saying, there is a point where you draw the line, we are not blood related in any way, it is purely through marriage. why hook up with someone like that anyway?? there are so many other available people in this world.
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Ok, I am not attracted to anyone in my family.

but here's my question. Some people consider sleeping w/ in laws incest (ie someone's husband sleeping w/ the sister or mom of the wife) and sleeping w/step parents/brother.sister. (ie greg getting w/ jan). But is it really? since I always thought that incest was blood with blood not by law/marriage?

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