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My dream last night


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Ok last night I had this really wierd dream, that I was swimming in the Hudson river, like that part right underneath the GWB, it was me and someone else I don't remember who it was. So we're swimming, when all of a sudden a shark comes! So we try to swim away, and then the person I was with swam away from me and tried to get the shark to go by them so that I could get away, omg it was soooo scarey though it seemed so real.

Then i woke up and tried to figure out where the hell that came from, and ok yesterday I did go into the city and did cross over the GWB. And then I tried to think of where the shark part came in and the only thing I can think of is I watched Splash yesterday, haha, that movie with Tom Hanks and Darryl Hannah where she's the mermaid lol, but there was no shark in that movie so I dont know lol

so does this have some sort of meaning to it lol???

and dream interpreters here:confused:

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Originally posted by linabina

ok... as if u people NEVER have weird dreams?! :rolleyes: y is romy a target just b/c she told u guys what her dream was about?

i'm sorry romy..didn't mean to hurt neone's feelings...i sometimes think dreams are messages too like the other day i went to a club with this kid and we smoked some really good shit...right after, within 10 minutes of gettin to the club we see like 5 cop cars

that nite i kept dreamin of cops following me and i woke up mad early n couldn't go back to sleep...message - don't smoke while driving???too hard to do

you dream???could mean a bunch of things...don't swim in the hudson???or maybe some playa is chasin you but decides to go for your freind cuz she's lookin tasty...if you watch splash again and have the same dream then throw out the dvd cuz it wasn't that good anyway

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Yur dream could be a warning..the shark could mean stay away from that person that you do not know...

From a dream dictionary:

To dream of sharksdenotes formidable enemies.

the bridge could mean you have a path,problem that you have to overcome and maybe you are trying to take the easy way out but by swimming you can't the sharks are there and you do not know what type of people you are encountering and so maybe you should consider crossing the bridge...safely...

The person shark could signify blocks in your path..

I really hope this helps you....

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Originally posted by romy20

So we're swimming, when all of a sudden a shark comes! So we try to swim away, and then the person I was with swam away from me and tried to get the shark to go by them so that I could get away

do you have someone in your life that risks everything for you even in impossible-to-fix situtations? and would you rather that person just realize it and instead merely support you while enough time passes that things are OK again?

just some insight...

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Originally posted by thehacker

do you have someone in your life that risks everything for you even in impossible-to-fix situtations? and would you rather that person just realize it and instead merely support you while enough time passes that things are OK again?

just some insight...

damn, hack, u been fuckin talkin to that Miss Cleo havent u? :idea:

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Originally posted by trancend

hmmm.....ill figure something out!

well if yer gonna figure something out...dont figure on bringin out them weak ass breakdanceing moves like u did at Vinyl...cause everyone knows i beat u fair and square so you will have to figure out something better. :blown:

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