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why the hell did u vote for BLOOMBERG??

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i think ive lost all faith in nyc to make intelligent decisions on their own. What logical reasoning is there to elect Bloomberg mayor??? He's just living out some billionaire fantasy of becoming a mayor. And this is based on the assumption that running a media company qualifies him to run a city. Anybody who has worked in government or politics knows thats a crock. Politics works on a mixture of idealism, ambition, and self intrest. Business works on money, stocks, and profits. The assumptions of command and control that work in a corporate environment have nothing to do with politics. Bloomberg's campaign has no ideas, no initiatives, no original thinking and no program. It is a series of TV ads in search of a candidate, a bank account, running for office.

And in the biggest hipocrasy so far has been the hispanic supporters of Ferrer who voted for Bloomberg....what were u thinking?!?!? After the democratic primary, bloomberg sends out flyers to all the hispanic voters telling them he is the spiritual and logical heir to Ferrer's campaign, the flyer includes statements from other Ferrer supporters now backing Bloomberg. What it fails to mention is that FERRER IS ENDORSING GREEN. Ok now at the same time as Bloomberg is calling himself the right choice for Ferrer supporters, he is also calling himself the natural succesor to Guiliani politics......let me explain the hipocrisy here.,.....

Ferrer's campaign was run on the notion that Guiliani's revival of new york left out thousands of blacks and hispanics. Ferrer claimed he was the anti-Guiliani, and his campaign caused historic turnout among Hispanic voters. These same people then voted for Bloomberg, the pro-Rudy candidate.

How can the pro-Rudy sucessor to Giuliani talk about the respect he has for the campaign of the Anti-Giuliani candidate???!?!

This contradiction sets a new standard for hypocrisy.

Does Michael BLoomberg really respect Ferrer ? or the voters? or just their convinient ethnicity?? that is in a nutshell what we can expect from bloomberg, completely business minded, no ethics, no boundries.

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Originally posted by tatiana22

I voted for Bloomberg because the city would be alot more safer under his control.

If Green was to become mayor, it might be good for clubs, but it's terrible for the city.

ok so how would it be safer under bloomberg? what policy has he put forth that is superior to green's? or are u as most new yorkers just assuming this because Giuliani endorsed him?

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Just looking at this guys gives the uneasiest feeling!!

He ran the most vicious attacking campain in the history of this city. This guy didn't talk about what he was going to do instead how bad, ferrer and bloomberg were. Mark Green is the biggest joke and the fact that he lost such a tremendous lead, just shows what a loser he is. Thank god he is not our mayor.

I don't think Bloomberg is the best either but he is definitely the lesser of 2 evils. I believe in most of the republican platforms regarding the economy, and believe that is the most important issue with people right now, especially in these tough times. Fine, People can put bloomberg down for being a billionair, but you know what, he is a genius, he started of a company with 8 employees and turned it into one of the most needed companies by every financial firm in the world.

I trust bloomberg to help this city out of the recession and am thanking god today that mark green is NOT our mayor.

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ok lets not turn this into simple name calling, please substantiate your statement with facts. If Green ran the most vicious campaign then why did Ferrer give his support to Green? How exactly is Mark Green the biggest joke?? oh really...I guess all the years he was public advocate doesnt count, since im sure u dont read the newspaper let me tell you what green was doing for the people of New York while Bloomberg was counting his millions....

After his investigation found 61% of NYC elementary schools are at or over capacity, Advocate Green's Class Size Summit in 2000 prompted State officials to clear the way for $60 million in new federal aid for City schools

Ending the Mob Garbage Cartel: First, he opened the market to national firms as Consumer Affairs Commissioner and then Advocate Green wrote the initial bill to end the garbage cartel's $500 million a year "mob tax" on NYC businesses - and rates fell two-thirds.

