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Originally posted by exodust

I'm sorry -- I promised myself that from now on I'm going to keep my trap shut but I just can't hold this back...

umm, you have a very *for a lack of better words* fucked up way of looking at things...no?

I agree with exodust... not to get like to deep or anything but you have a severe doulbe standard thing working probably is pervasive through out your life.

why would you ever want to befriend your enemy especially when your enemy is scum?

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bts go to parties, ruin them for good people, then take advantage of the party. they seem to hate all the people at the parties so much, so why don't they grow the fuck up and throw their own? stealing and beating people up just seems like so much work... or, better yet, stay home.

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Originally posted by exodust

I'm sorry -- I promised myself that from now on I'm going to keep my trap shut but I just can't hold this back...

umm, you have a very *for a lack of better words* fucked up way of looking at things...no?

like for example -- your going to befriend people who tried kicking your ass? just seems a little odd to me and on top of that -- a guy? when a guy hits a girl and it doesn't matter for what - you should know right off the bat that they are scum of the earth.

Well if u actaully read the post, Ive never seen the guys hit a girl...and your actaully pretty dumb for saying i have a "fucked up way of thinking" because didnt I say that BTS is a huge group of kids in NYC, most of u are just pissed because u either got robbed by them or got fucked up by them, and u know what I dont condone what they do but im friends with like 5 well 4 now since one passed away, so as I said...its better for me to be on good terms with them than bad because I have my back set when I need people and im sorry I do enjoy knowing that im always taken care of. Yea they are a bunch of crack heads, yea they fuck up parties, and yea they are a bunch of assholes but they are not kids to fuck with....you run into washington square park and scream out "FUCK BTS" I guarentee u wont walk outta there alive

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Originally posted by sexxybabyd

Well if u actaully read the post, Ive never seen the guys hit a girl...and your actaully pretty dumb for saying i have a "fucked up way of thinking" because didnt I say that BTS is a huge group of kids in NYC, most of u are just pissed because u either got robbed by them or got fucked up by them, and u know what I dont condone what they do but im friends with like 5 well 4 now since one passed away, so as I said...its better for me to be on good terms with them than bad because I have my back set when I need people and im sorry I do enjoy knowing that im always taken care of. Yea they are a bunch of crack heads, yea they fuck up parties, and yea they are a bunch of assholes but they are not kids to fuck with....you run into washington square park and scream out "FUCK BTS" I guarentee u wont walk outta there alive

are you retarded? got hit one too many times in the head by your tough friends? have you even been in washington square in the past couple years?


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so whats everyone sayin??? i shouldn't wear my BTS t-shirt to the next meetup??? i mean come on i heard all the cool kids were doin it.

alright kiddies some responses to this thread are completely ridiculous.

i'd like to leave off with saying BTS is about as cool as jumping on a bike without a seat...

ok i'm done :D :D :D

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i find it's best to surround myself with friends who "got my back" because i've known them for years and not because i held my own when they tried to kick my ass once upon a time.

sexxybabyd you may think they're protecting you, and in some cases they may have done exactly that, but you have to wonder what they'll want in return someday? please tell me you're not that naive.

but hey, i probably only have half the story.

who am i to judge.

just saying watch out for manipulative people.

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hey daniela!!!

im finally on this board:D ;)

n as for BTS my brother Duste is a raver n hes kewl wit them from wat i know of

he was pretty kewl wit dis kid Sal dat passed away

my brother is a regular @ tha kube in tha city n hes usually goin 2 partys(raves) hea n thea

as long as those kids leave me n my brother alone then im kewl as ice

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Originally posted by sexxybabyd

Well if u actaully read the post, Ive never seen the guys hit a girl...and your actaully pretty dumb for saying i have a "fucked up way of thinking" because didnt I say that BTS is a huge group of kids in NYC, most of u are just pissed because u either got robbed by them or got fucked up by them, and u know what I dont condone what they do but im friends with like 5 well 4 now since one passed away, so as I said...its better for me to be on good terms with them than bad because I have my back set when I need people and im sorry I do enjoy knowing that im always taken care of. Yea they are a bunch of crack heads, yea they fuck up parties, and yea they are a bunch of assholes but they are not kids to fuck with....you run into washington square park and scream out "FUCK BTS" I guarentee u wont walk outta there alive

Umm you never seen a guy hit a girl? -- is it just me or did you not say in an earlier post that you yourself (a girl) got jumped by them yourself??? oh and you "kicked there asses " too (had to throw that in) so your either stupid or a liar - which is it?


this is why I say you have a "fucked up way" of looking at things..

here's a couple of your quotes - why don't you read what you wrote...

