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setting it straight

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First of all......the party at World will continue to be the best in the city with or without denny "cheeseball nj superstar". His music at the world has caused the same thing week after week.....it puts us to sleep. I don't know about you nj clubgoers...but keep him if you think he's that good. My friends and i have personally been in the scene for a while now...and have a decent ear for music...and found nothing extraordinary or exciting about his nights. He has yet to show NY any type of energy that he creates in nj. and as far as his letter is concerned....if he was THAT GOOD he would still have his job at the world. For anyone concerned his new "residency" it is BB Kings, not KINGS and it is a restaurant. Make sure you start your night early, as i'm sure the food will be on denny. And Denny, as for you personally....no need to knock a good party just because you arent a part of it. wah wah...grow up you little bitch.

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I think he got the message the first time!!!

iam sorry everyone that i have to be A DENNY Cheerleader!

on this topic..however the whole drama behind it is played.

and their are always to sides to every story..

enough either return to your real screen name or Turn on a Porno so that you get relieve you sexual anguish and CUM All over you little fingers!!

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Originally posted by nabuc1

Cuba your fucking killing me. I've never heard Denny spin so I can't say shit, but I do love when people who couldn't spin a record come out and bash a DJ. Fuck clueless Newbies not knowing their role.

Cuba whatever bro..

the guy will bounce back it not like people dont like to listen to him..and Hopefully he will start Spankin some ridiculous beats and TEACH THE JERSEY CROWD A LESSON..enough people listen to him!!

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Originally posted by realitygirl

First of all......the party at World will continue to be the best in the city with or without denny "cheeseball nj superstar". His music at the world has caused the same thing week after week.....it puts us to sleep. I don't know about you nj clubgoers...but keep him if you think he's that good. My friends and i have personally been in the scene for a while now...and have a decent ear for music...and found nothing extraordinary or exciting about his nights. He has yet to show NY any type of energy that he creates in nj.

* yea cause he never did that at exit right? and people didn't go to world to hear denny right? it was solely to hang out in the wwf building!!

and as far as his letter is concerned....if he was THAT GOOD he would still have his job at the world.

*yea ....not even going to justify that with his crudentials

For anyone concerned his new "residency" it is BB Kings, not KINGS and it is a restaurant. Make sure you start your night early, as i'm sure the food will be on denny.

*what exactly is the wwf buiding?...riight!! nice point though!!

And Denny, as for you personally....no need to knock a good party just because you arent a part of it. wah wah...grow up you little bitch.

*i think u need to grow up with the name calling and MAKING A NEW NAME just to post this!! sad! and there was nothing immature about his post..letting his following know where he is going. he was the party and now well...good luck!

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Thanks so much for setting the record straight, it would suck to be lead in the wrong direction by anyone w/a BIASED opinion. If you don't like him fine, don't go listen to him. You stay at World for as long as it's in business, cause let's face it, it's not gonna be much longer. How long you think World will be able to have these guest DJs? Kind of expensive and given the fact that even they can't pack the place, there might be a problem. I think it might be time for you & your friends to retire given you've been around so long! :o

What exactly is your point about the place being BB Kings anyway? Sort of goes along the same lines as The WWF Restaurant having a party on Saturday nights called World no? How's it feel to be a jackass, good? Good. :eek:


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Originally posted by Kermzy

Thanks so much for setting the record straight, it would suck to be lead in the wrong direction by anyone w/a BIASED opinion. If you don't like him fine, don't go listen to him. You stay at World for as long as it's in business, cause let's face it, it's not gonna be much longer. How long you think World will be able to have these guest DJs? Kind of expensive and given the fact that even they can't pack the place, there might be a problem. I think it might be time for you & your friends to retire given you've been around so long! :o

What exactly is your point about the place being BB Kings anyway? Sort of goes along the same lines as The WWF Restaurant having a party on Saturday nights called World no? How's it feel to be a jackass, good? Good. :eek:



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Fucking newbies, I have a feeling Jron and realitygirl are the same person, probaly work for World. Don't you find if funny how they both register today, and first post about Denny the same week Denny anounced leaving Word. Realitygirl why did you keep going back to Word if you didn't like Denny last year......is it because you work for World. Buy a fucking clue you mut, we don't need your kind at are partys. From my experience, Denny produces a shit load of energy where ever he spins, and people say he's afraid to spin deeper and darker music, I think he spins the way he wants, not afraid to spin vocals or old, the mn has great mixing skills and I personaly love his selection and so do many fucking others, so I'm sure he gives two shits what you other homos think, yo got your fans Denny, don't ever change the way YOU WANT TO SPIN and good luck.