Holding HMOs and Hospitals Accountable: Among 20 reports on HMOs and hospitals, Green's 1997 investigation that found HMOs violated the State Managed Care Bill of Rights 83% of the time, the Attorney General imposed fines for violations. Green's two probes of hospitals violating the "Libby Zion" regulations limiting resident working hours prompted a State crack-down on violating hospitals.

Assisting Rape Survivors: After his 1994 investigation found that most HHC hospitals failed to adequately treat rape survivors, Advocate Green worked with the hospitals and now virtually all have 24 hour rape counseling programs and separate intake/exam rooms.

Combating Police Misconduct: After Advocate Green successfully sued the NYPD in 1997 to win access to the secret disciplinary records of abusive officers, the Department's disciplinary rate tripled. He was an outspoken critic of Commissioner Howard Safir - calling for his resignation after the shooting of Amadou Diallo.

Money & Elections: After three decades as a leader in the effort to reform of federal and local campaign finance laws, Green co-authored landmark legislation in 1998 to reduce the maximum contribution to citywide candidates from $8,500 to $4,500 and create a 4:1 public funding match.

Brooklyn Museum: Green organized a coalition of 39 elected officials who filed a "friend of the court" brief in support of the Brooklyn Museum's successful lawsuit to block the Mayor's effort to deny funding to the museum.

Voter Registration: Under the Miller-Green "Pro-Voter" Law, more than twenty City agencies are now required to provide residents seeking City services with the opportunity to register to vote

Children: C-PLAN, an award winning public-private partnership created by Advocate Green, has helped 2,000 families and 5,000 children untangle the child welfare bureaucracy. Before the tragic murder of Elisa Izquierdo, in 1995, he had urged reforms of the system and outlined a blueprint for change, including creation of a separate child welfare agency.

Safer Schools: His investigation, Construction vs. Children, prompted reforms to improve environmental safety on school construction projects. Advocate Green also led successful efforts in 1997 to close an East Harlem school contaminated by perchloroethylene and in 1999 blocked construction of an EMS facility that had produced dangerous fumes in a Bronx school

yea what a huge loser green is, i would hate for this guy to run the city, gimmie a break, there is no logical argument to elect bloomberg, if u got something to say about green back it up with some facts.

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on this board...

which I'm not going to, I don't have time to sit here and name all the issues of which I agree with bloomberg and disagree with green. if he couldn't even get an endorsement from your boy al sharpton who endroses every democrat, then you know there has to be a problem.

bottomline, I agree with republican economic issues, and to me that is the MOST IMPORTANT thing right now.

and you know what you can sit there and cry and ask why eveyrone voted for bloomberg, and not green, but you know what...GREEN IS THE LOSER, AND BLOOMBERG IS THE WINNER - THAT IS A FACT!!!! so you can deal with that...if you don't like maybe you should move out of the city??

green is going home.

bloomberg is the mayor - and there is nothing that can do to change that...but i'm sure your campaining and whining will do some good in the years to come

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Originally posted by monical

on this board...

which I'm not going to, I don't have time to sit here and name all the issues of which I agree with bloomberg and disagree with green. if he couldn't even get an endorsement from your boy al sharpton who endroses every democrat, then you know there has to be a problem.

im sure ur not gonna argue about the issues because u have no time, not cus u dont know them, anyway the sharpton factor doesnt even need to be discussed because FERRER SUPPORTED GREEN. Im arguing about this because i want to know why people voted for Bloomberg, and like i thought and as u have shown. its because they watch too much tv and dont know the facts, u cant deny that green has gotten alot done for the city, he would of made a better mayor. period.

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Funny, because when I saw how many people voted for Green I was like WTF!!! I'm figuring most of you are young and don't remember what a shithole this city was during the Koch and Dinkins years. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but in mine Democrats in office = high taxes (because they think we can't do for ourselves and need a lot of public assistance programs) and high crime (they are always the easiest on criminals for some reason). I don't think Bloomberg is the best, but the better of the two.

