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Guys are you really that grossed out by ur own cum?


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Ok, after my boyfriend cums in my mouth, I swallow, etc, I'll go to kiss him and he'll be like ew don't kiss me. I'm like wtffff why not, and he's like cause you had cum in ur mouth!

Wtf so why is it that big of a deal??? I mean after my boyfriend would eat me out or whatever I'd still kiss him and I wouln't be grossed out.

Lately though he's been ok with it since he's kissed me afterwards, but before he's never do it.

So what do you guys have to say about this?


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Alright I posted a while ago about this. Truth of the matter is I did kiss one time immediately after I got a BJ and it grossed me out, the taste as well as the thought that I was tasting my own cum. I personally don't like it. That is not to say that everyone doesn't because there are people who request it. My last girlfriend would kiss immediately after I ate her out, so obviously she had nothing wrong with it.

Different strokes for different folks, just like every other sexual act.

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i say it all depends, i mean i dont want a mouthful of my own semen....but anyway yeah i would always kiss my ex after i ate her out, we never really kissed after she gave me head...but the decision was hers, like i would go to kiss her and shed be like no i taste bad and would go and brush her teeth or something...

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Does anyone else's cum smell like Bleach?

I used to kiss all of my ex-girlfriends after they took it in the mouth...BUT I often offer a glass of water before. Regardless, I still kiss them for what they did - it makes them feel appreciated.

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Hey...the way I see it is if I want someone to let me cum in their mouth, then I at least owe them a kiss. I'd rather not. I don't love it, but I wouldn't turn it away either. I actually don't mind the taste of myself, though would prefer not to get a mouthful of swimmers.

As for kissing after eating out, I am often forced into a kiss as thanks for my work. And that is always followed by incredible sex. On a side note...I find sex much better after I have made a woman climax through oral.

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I'm not grossed out by my own cum

I mean I never really thought about it I most likey have gotten a little in my mouth at some point(either from kissing or going down on her after sex)

hmmm...that is a little gross

but I'll try not to think about it :D

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