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Weed vs. Alcohol which is worse

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Ok honestly so many people drink and its totally acceptable. Why is weed looked down on so much???????

How many fights have you witnessed because people got too high???

how bout too drunk???

Have you ever heard of an angry pot head?

angry drunk enough said

People dying because they smoked too much??? (pretty much physically impossible)

How many alcohol induced deaths have their been????

How many people go smoke a bowl and then go home and beat their wives/children???

put drinking into that equation.....

Alcohol can lead to a physical and mental addiction.

marijuana can only lead to a mental addicition..

they say weed makes you forget things, but come on people i am sure alot of us have not remebered shit because we drank too much.

the list goes on and on i am just too lazy to keep typing...

what does everyone think?

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you are 100% right

i had this converstion with why its not legal and someone told me the most logical answer i have heard so far.....if it was legal the gov't could not tax it or make any money off it...casue we would simply grow our own weed to smoke....

remember this is a capitolist society and the profit motive is behind almost all government decissions, including wars

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alcohal is much worse


weed doesn't destroy families

weed doesn't make you hit your wife

weed doesn't make you turn yellow

weed is not physically addicting

weed does not destroy your liver

weed does not make you hook up with someone you think is disgusting

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Originally posted by exodust

alcohal is much worse


weed doesn't destroy families

weed doesn't make you hit your wife

weed doesn't make you turn yellow

weed is not physically addicting

weed does not destroy your liver

weed does not make you hook up with someone you think is disgusting

great...that's all i need....turn yellow!!!??!!

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The high from weed is mood dependant. If youre feelin down or depressed, weed has the possibility of makin it worse.

Alcohol is pretty much a failsafe drug (from my experience). No matter what mood I am in, a couple of beers always tastes just as good.:D

Ohter than that, alcohol is bad for your liver, social relations, etc etc

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I agree Neptune, The last 24 hour period has been the only twenty four hour period that I Have NOT gotten high in the last year and a half, and today at work, instead of sitting for 2 hours figuring out what to do with my time, I actually got all of my work for the next 3 days done. . .

It is totally dependent on your state of mind going into the high, almost all drugs are. . . The exception being E, which makes you happy (unless ur an etard). Stoner malaise sux. It makes you listless and stupid, a fraction of the person that you can actually be.

Alcohol is no paper tiger either, it's evil and it's very real. I've spent my entire life putting up with an alcoholic family member, and I can tell you that I HATE alcohol most times. I used to be a huge cheerleader for reefer, until I fell into a hole with it. . . not fun kiddies. . .

Moderation is necessary, BUT. . ANY substance that changes your relative perception of reality is a tool to escape the pain of your existance. . Sure, casual users will point to moderation as being key to good drug use (if there is really such a thing). . but I'll tell you this, It takes a STRONG human being to keep casual from turning into habitual. . . and most of us DO NOT have that strength . .

Peace . . .


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Weed is definately better than alcohol. It mellows you out, helps you think more deeply about things, and is just a great way to chill out. Alcohol...hmmm...well,l I haven't gotten drunk in a month now,and I can safely say that if I never drank again, it would be no big deal. Go with weed, my friend :D

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Yes i agree... and it's interesting what MSoprano said about connecting the govt's stance on marijuana and our capitalist system.

I do both on occasion, and must say that drinking seems a lot more lethal than pot. No one i know EVER got hurt from smoking a J. I've gotten drunk and had no clue where i was, just acting stupid. With pot, i feel relaxed, a little stupid, but niiiiiice...

Another thing is yeah, you can forget things when you smoke, but it's not half as bad as spilling your drink on a gal while you're drunk (mmmffff, me at snoop doggy dog concert :tongue: )

Just do anything in moderation

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Hmm, in terms of which does more harm to your body and mind...alchohol does.

But there are similar side effects to both of them and different reasons for use.

Forming a habit out of one of them can alter your daily life. (however i know a few kids that actually concentrate better after they smoke and function just perfectly..i guess after a while its like smoking cigarettes ;) )

ALthough i prefer beer to weed just cuz alchy can motivate me to go out when im feeling down or not in the mood...can also make me excited about stupid ass shit.

Weed just makes you wanna sit on your ass and feel perfectly comfortable doing what you were doing, like watching a movie or just playing with some stupid object :tongue:


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Oh, it is. I've driven stoned and I drive so much better....

If the government was serious about this low-key war on drugs, then we'd all be in jail right now holding our joints. What I think is actually going on is that the American government is profiting from this war and turning around and selling these drugs right back to other people. It doesn't take a genius to notice the billions of dollars one can make from selling drugs, just look at Afghanistan. They currently have the largest supply of opium in the world...don't you think anyone who invades it will want to take advantage of it? Of course.


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Originally posted by msoprano13

you are 100% right

i had this converstion with why its not legal and someone told me the most logical answer i have heard so far.....if it was legal the gov't could not tax it or make any money off it...casue we would simply grow our own weed to smoke....

remember this is a capitolist society and the profit motive is behind almost all government decissions, including wars

Actually, the government will have a much easier time taxing it if it were a legitimate business. I think that is one of the strongest arugments for legalizing it.

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Originally posted by neptune1

The high from weed is mood dependant. If youre feelin down or depressed, weed has the possibility of makin it worse.

Alcohol is pretty much a failsafe drug (from my experience). No matter what mood I am in, a couple of beers always tastes just as good.:D

Ohter than that, alcohol is bad for your liver, social relations, etc etc

honestly bro i hear what your sayin but alcohol is considered a DEPRESSANT... It has been proven that a few drinks (1-3 in most people) like you said can elevate your mood, but after you hit a certain point it starts working the opposite way. I mean god bless the people who just have a few drinks, but in my experience most people do not stop after 2 drinks.

In my experience weeds short term effects are a mood lifter. In the long run extensive use over long periods of time CAN lead to depressed states of mind, but alcohol has the same effect and CAN lead to depressed states of mind in the short term and long run.

I mean a perfect example is this:

how many suicides are alcohol induced???

now weed induced.

Its all good i like to get everyones honest opinion...

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Originally posted by shortspace

Actually, the government will have a much easier time taxing it if it were a legitimate business. I think that is one of the strongest arugments for legalizing it.

how could they tax it....its not like growing tobacco and making nicotine....anyone can grow weed in there house if it were legal and not get taxed
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Originally posted by blaznny

People dying because they smoked too much??? (pretty much physically impossible)

How many alcohol induced deaths have their been????

Are you kidding? This is not impossible. NO, it's not cigarettes, but do you think it's good for your lungs? Umm, no. I am all about smoking weed, but don't be naive like that. Also, I have heard of many people getting into car accidents when they were stoned. I personally drive fine when I'm high, but this isn't the case for all people. My cousin also has a friend that died from an overdose of...YES..marijuana. He ate entirely too many pot brownies and died.

I defintely think weed should be legalized but this is not going to happen for a long long time.

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Originally posted by msoprano13

how could they tax it....its not like growing tobacco and making nicotine....anyone can grow weed in there house if it were legal and not get taxed

they would tax it very easily bro... They would be able to sell it in stores and there would be a high tax on it (like there is on cigarettes) The bottom line is it would be alot cheaper also, so most people would be too lazy to grow it. It would become almost not worth it to grow it for the majority of its users.

I mean you can make your own alcohol, but most people just buy it at the store... You can grow your own vegetables, but most people just get them from the grocery store. etc.......

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