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What is wrong with me??


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Ok, I went out with this guy last night. He's super nice, cute and even tall! He is such a sweetheart and I am whatever about the whole thing. I dont know what the hell is wrong with me?? I bitch about meeting a nice guy and when I do, it's like I cant be bothered. I have also been single for about a year and seven months and like having my freedom and not having to worry about someone else. Does anyone else feel this way too? Please tell me I am not the only one!!

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Oh yes sweetie.....this sounds all too familiar.

I was seeing this guy right after me and my X of 3 years broke up. Of course I wanted my freedom, and was lovin every minute of it. So I told this guy that I need to relax for a while, but I still wanted to see him and keep in touch.

Well after a little while, he just totally gave me space....and I hated it. I got what I asked for...but I realized when he was gone how much of a nice guy he really was.....

Oh well, my loss.


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Originally posted by lollib

Ok, I went out with this guy last night. He's super nice, cute and even tall! He is such a sweetheart and I am whatever about the whole thing. I dont know what the hell is wrong with me?? I bitch about meeting a nice guy and when I do, it's like I cant be bothered. I have also been single for about a year and seven months and like having my freedom and not having to worry about someone else. Does anyone else feel this way too? Please tell me I am not the only one!!

Oh I see since we are such good friends we have the same probs. Just don't analyze too much. You know how we like to do that!!! Go on a few more dates, see how it goes, and take it from there. Freedom though, how we love that freedom right???? I think we are just too hard to pleaz wouldn't you say??? You're probably so used to not bothering that its second nature. SO STOP THAT SHIT RIGHT NOW!! Plus we have a thing for not liking "nice guys" don;'t we?????

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I am in the same exact boat right now. I have complained about being single and not having a man. But all of a sudden all these guys are starting to show a more exclusive interest in me and I'm like whoa! I really enjoy my freedom a little too much to just give it up. But i will if i mete the right guy. One that will not expect me to give up my freedom but can respect it and enjoy the freedom that i will give him also.

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I am not ready to give up my freedom either. Right now, I don't want anything exclusive, I like dating. Something ongoing, though, with discreet honesty, no promises, no lies, no regrets. It seems very hard to find a guy that would appreciate his freedom and respect mine. If you find one, would ya ask him if he has a friend like that for me? LOL

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us boyzzzz have the same problems! I'm totally dedicated when i get exclusive with someone. but, i need space and freedom to do my own stuff and keep parts of my life to myself. the only women who can keep me happy without getting claustrophobic are those who have strong personalities, interests fo their own, and keep their individuality.

nothing is more of a turn off than a girl that stops going out with her friends and doing stuff on her own....

lots of the things i like to do (writing, cooking, skating, lying in the park and listening to a game) are really solo activities. then i'm all refreshed and ready to rock my lady when we're together....

so, question is, where is she??

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Originally posted by barvybe

us boyzzzz have the same problems! I'm totally dedicated when i get exclusive with someone. but, i need space and freedom to do my own stuff and keep parts of my life to myself. the only women who can keep me happy without getting claustrophobic are those who have strong personalities, interests fo their own, and keep their individuality.

nothing is more of a turn off than a girl that stops going out with her friends and doing stuff on her own....

lots of the things i like to do (writing, cooking, skating, lying in the park and listening to a game) are really solo activities. then i'm all refreshed and ready to rock my lady when we're together....

so, question is, where is she??

You're just looking in the wrong places. I can name 5 girls right now exactly like that!!!!!

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Originally posted by wannabeclubchk

I am not ready to give up my freedom either. Right now, I don't want anything exclusive, I like dating. Something ongoing, though, with discreet honesty, no promises, no lies, no regrets. It seems very hard to find a guy that would appreciate his freedom and respect mine. If you find one, would ya ask him if he has a friend like that for me? LOL

You know i will! I will keep my eyes open for ya. And you do the same. I might have someone and he has a friend that is attractive and he seems to be a sweetheart. But he has a girl. The good news is shes a bitch so she will shortly become the X!

I will keep you posted chica.

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Originally posted by lollib

Ok, I went out with this guy last night. He's super nice, cute and even tall! He is such a sweetheart and I am whatever about the whole thing. I dont know what the hell is wrong with me?? I bitch about meeting a nice guy and when I do, it's like I cant be bothered. I have also been single for about a year and seven months and like having my freedom and not having to worry about someone else. Does anyone else feel this way too? Please tell me I am not the only one!!

hmmmmmm, well something like this used to happen to me all the time, but i dont know if its the same case. but i used to never have a boyfriend, and then if i liked someone and i found out they'd like me, we'd go out, and i wouldnt like them no more lol

i think it was the challenge of getting him that i liked, then after that, that was it lol

but taht happend when i was younger im not like that no more lol

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my new advice to you!!! Don't even waste your time trying to figure out why you feel like that. You know why, because you probably know that you're wasting your time. Because in the end something fucked up will happen!!!!! SO you are probably better off letting him chase you!!!!!!

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Originally posted by rocketfuel76

my new advice to you!!! Don't even waste your time trying to figure out why you feel like that. You know why, because you probably know that you're wasting your time. Because in the end something fucked up will happen!!!!! SO you are probably better off letting him chase you!!!!!!

But how come it is always the ones that will chase us that we dont really care about? Seems like the ones we really like we cant have :confused:

I havent made any decisions yet about the whole thing. I am going away Saturday and hopefully when I come back, I will have more of a clear head.

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