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Okay People Time For Those Embarassing Moments!!

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So I havent had one in a long time so I get double whammied with two yesterday!!

So I am on my lunch break yesterday strolling the streets of soho minding my own business, when some lady was like your zipper is open and she starts laughing at me oh my fawkin god!!!! Never has anything like that eva happened to me!! I used the bathroom before I went out and look what happens omg!!! I mean there are like 50 people walking by me and I have to zip up my pants right in front of them!!:o

Then the second embarassment me and my sister are in CVS we are in the aisles yelling out douche, maxi pads with wings, oh u need some vagisil you know just being stupid and I turn the corner and I see some guy who I havent seen in years wtf!!

He was like oh that was you saying that shit, I was wondering who that freak was lmao!! :laugh:


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Originally posted by synderella420

Yeah I wonder why guys freak out about it!! I mean its no big thing!! My ex used to buy me that shit all the time!!

You must be such a nice guy to do that for your girl!!:D

no girl for me......:(

working on it though! :D

I mean, I grew up surrounded by females....all my friends are girls...

guys masturbate, and girls....have...periods.....

not the same, but whatever, THEY BOTH HAPPEN!

heavy flow, chunky blood....the smell....the funk...yeah yeah yeah...been there done that....


besides, walking up to a counter with a whole cart full of extra strength tampons....for the heavy days....

it just has to be done for the attention....lol

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I had a zipper incident myself too.

I live close enough to my office that I walk to work.

Well one morning last spring I was walking to work.

I remember thinking that it seemed like I was getting "checked out" by the oncoming people. So I'm thinking I'm the man and about as cool as the other side of the pillow - LOL

I think I made it about 15 blks before I realized the barn door was WIDE open. Then I just felt like a dick - LOL

Most embarrasing thing for somebody else that I saw:

It had just rained and there was a huge puddle along the curb in the street. Some delivery guy wanted to jump over it to make it to the sidewalk. He pulled up short, slipped off the edge of the curb and did a belly flop smack in the middle of the puddle. Water went everwhere. I felt so bad for this guy but it didn't stop me from bursting out in uncontrollable laughter.

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Thank god that happened to someone else!! I feel much better now ;):):laugh:

OMFG A belly flop ahahahhaha :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

I would have broke out in uncontrollable laughter

I cant help laughing at people when shit like that happens!!! I dont mean to but I am just a silly person in general so I laugh a lot!!!

Too fucking funny!!!! Dammit I wish I would have seen that!!

He must have felt like a big fucking penis when he got up lol!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Thats pretty f-in funny!!

This one day a couple of years ago it had been pouring all morning and I was walking up this block. At the corner of the block there were all these people waiting for a bus with umbrellas and newspapers over their heads. This gypsy cab driver comes tearing around the corner into a puddle in front of these people and all of the sudden there was this huge sidewalk puddle tsunami(at least 8 ft high) which engulfed all those people waiting for the bus. I mean they literally dissappeared into a wall of water and when I was able to see them again they were all stepping onto the street shouting obscenities and giving the cab the finger. It was quite a site!:laugh:

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Originally posted by synderella420

ahahhahahhaha :laugh: :laugh:

Yeah chunky blood the fucking blood clots I hate those things lol!!:laugh: :laugh:

lololol haha omggg

chunky blood haha

omg isnt there a canned soup or something that has chunky in it hahaha "Cambell's Chunky Blood and Vegetable"

haha ok that was totally gross lol

:laugh: :laugh:

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with my headphones on, i left for work

walked like 10 blocks to the PATH train station in hoboken.

stepped out onto 9th street.

walked to west 8th.

and realized

hey wait, it's kinda breezy 'down there'


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Originally posted by thehacker



One time I drank five 40ozs at a party (yes, five) although only two of them were malt liquor which I had brought to the party. I had then taken my empty bottle to the keg and kept filling it up (I know, I'm an ass). So anyway, I leave the party and next thing I know I'm half asleep in a garden outside of some school in a Boston suburb. I'm laying on my back surrounded by shrubbery while some guy is kicking me and yelling that I can't sleep there. Definitely not one of the high points of my life.

But I guess I never learn because a few years later, I had smoked so much fuckin weed one night that I ended up falling asleep in the bathroom of a midtown bar. When I woke up, the bar was closed and the only person in the place was a cleaning guy that didn't speak English. Luckily one of my friends had grabbed my record bag, although she was clueless as to where I had disappeared to. When I told her the next day, I had to listen to her laughing on the phone for the next few minutes. Needless to say, I rarely smoke up anymore so I guess I've finally learned one of life's lessons.

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i've a bad tendency to walk around w/ my clothes inside out and not notice till the end of the day...(not kidding)

I've also a bad tendency to run into things w/ my head...IE branches, electrical boxes, subway handrails (also not kidding)

X = clutz

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Originally posted by xpander

heavy flow, chunky blood....the smell....the funk...yeah yeah yeah...been there done that....

bro, dont ever speak to me again. That was the sickest, grossest CP post i think i have ever read....and coming from quoth, that is saying a lot. :puke: :puke: :puke:

romy, yer a sick fuck too with yer Cambell's Chunky Period Soup or whatever u call it .

ugh....wow...that was really fuckin repulsive....Chunky blood??

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but im response to the thread, my most embarassing moment had to be.....when i was 2nd grade and we were in social studies class. My teacher was havin a discussion with us and asked the class a question. I raised my hand cause i knew the answer. So, my teacher calls on me to answer the question and instentaniously at the same time she called on me, i sneezed and farted at the same time and the whole class laughed at me and fuckin i wound up not answering the question cause i was embarassed so i just said "i forgot what i was gonna say". yea pretty embarassing ill tell ya.

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