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I saw 4 14 YEAR OLDS ON XTC.......

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ok heres the deal im smoking earlier with rob and these kids come by and start rolliong a blunt...then i hear this one kid go im tripping ballz....im like what...so i start tallking to them and they are all fucked up...one kid said his 20 year old sister showed him how to do it,,...that shit bothered me...when i was 14 i was not thinking about doing drugs......kids just start way to young nowadays...i thought it was horrible

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hah. I'm 22 and i've never done a drug in my life. Stone cold sober. Sure i drink a little occasionally, but nothing else.

It's amusing to hear about people who are starting at 14 or even younger. By the time they get to my age, they're gonna be some burnt-out fellas.

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not to be a party pooper

i smoked my first joint at 12... and did acid shortly after..(just turned 13..)

i was into all crazy things..

no to say i condone this.. but it does happen... i know my little 14 yr old brother is gettin tempted.. and i worry a little but know that he is like me

i have been clean for many years since i turned a little before i turned 17.. (i'm 23)

i don't drink, i don't smoke, and i don't do any drugs..

but... i'm not against drugs.. (don't know if that makes sense to anyone ) i'm cool with people rollin spliffs, droppin they're X, young or old..) it's not personally my bag

it's a little odd that kids are doin X and shit..

i started at it young..but i was a very out there case, cause i did all sorts of wild shit.. but that's a whole different post

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That's fucked up...my friend's little 16 year old sister was rolling for the first time last week...we were so pissed off...we scared her by telling her about the Dutch study done recently...lol..she promised she'd never do it again,and that she only wanted to try it once..Dumbass teenyboppers...lol.:laugh:

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Originally posted by xtcgspot

at a party i was at in the summer, there was a 38 yr old guy there, and he rolled with all of us for his first time. that was so wierd. :blank:

yea that was SO strange.... i was sittin on the steps tellin him all about it and everything... but my friend told me he was fuckin with me cuz hes done it a lot b4... but i dont think he woulda been able to be such a good LIAR when he was all fucked up lol... so i dont get it.... :rolleyes:
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Originally posted by realz

Think about it this way..



damn.. the generations are fucked

Hahah soo true!

:laugh: :laugh: kidz these days don;t even know what there doing, They won't experence what E is really like.. And it is very scary that these kidz are doing it at such a young age.

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i just don't understand it... like cintron said, they're gonna be burnouts by the age of 20!

And personally i wouldn't suggest tripping w/ peeps much older than you... they are just not on your wavelength and cannot find amusement as easily as we try :gas:

Once i tripped on mushrooms with this 32 yr old guy (iwas20)

and he just acted the same way he usually does!! i thought that when the shrooms would kick in, he'd get all :screwy: , but he just spoke of how great things were back in the day. BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORING!

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a theory:

drug and sex education in schools is now standard curriculum and quite a lot more involved than ever before... kids, especially young teenagers (13/14) are natrually rebellious; they will intentionally defy their parents and teachers in order to gain popularity and a sense of self control... now... with all this time force feeding them totally unrealistic goals like "abstinance is the only way" and "just say no" instead of explaining to them what all of it is about and why it can lead to issues... well... it's a self-perpetuating cycle... kids rebel... the "education" gets more instense... kids rebel even harder... and so forth.

it's time for some real understanding and some REAL communication with kids, on their level. not this flat-out-denial-of-anything-experimental bullshit.

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