"So I can't really complain about them unless I was one gettin fawked up"

"I actually got jumped by them 3 years ago...2 girls and 1 guy and I threw one of the girls down the stairs bashed the other girls head against the wall and kicked the guy in the nuts, after that they never fawked wit me again and sorta befriended me because I wasnt afraid of them. I have always held my own and now I have them in my corner...might as well make friends with the enmey huh?"

.....(so now your saying this story was a lie??? or did you just forget that you lied and now your just caught - or are you not a girl? or were you mistaken and you were jumped by three girls but one of them looked like a guy??? LOL you making me laugh - I would like to hear your answer for this one......:laugh: )

...oh this one is great (shows real sign of education and wisdom)

"Yea they are a bunch of crack heads, yea they fuck up parties, and yea they are a bunch of assholes but they are not kids to fuck with....you run into washington square park and scream out "FUCK BTS" I guarentee u wont walk outta there alive"

..my answer to this one is -- you and I are just obviously very very different people -- with different morals and values (thank my lucky stars) -- you actually care about fighting -- something important to you is that somebody "has your back" well I don't fucking care if I'm alone on the street about to get jumped by 50 of those fucks -- I'll stand my ground if it means not having to give in and side with a bunch of people I know are assholes - drug addicts and losers (but that's the difference between me and you)

your just an idiot - and that's MY opinion.

I'm done with you.

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Originally posted by exodust

Umm you never seen a guy hit a girl? -- is it just me or did you not say in an earlier post that you yourself (a girl) got jumped by them yourself??? oh and you "kicked there asses " too (had to throw that in) so your either stupid or a liar - which is it?


this is why I say you have a "fucked up way" of looking at things..

here's a couple of your quotes - why don't you read what you wrote...

"So I can't really complain about them unless I was one gettin fawked up"

"I actually got jumped by them 3 years ago...2 girls and 1 guy and I threw one of the girls down the stairs bashed the other girls head against the wall and kicked the guy in the nuts, after that they never fawked wit me again and sorta befriended me because I wasnt afraid of them. I have always held my own and now I have them in my corner...might as well make friends with the enmey huh?"

.....(so now your saying this story was a lie??? or did you just forget that you lied and now your just caught - or are you not a girl? or were you mistaken and you were jumped by three girls but one of them looked like a guy??? LOL you making me laugh - I would like to hear your answer for this one......:laugh: )

...oh this one is great (shows real sign of education and wisdom)

"Yea they are a bunch of crack heads, yea they fuck up parties, and yea they are a bunch of assholes but they are not kids to fuck with....you run into washington square park and scream out "FUCK BTS" I guarentee u wont walk outta there alive"

..my answer to this one is -- you and I are just obviously very very different people -- with different morals and values (thank my lucky stars) -- you actually care about fighting -- something important to you is that somebody "has your back" well I don't fucking care if I'm alone on the street about to get jumped by 50 of those fucks -- I'll stand my ground if it means not having to give in and side with a bunch of people I know are assholes - drug addicts and losers (but that's the difference between me and you)

your just an idiot - and that's MY opinion.

I'm done with you.

Im not sitting here and writing a 3 page essay to defend myself and my friends, im done doing that for myself. If you think im fucked up ok think im fucked up I don't care, its how I live my life and its who I choose to be friends with. So just because you do not approve of them because they are "crack heads" and "assholes" because either you or someone you have known has been jumped oh well what can I tell you, for me my life was fighting and that brought me into a group of people...so be it, so think how you want to think....and im glad your done with me, cause I did not even start with you. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Hey OpA WaDdddddup.....now u see why I just LOOOOOOOVe CP right?? its ok some people are just fucking idiots....not all of em are like her...MuAhz Opa

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Originally posted by sonicinfusion

send them to pakistan .. trust me the ppl there will fooking rape them ..

