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what the hell is this site.....AKA CP?

Guest saleen351

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FYI Cper's SIKH's are not asians they are Middle Eastern. Their men resemble Arabs quite often. With Turbans and long beards. I think this girl might have the wrong idea about those threads. I will email her or get DaVe to see what's up with that link?

Admittedly I read most everything on tis board and yeah sometimes people get out of hand and sound off even if it's politically incorrect but.......... hey it's a free country. I think the Better thing would have been for her sign up and post on those pages with some form of dignity and purpose and make a point rather than link us to some site and trying to make us look bad. Funny how I didn't see the last meet up THREAD on her link page hmmmmmmm and I do distinctly remember all nationalities representing there. People see and believe what they want to even when they are wrong.

We screw it I love you guys and all your twisted thinking:D

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My phone just rang.....

hang on....

ok, yeah, that was the internet on the phone.... It just wanted to remind me that no one has any control over whats on the internet, and everyone can feel free to cry about anything they don't like because theres nothing that can be done about it. It also welcomed me to the world of free speach and independent thought.... Hopefully it'll call that person after I hung up....


yeah, why do people still pretend this is like cable Tv or something, where if they complain enough everything will be censored to hell? If you don't like it, don't read it... simple.


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Wasap all

This is Neena (aka neena@sikhstudent.com)

Aiight, I'm sorry to have offended you all by expressing MY opinion (y'all said, its a free country, right?) but all those posts were in violation of ClubPlanet posting policy so I brought them attention to the webmaster.. DaVe or whomever runs it.

I wouldn't have listed a thread about a unity party cause.. thas not in violation.

The point of posting it to that other list was to keep them updated, its a political list (Desis Rising Up and Moving) not to get anyone in trouble. The point was not to get ClubPlanet shut down. If you read the email you see that was not suggested at all.

Yeah I guess thas all I wanna say for now... its a shame some of you hate on Asians, and that some of you think its OK to do it. Whats the point?


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Originally posted by goddessnna

The point of posting it to that other list was to keep them updated, its a political list (Desis Rising Up and Moving) not to get anyone in trouble. The point was not to get ClubPlanet shut down. If you read the email you see that was not suggested at all.

r u kidding? u suggested right in the email that the site be banned!!! y dont u go back and re-read your own words.

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Actually Sikhs don't fall under one ethnic group. The majority of Sikhs are Indian (Asian) not Middle Eastern. After that, the majority is European (white).

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Originally posted by cotoncandydream

FYI Cper's SIKH's are not asians they are Middle Eastern. Their men resemble Arabs quite often. With Turbans and long beards. I think this girl might have the wrong idea about those threads. I will email her or get DaVe to see what's up with that link?

Admittedly I read most everything on tis board and yeah sometimes people get out of hand and sound off even if it's politically incorrect but.......... hey it's a free country. I think the Better thing would have been for her sign up and post on those pages with some form of dignity and purpose and make a point rather than link us to some site and trying to make us look bad. Funny how I didn't see the last meet up THREAD on her link page hmmmmmmm and I do distinctly remember all nationalities representing there. People see and believe what they want to even when they are wrong.

We screw it I love you guys and all your twisted thinking:D

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I can't believe this is actually real.

Neena, I'm sorry, but you've gotta grow a thicker skin. This is, after all, a public forum, and no matter how many people you try to ban you're still gonna find those who will say things you don't like. Lord knows there are plenty of people here who's views I don't like - but, then again, I know for a fact I've pissed off more than a few myself. That's the nature of a public discussion.

Yeah, there are a lot of racist people on the board. But there are a lot of racist people *in the world* and like it or not you have to find a way to ignore them or educate them. Why not use the boards to your advantage if this bugs you so much - teach people why they shouldn't be racist, show them the benefit of an open mind. Who knows, maybe you'll even learn something in the process. (:idea: ) But for god's sake, don't be so childish that you run and tattletale to teacher every time somebody says something off color. That's ridiculous.

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First amendment rights?

IT'S CLUBPLANET POLICY. do your research, they censor posts all the time. And I think gook should be a censored word (actually I'm not sure, maybe it is now.. I don't really post on this often.)


Read 6e, for one.

And um.. what the fuck was I gonna say.. isht I lost my train of thought.. nevermind.

Originally posted by bigpoppanils

once again it is free speech

and i am actually very offended by your attempt to block our use of our first amendment rights....but i am in no means going to suggest that your words be removed

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the most i have seen cp do is move the threads to the drama board, not out right deleting them (exception of the keep asains out of clubs thread...it was getting way out of hand)

and did you happen to read this section of the policy?

"You understand that by using the Service, you may be exposed to Content that is offensive, indecent or objectionable....."

i guess you didnt understand that part

maybe we should dumb it down a little for ya

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thehacker --

no i wasn't fair. i'm not a member of the boards u mentioned.

silente --

i understand your point, and i appreciate your post because it made a lot of sense. tough skin -- you wouldn't believe some of the isht that i have brushed off (because sometimes people dont realize i'm indian and say some horribly offensive stuff -- yeah, i'm indian, NOT Korean or Chinese -- i think most of the posts said chink or gook).. i think its easier when isht is said to my face and not "anonymously" in this manner. BUT, i've been dealing with this isht my whole life, i don't think i'm wrong for tryin to fix things. i don't think people should just let isht slide all the time, you gotta pick something to fight for, right? and at that time, that was it. i don't regret it at all. i think my way of trying to educate was tryin to get a blank slate.. i mean i have posted isht against racist posts that i complained about as well. and i'm tryin to educate too, thas why i posted those links. anyways --

i just wish more people would stand up and try and fix isht.

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Believe me, I know what it is to take shit for things you can't help. You wouldn't believe what I put up with while I was growing up - shit said to my face and behind my back. And yeah, it sucks, no doubt about it. But ultimately I found that there are two relatively effective ways to deal with it. Talk to people individually (ie - PM so and so and tell them why you had a problem with their post) or write them off as assholes and don't worry about their opinions.

I can understand why you went to DaVe - the stuff they said was indeed against CP policy. But (anonymously) evoking the rules and running to authority before you try to deal with it yourself just makes people hostile and more likely to say mean things. Honestly, I'd be willing to bet that a lot of that shit got said because people thought they were being funny. If you talked to like, 90% of them I think you'd find that they'd apologize if they realized they were being that offensive. That doesn't excuse what was said, but it does at least show you that the people on here really aren't that bigoted.

(btw - also keep in mind that many people have alternate evil personas on here that are purely intended to cause a ruckus. The more you're on here, the more you'll recognize them and learn to roll your eyes and take their posts with a grain of salt)

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