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do girls go to clubs for the same reasons guys go?

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heres the scoop


i have a friend who goes who is mad shy, but once hes in hes an animal and doesnt give a fuck. he hooks up and shit and its just crazy. now do girls go there for the same reasons as guys? meaning to hook up? maybe i should move from the rave click over to the stage.....i need $$ and @$$

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i be a shy boy at times too, but that shouldn;t necessarily matter when it comes to meeting the gals.

I've gone out and danced b4, casually making my way near the felines...i just inch closer and closer, and see how they're reacting. I usually end up dancing with them, but no need for grinding gonads or anything like that:grin:

not all girls are into that, and THANK GOD. I mean, getting up close n personal has it's place, but sometimes i just wanna talk and groove next to a chickadee

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Originally posted by Jilly

call me crazy...but i go to clubs to hear certain dj's

and to dance

Yeah!!! Isn't that what we're supposed to be going for?

Shy boys: just go and have fun. If u dig the tunes, dance and look like u'r having fun, other things will flow from that.

Personally, i think u should respect the ladies on the floor. If u sidle over to dance near one, just say hi and give a little smile. If u get a smile back, stay and chat. Dance a bit, and move on or stay around depended on the vibe. If u'r respectful, the girlies will treat u the same way....

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I agree - I go to hear certain DJ's and to dance my ass off. Personally, not to be bitchy, but I hate it when I meet someone at a club that I'm not into and they try to hit on me all night. That ruins my night. I'm just there to have fun, not to hook up. I hate dancing with people. I just do my own thing and if I meet a cool guy - great! But don't go grinding on me. Invading a stranger's personal space is so not cool.

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Originally posted by exitnsfbitch


yea i learned that the hard way!

-I used to go to clubs w/o my bf and just chill.

but recently....

-my "x"-bf just broke up with me b/c he met some girl at sound factory and dumped me! wtf...they were on e...and now they bonded. christ!

find me a GUY!

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Seriously every single times that I've gone to clubs, I've never gone with the intention to hook up, I mean I have but if it happens it happens, but i dont go just for that, i go for the music, and to have a good time and just forget about everything for that night lol

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Originally posted by gwyllion

I agree - I go to hear certain DJ's and to dance my ass off. Personally, not to be bitchy, but I hate it when I meet someone at a club that I'm not into and they try to hit on me all night. That ruins my night. I'm just there to have fun, not to hook up. I hate dancing with people. I just do my own thing and if I meet a cool guy - great! But don't go grinding on me. Invading a stranger's personal space is so not cool.

Oh my god, I couldnt have said it better myself. Nothing is more annoying when you are trying to dance with your friends and a guy comes up behind you and wont leave you alone. And then we are a bitch if we dont want to dance with! Sorry but scram buddy!!!

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Originally posted by franky4fingers

heres the scoop


i have a friend who goes who is mad shy, but once hes in hes an animal and doesnt give a fuck. he hooks up and shit and its just crazy. now do girls go there for the same reasons as guys? meaning to hook up? maybe i should move from the rave click over to the stage.....i need $$ and @$$

I suppose a club scene brings out different sides of people. i guess I go there to hook up but mainly to have a great time and hear great music;)

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I go to clubs just to have sex in the bathrooms. :tongue:

JK--when I was single I never ever went to clubs to hook up. I went there for the music. I did back then and I still do now. If I showed any interest in a guy at a club it was because he could keep up with me on the dance floor. He didn't even have to be a hottie he just had to know how to dance. If he did he'd be my friend for the night. They're would be no kissing and no exchange of numbers the first time we met. If he couldn't handle that than he would easily be converted to my ex-friend and become the new jerk in my life. If he was cool with that then everytime I went to that club I'd see him we'd dance, we'd talk ...everything would be soooo cool.

I made lots of friends that way which I am still friends with now. Some stayed friends some moved to the next level. What I'm saying is I can't hook up with a guy because they're hot. They're are lots of hotties in the clubs....after a few months I would be known as the tongue hore and every guy would have my number and would probably just right it on the wall in the men's bathroom :laugh: because believe me 90 % of the guys are not looking for they're long lost love in a club. (Neither are the girls) I have more respect for myself and guys return the respect when they see that you don't hook up with them the first ---second --or even third time you see them. (I was really playing hard to get) They begin to become interested in other things then just what's inside your panties

Just from my experiences. Maybe there's someone out there who thinks this way too...who knows? :rolleyes:

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I go to a club to dance my fawkin ass off!! I go for the dj, the vibe...the music. girls are just an added benefit. but as far as your split personalities, i can relate somehow. i'm a lil shy in general, but when i get to a bar or a club i can go up to anyone...i guess its cuz i have confidence in my dancing skillz. chicks always complement me and all so i guess being a good dancer helps.

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I have always gone to clubs with a lot of my male friends, each guy friend brought a girl friend...mostly i went with my male best friend because I knew i would have a good time with him, i knew he was a good dancer and he did not want to be bothered with girls at the club.

That has always been the case..my friends and I have never gone to these clubs to meet people..to hook up with..if anything we were into meeting the club owners and going to the after sets at a promoters loft.

then there are a lot of guys that take girls because they don't want to meet girls at the club because they think of those girls as "club whores"-which i always thought was sick...but then there were a lot of girls that thought of a lot of the guys as protein juice heads who took one to many bumps in the night..

The best thing for me was was that my best friend and I met at school and we both love clubs so we started to go together now we are together.

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Originally posted by lavendermenace

Shy boys: just go and have fun. If u dig the tunes, dance and look like u'r having fun, other things will flow from that.

so true...

but you should add Eventually and Once You Do It So Many Times That You Get Recognized Everywhere You Go...

which is starting to happen to make, so hey that's cool :half:

i was actually described by "that drum and bass cat"

by a tall funky black dude at the frying pan on saturday.

and this was After being spotted by not one not two but

three seperate people in dumbo (bklyn) for DB, who

also recognized me as someone they'd seen at other

shows/parties. word to that. i'm all famous n' shit.

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Originally posted by neena16

If I showed any interest in a guy at a club it was because he could keep up with me on the dance floor. He didn't even have to be a hottie he just had to know how to dance. If he did he'd be my friend for the night. They're would be no kissing and no exchange of numbers the first time we met. If he couldn't handle that than he would easily be converted to my ex-friend and become the new jerk in my life. If he was cool with that then everytime I went to that club I'd see him we'd dance, we'd talk ...everything would be soooo cool.


i mean like wow.

you have no idea how you've helped me

by describing so aptly the sentiments

shown but never verbally expressed by

someone i'd met over the summer.

it was like that.

then it was almost something else.

now it seems it's nothing, or on hold.

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