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Another silly thing of mine....

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so like the other 2 retarded posts: the imaginary itch, and the warmed body part ones...

who else is a chap-stick addict????????? grrrrr

I cant live without the sweet smell of cherry wax in the morning. God i put it on every hour on the hour and i put it on even when i dont need it.....

I lose em all the time so id say i spend a total of 500 dollars a year only on chapstick. Plus my lips are full and round so if i do manage to keep one...its done in a week.

I know there are more of you out there just like me ::f*ckingfreaks:: :D

My name is Kitty and.....im an addict :(

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I am addicted to this thing called lip rush by bonne bell. It is really a bad addiction because although it tastes divine it actually dries your lips out. It makes your lips look nice and glassy, but maybe because i'm so busy licking off the glass-goo that's what dries my lips up.

So I guess I'm a lip gloss addict, not a chapstick addict.

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addicted to, definitely not the cherry though, that's the worse kind, I stick to the original, and bag balm for the car. The prob. is once you stop using it your lips get worse and all dry, therefore you need to sart again, damn it I'm hooked on the stuff.

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Originally posted by jennEfer

::raises hand:: mee too!!! me too!!! and i am actually going through a big crisis right now... i lost my chapstick!!! i don't know where it went to!!! i have to find it, or i think i will die!!

I :mad: MUST WAX :mad: OR I :mad: WILL DIE :mad:

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I've heard that they actually put stuff in chapstick that makes it addicting... kind of like nicotine.

I don't touch the stuff and I never will because I'm afraid of getting hooked!!! I have friends that can't go without chapstick for 5 mintues or they lose it... it used to be a just in the winter thing, now it's 24-7

Chapstick... the final conspiracy.

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I knew this guy that used to SMEAR lip balm with his finger. He would take a huge glob of it and spread all across his mouth. He did the head motion from side to side too.

uugghhhh that shit grossed me out! I don't mind chapstick addiciton but if you have a nervous tic along with it, you need help.

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i actually just put some on right before reading this post :laugh:

i have kinds in my make-up bag at the moment:

1) Softlips in french vanilla.........smells awesome, feels so much silkier than normal chapstick, and comes in a cute,slim tube

2)normal chapstick- blue tube

3)Lipmedex....the kind thats like vaseline that you have to put on with your finger cuz it comes in that little jar

i have full force DSL........cant live without my lip grease :laugh:

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Originally posted by nyis4meatheads

I've heard that they actually put stuff in chapstick that makes it addicting... kind of like nicotine.

I don't touch the stuff and I never will because I'm afraid of getting hooked!!! I have friends that can't go without chapstick for 5 mintues or they lose it... it used to be a just in the winter thing, now it's 24-7

Chapstick... the final conspiracy.

This is true. Theres something in the chapstick that takes away a natural chemical released in your lips that keeps them naturally smooth. I researched this one night about 6 years ago. I have had a chapstick in my pocket every day for the last 8 years. The longest I've gone without it is 3 days and when you get that first smear on there.. its heaven. My work pants have a chapstick tube sized wear mark in the pocket area from lifting boxes and stuff as it rubs my leg.

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Originally posted by rudeboyyouth


Your lips must be very sweet and moist.

I commend you on your usage of Chapstick. Such a habit proves more than beneficial, both for you and the man who has the honor of feeling/tasting your lips.

For some reason that got my cock hard.

I never saw this post :eek:

and I think Im ::dripdrip:: nevermind ;):):D:tongue::eek:

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well, i fuckin love when a girls lips have chapstick or lip gloss shit on them and those are the ones i deal with...

so yes.....My name is Quoth and im an addict

....but like....fuckin....a different kind of addict...one that likes that feel of chapstick tainted lips against mine.

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Guest jaxl

Kat...you should start a 12-step support group for us addicts. If you are someone's sponsor and get the "need help"call, you must come to the rescue with a new tube.

My name is Jaxl and I'm an addict.

:( :( :(

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hey clubkat,

you'll like this...

I went to the burning man fest out in the desert, 2000 and out there you can not use money, you have to barder for want ever you want. Give something to get something.

So chapstick is a major currency.

By day 5 you can get a nice meal for just one stick.:) really it's very cool.


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