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Originally posted by nightcrawler

he would of made a better mayor

the key word here is "WOULD HAVE"

but you know what...he isn't - so cry me a river. Bloomberg is our mayor and that's that.

yes - you're right, i don't know the issues and you know them all, but your man is still the loser, and lost an unprecedented lead in the last week - that's how good he is.

the city's a time of changing - rudy g - and mike bloomberg...two republicans in a row...

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Democrats in office = high taxes

that is actually the biggest difference in republican and democratic platforms.

democrats like higher taxes, cause they think the government knows how to spend our money better, while republicans believe in lower taxes because they trust you to spend your money into our economy. Taxes are necessary but when 30 - 40% of my paychecks are taken by the goverment and put into all these programs that are unnecesary (in my opinion) and people take advantage of - I am not a happy girl!

remember this country was found on the policy of laissez-fair...meaning less government involvement....

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Bloomberg used to be a Democrat until about a year ago

Some say that it was a simply a change of convenience, to give him a better chance to win

Here's what Rush Limbaugh had to say about him:


I've heard that hispanics and blacks who would have otherwise voted Democrat were alienated because of all that happened between Green and Ferrer, and as a result, didn't vote.

Does anyone have voter turnout numbers for those groups?

Also, as for Green, maybe having Bill Clinton and Ted Kennedy at his side wasn't a great idea, especially when talking about Bloomberg committing sexual harrassment.

btw, here's an recent event regarding Der Schlickmeister:



If you're truly concerned about Bloomberg affecting the survival of the clubs, then write letters to him, to other city officials, and to the newspapers. Convince them all that keeping them open will be better for the city, and how so. But I think we're going to have to show them that we're giving up the drugs.

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not that i have an acute understanding of the issues surrounding all of this-

Bloomberg has admitted to joining the Republican party just to get on the ticket for the mayoral race.

Green did all these wonderful things in the past BECAUSE THAT'S HIS JOB! That's what you're supposed to do as a public advocate

You've got to believe that Ferrer hates Mark Green. Endorsements are 99% party related.

Bloomberg gives me the willies, but you have to rationally believe he's going to spend the city's money a hell of alot wiser than most of the career politicians.

....and Jenya Green is hot!

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you keep bringig up how ferrer endorsed bloomberg - but yet 41% of people who voted for ferrer, voted for bloomberg!!!!

that sounds like a pretty strong endorsement, huh?

and democrats are reeling - why don't you read the papers on how democrats never want a repeat of this election because green ran sucha smear campaign against ferrer that it divided the party.

think about that 41%!!! that's almost half of ferrer's people crossing party lines to vote for bloomberg

he did a pretty good job.

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I've read many articles saying that Green himself lost the election

And from what I've seen...

1. Soon after 9/11, he said that this was not the time for traditional politics, instead serious discussion about how to rebuild NYC needed to take place. So it was kinda tragic that closer to Election Day, he participated in this smearing campaign. Either that, or his campaign staff majorly screwed up somewhere in not keeping to that.

2. It was also a heartbreaker to see that Bloomberg ad that showed Green saying that he would done have a job "as good as, or better, than Giuliani"

Even if that statement was taken out of context, it was bad to even suggest that kind of comparison with someone who is so highly regarded. It's one thing to be confident, but that sounded more like boasting

3. It was also a mistake to talk about how much Bloomberg was spending. Being rich doesn't necessarily make one a better candidate, even though you should respect someone who's been able to generate so much money. But anways... if money was all that mattered, then we would have had Ross Perot as President.

