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What does everyone here do for a living?

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Originally posted by illlogik

I am a computer nerd :square: I am a tech support agent for a communications/web company (basically run around fixing there comps, web sites, alot of stupid ish) I also do billing reports for my company. Lookin to get back to school soon, but i am still 19 and not really in a rush. I like pissing all my money in clubs and other activtieslate. :bounce:


Damn! Im sort of close to what you do. I am Systems Administrator for a web hosting company based out of Italy. I basically install, configure computers, create websites, maintain them and make sure they run smoothly, and deal with the folks back in Italy. I take night classes, Certifcations and shit like that. I buy ridiculous toys, and go clubbing almost every weekend. Same here spending all my money on useless shit, but those damn toys and video games are so much fucking fun. I am 21 years old.

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and your schedule sounds like mine.....this is wierd.


So like we maintain and manage websites and stuff.....im now a fully promoted web reasercher ::dreamjob:: lolz

*god how may times i complained about getting a job like this*

and im going for my certification at night......

::tires me out but hey, life sux::


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Originally posted by illlogik

I am a computer nerd :square: I am a tech support agent for a communications/web company (basically run around fixing there comps, web sites, alot of stupid ish) I also do billing reports for my company. Lookin to get back to school soon, but i am still 19 and not really in a rush. I like pissing all my money in clubs and other activtieslate. :bounce:


Yeah I did tech support/Go to guy for 3 years . . LOL . .It seems like every tech support agent ends up doing 50 different things for the company that he/she works for that's NOT in their job description . .

Now I'm an Info. Systems engineer for WCC, so I get to be a geek and get paid while at the same time be a student and go to school for free . .

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I'm a web developer. Ya know, designing, coding, Flash, etc. Been doing it since like 1994. It used to be exciting but it's a living now, right? :)

Right now I'm freelancing for HBO. I am the lead designer on the new Sopranos site that just went live on Wednesday. Check it out! *shameless self-promotion* :D

I'm also trying to get back into spinning at clubs again (had to take some time off from that for the whole career thing)...

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I am a loan officer for

a mortgage company.

I just started the position, but I am already

making mad money. The market is so fucked....

Everyone and their mother is looking to finance

their homes/or a home. Ill.........I like money.


If your ever board... check it out. Hit up the live chat

for shitz and giigles.


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Graphic Designer/Art director mostly consumer magazines. and a DJ that doesn't pay shit.

Money is real hard at a time like this so I pick and choose my parties very carfully.

You'll hear a lot of people (and me) asking about free parties.

but i do love what i do, it's fun.

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Originally posted by tatiana22

Let's just say that I really never had to work...

You guys have a name for it but don't really like to talk about it. :)

my name for it is 'sugarmama'. wanna be MY sugarmama? i'll be your sexslave (whatEVER you want me to be) ;)

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Originally posted by lostintranz

weelll im a lil rich boy but i work cause i wanna i work in the diamond district in rocafeller center

and he's called a 'shugadaddy'.

sai, lm, tilly: i'm his broker. taking bids now.

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Originally posted by rdancer

Damn! Im sort of close to what you do. I am Systems Administrator for a web hosting company based out of Italy. I basically install, configure computers, create websites, maintain them and make sure they run smoothly, and deal with the folks back in Italy. I take night classes, Certifcations and shit like that. I buy ridiculous toys, and go clubbing almost every weekend. Same here spending all my money on useless shit, but those damn toys and video games are so much fucking fun. I am 21 years old.

Werd doood, hehe isn't it great wasting all your money on stupid shit at such a young age! LoL.. I really got to get back to school soon though, can't sit around forever.. Plus i will get a raise with some more certications under my belt. I want to start going nights but i just cant make up my mind on where to go. You have any suggestions?

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