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Crazy Trips.......


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Ok pplz....I wanna hear ur buggin stories....did u ever have some just fuckin CRAAZEE trips? Whether it be visuals on pills, acid, shrooms, or other favors, gettin lost in a familiar place (I hate when that happens), or just wilin out...I wanna hear and I'm sure the other fellow crackheadz do to.... :spin:

I was @ Danny Howells last month fuckin rollin face sittin up on the bleachers off the stage @ vinyl. I thought theye were puttin on a show bc I saw a whole mess of ppl with the masks from Scream on. I blinked in disbelief like 20x, then the floor went completely dark and when the lights started flashin again...everythin was kosher. WTF? :eek:

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My most bizarre trip happened at a club in Hartford. I took 7 tabs of some decent acid and was buggin in the club. I stumbled upon a friendly dealer that had some mescaline. Took 3 hits of it and kept buggin on my cid. About 2 hours after I took the mesc I blew a 20 bag of k and sat in a khole for an hour. Once I got out of the K hole the acid was gone and the mescaline was on strong. I thought I was teleported to a different club and was running around asking people what club I was in. The whole place looked completely different. Then the walls started to melt and it was time to go...

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I'd have to say mine was a party out here called Skylab 4. We were poppin pills ALL day up until about 5 am..i found a 3/4 bottle of liq cid for $70 and gave out about 20 - 25 hits to my friends for free..figure i could sell the rest for about $50 and not lose to much..well i was rollin face and took a few drops but little did i know the nipple from the bottle (sweet breath bottle) fell into my mouth and the vial emptied along with it..i didnt realize until a few min later when i saw the vial was empty and i was chewin on the nipple..o fuck me i tripped so fucking hard..this was about 5:30 am and i was ok to walk and talk the whole time..but everything turned into japanimation (final fantasy actually) and if it wasnt for this one Tommy Tunes tape i would have lost my shit..probably shouldnt have blown that qrtr bag of K to...k hole and like a ton of pills and half vial of cid is one hell of a way to blow some brain cells...

i still dont know if i ever came down from that night...

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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I had a similar experience to that. Went to a club and found a guy with a vial. He was trippin his balls off and I went to buy a few hits from him. He ended up squirting at least 1/4 of the vial into my mouth and not even realizing it. I swished the cid around in my mouth for a second, said fuck it and swallowed it all. I had to leave the club in about an hour cause the lights were too damned bright and that strobe was making me tweak. Went home and sat in my room by myself and bugged all night and into the next day. Was definately interesting...went out and took 5 pills the next night cause it was new years eve.

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Here's a good one that remains in memory despite best efforts...

Last August, my GF & I took double-dipped sugar cubes riding on an open boat on the Seine in Paris. Started to come on just as the boat went onto the canal and into the old underground tunnels, which are lit only by sunlight coming through small glass windows in the ceiling. Incredibly beautiful and talk about down the rabbit hole... when we came out, I started tripping so hard I had to lie down because I was starting to see creatures in the water and only the sky could comfort me. Well, it made sense at the time. At last we arrived at the Parc de la Villette which is an architectural fiesta on the edges of Paris, complete with a giant mirrored geo-dome, a museum of science and technology, and enough paths and interactive installations to bug you out stone cold sober. Back on land I found my feet and was back to my usual "Captain Trips" demeanor, hanging upside down from a 20-foot sculpture of a bicycle and jumping off the path to crawl through a bamboo forest. Then we met the school group.

We were sitting lotus-style in the middle of a stone "sound sculpture": a cylinder of stone with running water creating echoes and drones like a LaMonte Young symphony. The kids, maybe 20 of them, ran into the middle of the sculpture but stopped and pointed when they saw us. We started to chant and to make tiny mudras with our hands; the kids, without missing a beat, sat and imitated us. My girlfriend started to laugh and prodded me to stop (the teacher was beginning to look concerned) but instead I started preaching a polyglot sermon in Hebrew, English and French as the kids gawped. Then the teacher got a little scared and dragged the kids away...

Although I wanted to remain at the seat of enlightenment forever, I was dragged to the geodome where the clouds swirled magic Maigrittes and cunning sound sculptures kept us guessing-- were we hallucinating the tones or were they really there? Feeling fine we figured it was time to add a little candy to our flip and we popped back two fine igloos and smoked a little Hawaiian. About half an hour later, we skipped through a grassy field as a light rain fell. We went into the Science Museum just as the roll started to kick... and got lost in the geology exhibit, buried in the magma and the old-school multi-projector slide show.

Then we saw the sign: "The Hallucinoscope". We started laughing so hard that the security guard gave us a stern glance which only made us laugh harder. The Hallucinoscope was a walk-through sculpture with the visuals on the ceiling. You wore glasses with mirrors that reflected up and walked through holding onto a handrail so you wouldn't fall. If you can imagine the sight of thirty people, old ladies and kids and a few crackheads, walking slowly in single file under a ceiling full of day-glo Muppetlike monsters, flashing lights, and swimming fish... not sure which was trippier but I do know we went through three times before they started looking suspicious and we beat it back outside to the giant dragon slide and the swings and the clouds melting in the mirrors and the sweet taste of grass as we rolled in it, on it, on each other happy as clams.

So not so much about the brute quantity o'substance (though there's a tale or two there too) but for sheer off-the-face what planet IS this... I'll take Paris, any time.

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every time i roll with my younger brother he looks like freddy kreuger, it's gotten to the point that i don't look at his face, my older brother usually has wings when i see him, and almost always i see a scarecrow or a witch with warts on her nose somewhere on the dance floor, and i also see monarch butterflies fluttering away...

while i'm tripping i will always see a couple of tumbleweeds (like in a western ghost town) crossing my path... usually when the trip is getting to the point where you don't want to trip anymore... :confused: :confused: :confused:

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