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wow! what a following, white trailer trash with gutter mouths from jersey. i guess all the rejects that can't get into real clubs all need a place to go to.....bbkings of it all.

ever see the dj? he's great looking, i'm sure his crowd is too. take a good look at his exit crowd...u'll know what i'm saying.

and bumparella, i'd be careful with your white bumps...you never know what you might be bumping...maybe you've done too much already...cause obviously your mind is warped. u don't know what a real dj is.

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Originally posted by realitygirl

wow! what a following, white trailer trash with gutter mouths from jersey. i guess all the rejects that can't get into real clubs all need a place to go to.....bbkings of it all.

ever see the dj? he's great looking, i'm sure his crowd is too. take a good look at his exit crowd...u'll know what i'm saying.

much already.. u don't know what a real dj is.

NOW...is that about the CLUB or the DJ???

Make your point because you're all over the map here. It's obvious you have some "issues" with Denny. Why don't you take it up with him because you're posts here are meaningless.

Ya don't make much sense.

NOW...you're talking about EXIT and the crowd???

:confused: :confused:

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Originally posted by realitygirl

wow! what a following, white trailer trash with gutter mouths from jersey. i guess all the rejects that can't get into real clubs all need a place to go to.....bbkings of it all.

ever see the dj? he's great looking, i'm sure his crowd is too. take a good look at his exit crowd...u'll know what i'm saying.

and bumparella, i'd be careful with your white bumps...you never know what you might be bumping...maybe you've done too much already...cause obviously your mind is warped. u don't know what a real dj is.

What the hell are you trying to say here?? Are roadmaps required to understand your posts??

Here's a little something to think about - has it ever crossed your mind that it was THE CROWD at WORLD that contributed to the way Denny played?? Been there many times when the CROWD was the problem not the DJ. I'd walk around that place trying to find a group of people who were actually listening to the music. Problem was the only thing I found where cheesy long island money hungry girls trying to get some guido to buy them a drink, and giving them coke. That crowd needs Music Ed. 101. They don't care at all about the muisc - put Teddy in the main room for all they care. The only thing they are concerned with is do they need another drink, and do they have enough coke to last them through the night.

Seems to me that you are taking Denny's departure a little to personally. Get your head out of Artie and Joey's ass for just a minute - aren't you tired of seeing brown all the time?? They have the worst reputations in the industry - and they have earned it. They continue to fuck other promoters and DJ's - only this time they had it done to them and send you here to trash Denny. Sorry honey, but your attempts are failing. Everyone knows that Denny happens to be one of the most honest people in an industry full of shadiness. The only thing you have succeeded in doing is making Artie and Joey look like whining bitches!

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Ms. Realitygirl, you sound awfully dedicated to the World, when did the, as you say, WWF Building become such an important part of your life if you don't work there? If you didn't like the DJ, why did you continue to go? Cause you live near it? Well that's silly given that there's more then one cab on every corner more then willing to take you to wherever you'd like to go, NO WALKING REQUIRED. I've never seen someone defend a club so much when they didn't even like the DJ that was playing there. It's not Twilo honey.

And one more thing, sounds like you've been following Denny's career very closely. Now your throwing Exit into the mix? I'm not sure if your aware but places actually advertise who's DJing, you might want to check out the flyers & not show up when the name on them says Denny Tsettos. Simple as that. :idea: :idea: :idea:

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Here's a little something to think about - has it ever crossed your mind that it was THE CROWD at WORLD that contributed to the way Denny played?? Been there many times when the CROWD was the problem not the DJ. I'd walk around that place trying to find a group of people who were actually listening to the music. Problem was the only thing I found where cheesy long island money hungry girls trying to get some guido to buy them a drink, and giving them coke. That crowd needs Music Ed. 101. They don't care at all about the muisc - put Teddy in the main room for all they care. The only thing they are concerned with is do they need another drink, and do they have enough coke to last them through the night.

***Well doesn't the dj attract the crowd?

If they weren't listening to the music perhaps they didn't like it, or weren't intrigued by it. Or perhaps they were listening, and thats why World slowed down b/c they went elsewhere. However, if you are right and people are just not listening because they need "Music Ed 101" then World will remain successful, becauae like you said they don't care who is in there. Then they won't care that Denny has left. Not all people really care who is spinning or the dj, like you said you can put anyone in there and they wouldn't know it.