Pakistan?, yo don't be hollaring out my ancestors country for no reason. Send BTS to pakistan? what kind of e-tarted thing is that to say. You don't even know

The police are pretty currupt over their, they'd most likely steal their drugs and sell em themselves, course most of paki's stick to just hash.

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Originally posted by sexxybabyd

I actually got jumped by them 3 years ago...2 girls and 1 guy and I threw one of the girls down the stairs bashed the other girls head against the wall and kicked the guy in the nuts, after that they never fawked wit me again and sorta befriended me because I wasnt afraid of them. I have always held my own and now I have them in my corner...might as well make friends with the enmey huh? :laugh: :laugh:



i think i'm scared of you now!

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Originally posted by sexxybabyd

Im not sitting here and writing a 3 page essay to defend myself and my friends, im done doing that for myself. If you think im fucked up ok think im fucked up I don't care, its how I live my life and its who I choose to be friends with. So just because you do not approve of them because they are "crack heads" and "assholes" because either you or someone you have known has been jumped oh well what can I tell you.....

I hate criticizing people, but I'm bored at work so here goes:


You seem to be a very immature, very insecure little girl who has a lot of growing up to do. I've read some of your posts and you always feel the need to express how tough YOU think you are, or how attractive YOU think you are or how popular You think you are. It's painfull to read sometimes, and screams out GOD, PLEASE, SOMEBODY GIVE ME ATTENTION!!

You have a warped way of looking at things. If you can judge a person by the comany they keep, from your quote above, what kind of person does that make you?

How can you say that individually, certain bts' are not bad people?? It's individually that they decided to be part of such criminal amd hurtful group. Anybody that chooses on their own free will, to be part of such a group, is a lowlife scumbag.

It'd be like saying, you know, when that guy isn't taking kiddie porn photo's, he's actually a nice guy. :rolleyes:

Do me a favor. Print out this entire thread, and put it in an envelope that says do not open till 10/25/07. Hopefully, you would have grow up some by then. Reread it, I promise you that you won't believe how stupid you sound.........

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Originally posted by bionic

Do me a favor. Print out this entire thread, and put it in an envelope that says do not open till 10/25/07. Hopefully, you would have grow up some by then. Reread it, I promise you that you won't believe how stupid you sound.........

Now that is fucking CLASSIC!!:laugh:

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yo seriously peeple have 2 stop dis negetive shyt

she aint no lil gurl shes juss voicin her opinion on dis thread

its peeples lyke yous dat cause unecessary drama on message boards such as dis one.

:mad: :mad: dun werry daniela sum peeples r juss ignorant

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Originally posted by djopaim

yo seriously peeple have 2 stop dis negetive shyt

she aint no lil gurl shes juss voicin her opinion on dis thread

its peeples lyke yous dat cause unecessary drama on message boards such as dis one.

:mad: :mad: dun werry daniela sum peeples r juss ignorant


YO; what the fuck is that suppose to say

are you high? I had to read that 3 times before comprehending it.

don't bother repling I'm out



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Originally posted by djopaim

yo seriously peeple have 2 stop dis negetive shyt

she aint no lil gurl shes juss voicin her opinion on dis thread

its peeples lyke yous dat cause unecessary drama on message boards such as dis one.

:mad: :mad: dun werry daniela sum peeples r juss ignorant

WHAT???? :confused:

Let me ask you something. How big was the bus you went to school on? Was it a big long bus, or a really short one that made you wear a hockey helmet??

Seriously, you need to get hooked on phonics in a hurry.

There's nothing wrong with voicing your opinion, but when you be-friend people who commit felonies and cause harm to other people then say in the same breath, that they're good people, you're gonna get some static and hopefully a smack up side ya head..

Oh and btw, under 21 years old is a little girl pal, I got news for you...

You know what,

You can put this thread in an envelope too. In fact, both of you can open it together on the same day. I promise you, you won't know how stupid you sound, b/c you won't even understand what the hell you wrote :laugh:

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Originally posted by weyes

i've heard of hfs before but have no idea what it is. please illuminate.

Hidden From Society

Staten Island Graffiti crew formed in 1990

Rave promoters from 1994 to 1997

last party for the staten island underground


at the present time we all still hang out, but no raves and no graff...

nuff info?

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