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Originally posted by monical

Democrats in office = high taxes

remember this country was found on the policy of laissez-fair...meaning less government involvement....

lets see...less government involvement..hmm....seems kinda contradictory doesn't it? last time i checked, the republican party has a nasty history of supressing civil rights. It seems they want to have a government with less involvement in our lives, yet constantly have policies such as: oh no, you cant say that or no you cant read that or you cant have an abortion (oops i said the a-word) or you cant jerkoff to that or you cant create that or you cant express yourself like that; etc. And each party seems to want a welfare state: the democrats seem to want a social welfare state, and the republicans seem to want a corporate welfare state. oh, and you spelled laissez-faire wrong (but i dont think i got it right either). And social programs? Hm...social security was a democratic policy, and lots of economic and social programs they created got us out of the grest depession as well.

high taxes? i would rather pay high taxes than have my right to free speech suppressed:idea:

hm...i think i should start my own liberal newsletter! i think ill call it rants and ramblings

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Nightcrawler, you argue about this like you can do something about it but u know what, tough luck buddy, Bloomberg is now mayor of New York and nothing u can do or say can change that...

As for the guy with the comment about clubs closing down, does it really mean that much to you? I enjoy going out but it's not my life. So what if a club closes down, it's just another club! Move on with your lives. Clubs are not the epicenter of your lives. You should understand that there is alot more to life than clubs. It's just an enjoyable pastime such as watching baseball.

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LOL, hillarious stuff momadance! :laugh:

Oh yea, tatiana22:

clubs are not the most important thing in our lives, your right, HOWEVER as you are on this board and others too, it is up to us to see that the clubs in this city stay open,and not close down 1 by 1...

It seems to me that your saying baseball is the same as going to clubs?? Well why dont u just watch your baseball and stop attending clubs, since you dont really give 2 shits about them.

PPl in this city are already too egocentrical, self absorbed, shallow, greedy, no free time, work work work, and mostly concerned about money. Its always good to have some balance in life, and clubs provide that for many people.

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Ok, here is what I posted on NaughtyBooth.com regarding the same thread:

I voted for Bloomberg. Think of NYC as of a large corporation. Would you rather have someone running it who never managed more than 40 people? Can you point out one major thing that Green has accomplished throughout his political career? Bloomberg, on the other hand, runs a multi-national company that has over 4000 employees. He comes from a financial background and knows well what fiscal discipline is. And that's what our city is going to need in the near future. The city budget would not be able to afford many things we are used to next year because of a huge projected deficit. So, obviously, there is no room for additional spending. Green did not seem to grasp that concept. Also, you'll be surprised how much our city and our country are about money, profits, and shareholder. We are all "shareholders" of the city we live in. The more money the City makes, the better off we are. Schools, police, roads, infrastructure and many more things depend on how much money the city makes. And right now were are living through a crisis which needs to be addressed swiftly by someone who understands how the system works and does not owe anyone any favors. Also, a mayor does not run the city by himself. I am sure Bloomberg will be able to recruit people who are most qualified for the jobs in the city administration. And as far as making quick, rational, and effective decisions, we know Bloomie was the most qualified candidate for the job. Otherwise he would not be a self-made billionaire.

As far as Bloomberg continuing Guiliani's policies, I honestly don't mind. Our city has prospered in the last eight years. Whatever Rudy's plan was, it worked. I agree, some things were overdone. But, overall, our quality of life has improved dramatically.

And why are you surprised about Hispanic voters? What's wrong with them voting for a person instead of a particular party? Hispanic voters are probably the most diverse group in the NY in terms of incomes, education and political affiliatoins. Green did not treat them nicely, so they voted to Bloomberg. No big whoop.

And just to give you an example of a "crazy billionaire", Jon Corzine from New Jersey is representing Democratic party in US Senate. He used to run Goldman Sachs and was also elected using his enormous fortune. Can you say that he is a bad senator? No! Why? Because he understands that the backbone of any successful political system is healthy economy and votes accordingly.

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Originally posted by tatiana22

I enjoy going out but it's not my life. So what if a club closes down, it's just another club! Move on with your lives. Clubs are not the epicenter of your lives. You should understand that there is alot more to life than clubs.


Isn't this the CLUBPLANET message board?:confused:

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