Also, I don't think you are right about the bashing of Artie & Joey. They are brought into many parties because they know what they are doing. I mean I don't know them or anything but there name is all over NYC and the Hamptons. That gives me good enough reason to know that they know how to promote a party, Maybe they too weren't listening to Denny and figured they can do better off without him, so they didn't include him on decisions. Regardless, Denny has left world for his reasons, which he is respected for, but time will tell if the club will fail or progress.


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Originally posted by njqutiepie

***Well doesn't the dj attract the crowd?

If they weren't listening to the music perhaps they didn't like it, or weren't intrigued by it. Or perhaps they were listening, and thats why World slowed down b/c they went elsewhere. However, if you are right and people are just not listening because they need "Music Ed 101" then World will remain successful, becauae like you said they don't care who is in there. Then they won't care that Denny has left. Not all people really care who is spinning or the dj, like you said you can put anyone in there and they wouldn't know it.

Also, I don't think you are right about the bashing of Artie & Joey. They are brought into many parties because they know what they are doing. I mean I don't know them or anything but there name is all over NYC and the Hamptons. That gives me good enough reason to know that they know how to promote a party, Maybe they too weren't listening to Denny and figured they can do better off without him, so they didn't include him on decisions. Regardless, Denny has left world for his reasons, which he is respected for, but time will tell if the club will fail or progress.


I never said WORLD would fail. You are right - not all people care who is spinning - and THAT IN AND OF ITSELF can contribute to how a DJ spins. If you are a DJ and you work off the crowds reaction - the lack of response from the corpses on the dancefloor will eventually effect how and what you spin! A DJ's crowd will follow IF they are comfortable and enjoy the environment where he spins. If they don't like the crowd that the promoters are drawing, they won't go. I for one love DT, but Vinyl's system, and the raver crowd that go are definitely a deterring factor for me.

That realitygirl character really needs to get a clue. ALL that time she spends up Joey and Artie's ass seems to be causing her to have diarrhea of the mouth. Better rush over some pepto her quickly so she can make sure she is all better for Satuday! :puke:

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Originally posted by realitygirl

First of all......the party at World will continue to be the best in the city


If u think that's the case than u got some serious problems...lmaoooooooooooooo

The party at World doesn't even hold a candle to most of the parties in the city!


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Realitygirl -

This may be a longshot, but by any chance do you make your living specializing in MY screenname??

I don't know, but this particular NEWBIE smells like one of those off beat, ass dripping with cellulite all over, he/she whore, no rhythm having, WEAVE wearing dancers from the World.

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Originally posted by realitygirl

u don't know what a real dj is.

No question the Jersey Crowd Has yet To experience The Real DJ OF THE SCENE!!

i agree 1000000%

However this is Jersey the muzik Vibe and Scene here is not like Chicago were every lives HOUSE!!!

I Hope to GOD That the Next DJ's coming up in Jersey Stay away from the Wack Vocals and Cheese!!

A few of them most likely Dont want to play Commerical sounding Cuts..But at this time in the Jersey scene requires Its JOCKS to play WACKNESS..

Iam hoping ALL THE DJ"S who read the board. Reform their record collection and not give into the Cheese.

Realitygirl spare your typing ability on the board and work on Creating a Nice Flyer's for your next promotinal event. And dont waste your time bashing other's!!!

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look at all you pathetic people following your god. r u kidding. it didn't take much to stir you guys up. but i guess we know who the ring leader is, and who is following. and we also who is sucking who's dick, and of course how can we forget about bumparella the snorter.......and lady bijon, and denny....

so long good bye, see ya see ya see ya.....

so long good bye, see ya see ya see ya.....

so long good bye, see ya see ya see ya.....

so long good bye, see ya see ya see ya.....

hey superman, can you name that tune??

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Nobody is sucking No ones DICK #1

Those of us on the board dont want to hear nagativity toward other DJ's That goes for all the Local DJ..

it wack!!!

If the jersey crowd decides to Follow there LOCAL HERO let them be..

It $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ in your POCKET AS A PROMOTER!!!


maybe a few of them will get some credit.


WHITE POWER!!!!!!!!!

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Joey and Artie are nothing but 2 clowns that fail to realize the fact that they promote the club and do not own it. World will go down the drain just as Roxy did and they will pick up and move to another club. How long will it take for them to realize they aren't all that:idea:

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