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I hate my family...


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Originally posted by dgmodel

I hate my family... and Im not looking forward to Thanksgiving...


feel you,

Even though I finished school and I work and blah blah blah I was still told yesterday that I was on the road to nowhere.... Ummm thanks, first thing they did when they walked in the door was haze me.....

Never too soon to be told about yourself......

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yes... i can totally relate... it demeans (not sure if i spelled it right) you and mentally cripples you...

Btw are you parents Foreign? cause usually foreign parents are like that... and the worst part is that Thanksgiving it my favorite holiday... ( you dont have to buy any of these assholes gifts, you dont have to pretend you like anyone, you dont have to see them wearing shitty gear and those ridiculous sweaters... you just eat, sleep and chill...)

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Originally posted by dgmodel

yes... i can totally relate... it demeans (not sure if i spelled it right) you and mentally cripples you...

Btw are you parents Foreign? cause usually foreign parents are like that... and the worst part is that Thanksgiving it my favorite holiday... ( you dont have to buy any of these assholes gifts, you dont have to pretend you like anyone, you dont have to see them wearing shitty gear and those ridiculous sweaters... you just eat, sleep and chill...)

parents aren't foreign, but they are older in their 60's, and they're old skool....

If I go somewhere they want a 5 page report and im 25!!!!

Yes, parents make you feel the worse there is noone that can get me as upset as they do, like they did yesterday......

I don't buy gifts for x-mas and I tell them not to buy me anything....

I know that sounds fucked up but its saves the trouble, but then agains, they'll still get you shit even though you say not to and then you look like a even bigger asshole...I m not really a holiday person////


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lmao... same here... Im not a holiday person with my family with everyone else im fuckin happy go lucky st. nick but with them im the fuckin grinch...

and i dont buy them shit.. i say dont buy me shit and dont expect shit from me... (not literally like that buy you know)

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I hate Thanksgiving. I like Christmas because I get lots of presents and money! I actually like buying gifts for most of the people on my list. But I have a big family and nearly everyone lives on LI so I'm always shuttling back and forth between one side and the other, and to top it off my dad's parent's aren't together so that makes three houses I have to visit those days.

Such a monumental pain in the ass.

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Originally posted by dgmodel

I hate my family... and Im not looking forward to Thanksgiving...


Awwww! i am sorry to hear that! But I completely understand that. i am moving into my own place and I am leaving the bronx to get away from my family. They are so negative that it just brings you down.

I know you must have received hundreds of invites, But your welcum to have some of my turkey if you' d like!


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Yeah I'm not fond of my family either, actually my mom's ok but my dad is an asshole most of the time, noone in my family likes him really lol

He's so old fashioned its disgusting ughhhh

Im 21 and my bf of 2 years isnt allowed in my room cause he says its disrespectful wtf, its my room!!

And of course whatever he says is always rite, and when he is wrong he does not admit it.

Ughh I can go on and on about the fucking annoying things about him, and yeah he's italian lol

oh and besides that he says im a waste lol

well gee thanks thats good to hear

ok well ill stop here cause im gettin mad:mad:

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DG...I thought you were coming to my house to have some Cream Pie for desert....MMMM..yummmmmy!!

I can totally relate to the feelings about fam though....

I was 17 when my parents got divorced. If you want to talk about getting shoved from one part of LI to the next and being thrown this way and that....Then let's talk about having to spend time with your mother and her family and her boyfriend and his family. And not to mention, your father and his family plus his girlfriend and her family. Not to mention your grandparents, who are "oh so heartbroken" if you neglect to visit them. (even though for the first 17 years of your life you hardly ever saw them). And please remember, you must eat something and plaster on the Joker smile for them.

Such a pain the ass....I swear!!!!

I really can not wait for the day when I get married, this way I can spend time with MY family and tell everyone to piss off!

PS....there are some people in my family...like my sweet 14 year old cousin, my 2 year old nephew...my grandpa that i love...and my aunt who's closest to my heart....All these folks make things a little easier to deal with.

PPS...DG, if this isn't long enough of a post for you...........<3

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See, I'd be more worried if I ever get married- because then I'd not only have to see all of my relatives, we'd have to see his too... Ugggghhhh... It's bad enough dealing with the devils that you know. The only solution is to move across or out of the country... but I don't want to leave NYC!

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Well I have an odd situation but it may be a good anecdote. My Father lives 3000 miles away on the other end of the continent, my mother is in Colorado, they never visit. I was raised here everyone moved away, I have my grandparents left in town. I used to get shipped around a lot my parents divorced when I was 6 I have had more "step-grandparents" than fingers. I am getting married this year YAY ME!!! As for the wedding I really didn't want a whole shin-dig, I can't imagine brining together a family that broke up over 20 years ago. I get really stressed out at such occasions especially my own. We are going to Greece to get married there & I will meet his family. They don't speak much english I dont speak much greek, I can't see too much disagreement going down. Wish me luck!!:)

Oh yeah, thanksgiving here was a month ago. I hardly even remember it now.


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Damn I sit here and read about how much all of you are dreading the holidays. When I wish my father could be here to spend it with us again.

Yeah I know they are pains in the asses but they are our parents.

Dont you think hate is such a strong word?

I think of all the things my father said to me and yeah it was annoying and I rolled eyes, but I would give up anything for him to be able to spend the holidays with us.

It is just one day try and enjoy it :)

It will be over as soon as you know it!!!!

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Originally posted by synderella420

Damn I sit here and read about how much all of you are dreading the holidays. When I wish my father could be here to spend it with us again.

Yeah I know they are pains in the asses but they are our parents.

Dont you think hate is such a strong word?

I think of all the things my father said to me and yeah it was annoying and I rolled eyes, but I would give up anything for him to be able to spend the holidays with us.

It is just one day try and enjoy it :)

It will be over as soon as you know it!!!!

point well taken..you never miss them until they are gone then you regret not loving them enough...

btw i hate all hollidays equally..they are all marketing\business days now anyhow...that and i used to work in a mall for 6 years...FUCK all malls expecially during hollidays...

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