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phobia...who has one and what is it?

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Originally posted by foxyroxy20

haha its not weird I am could watch them , but I am terrified if they exist, I surely dont want them near me, I'd die If I see one (thats if they exist) and ghosts too. I can't watch scary movies , cuz then I cant sleep lol....geez

but i am absolutly terrified of them...all my friends make fun of me for it because i just fraek out when i see them...

peace out


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i am completely clostrophobic <sp> the thought of bein in a tight space not being able to move i freak outttttttt... like every see die hard when theyre crawling through that vent thing omg... i could NEVER it gives me chills...

im also scared of bridges.. always get the chills on them when im driving..

im deathly afraid of planes... ill fly in one... but i cry whenever we take off and land.. i grab onto the arm rests and put my head agst the headrest and just cry... idk... its weird.

and im scared of bugs. i freak out.

lol it seems like im scared of everything!!!!!lol but im not... oh and one more thing... im scared of a broken heart... its not a phobia but its def a fear.. if i sense that im gonna get hurt, i freak out also.

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I am deathly afraid of spiders... but it is a little more extreme than just not wanting to get caught in webs and stuff. I can't watch the movie arachnaphobia; if there is a spider in the room I won't go in until someone kills it or unless i know it isn't in the room; if i have a close encounter with a spider i start to hyperventalate and i freeze up. The worst part is people fuck with me cause they know I am terrified of spiders, and its always the same thing... "Jenn, there is a spider on you"... and I jump up and down freaking out and crying and stuff. Arghh... i hate when people do that. I think my fear came from when I was little, a wolf spider layed an egg in my bedroom, and it hatched, and there were thousands of baby spiders all over the place... it was so scary!! But, yeah, I hate spiders, and anything that looks like a spider.

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Originally posted by jennEfer

if i have a close encounter with a spider i start to hyperventalate and i freeze up. The worst part is people fuck with me cause they know I am terrified of spiders

I get like that sometimes.... I keep a can of raid in my drawer just incase.

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haha wow alotta people hate spiders and that whole web in ur face thing.

in the summertime the entrance to my house is filled with all those little tiny white spiders, and sometimes when i would go to open the door they would be hovering over omg.

so then when i would go out at nite and not come home till late, i told my mom to leave the broom in the front so that i could kill the spiders and stuff haha

omg well one time she FORGOT to leave it out, and i came home everyone was asleep, no joke it took me like half hour to get into my house, i would walk like an inch and wave my hands around to make sure the webs werent there haha, oh and also the light was out so couldnt see anything

i yelled at my mom in the morning haha

ughh worst experience

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Originally posted by somebitch

lol, im so scared of spiders (and all other bugs), the worst is a bug in your car while your driving.

well as i said at the beginning im afraid of bees...and one time there was a bee in my car while i was driving...needless to say...i got into a car accident as a result...fucking bees i hate them all!

:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

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Originally posted by somebitch

lol, im so scared of spiders (and all other bugs), the worst is a bug in your car while your driving.

yeah i know omg, there was a little white spider in my car one time and i was soooo close to having an accident omg

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OMG...I was driving on Broadway and I felt something on my chest...but I just thought I was being paranoid as usual...but then I looked down and there was a waterbug crawling down toward my stomach(and was wearing a belly shirt....EEEH)...I pulled over in like a half a second...in middle of traffic and all...got out of my car, and starting shaking my entire Body....I looked like I was having convulsions...I finally got back into my car (Trembling) because everyone was honking at me, and for the entire time i was driving i kept checking like every 5 seconds if there were any bugs on me...Like I had Terret Syndrome or something....It was quite scary.....

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big black bugs like roaches or water bugs......eWW.....I'm really scared of them and can't stand the sight of them! :( In the summer there's usually water bugs (out at night) by my bf's house (he lives by the beach) so each time we go out he has to carry my ass in & out of the house because my feet are not about to touch the cement......especially if I were to step on one or something.....the crunching noise and everything :eek: No joke! Also the one thing I hate about going to florida is they have those big nasty flying roaches.....yuck! LOL!



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Originally posted by glowgrlnyc

OMG...I was driving on Broadway and I felt something on my chest...but I just thought I was being paranoid as usual...but then I looked down and there was a waterbug crawling down toward my stomach(and was wearing a belly shirt....EEEH)...I pulled over in like a half a second...in middle of traffic and all...got out of my car, and starting shaking my entire Body....I looked like I was having convulsions...I finally got back into my car (Trembling) because everyone was honking at me, and for the entire time i was driving i kept checking like every 5 seconds if there were any bugs on me...Like I had Terret Syndrome or something....It was quite scary.....

OMG!! I know the feeling....I would have died

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Originally posted by glowgrlnyc

OMG...I was driving on Broadway and I felt something on my chest...but I just thought I was being paranoid as usual...but then I looked down and there was a waterbug crawling down toward my stomach(and was wearing a belly shirt....EEEH)...I pulled over in like a half a second...in middle of traffic and all...got out of my car, and starting shaking my entire Body....I looked like I was having convulsions...I finally got back into my car (Trembling) because everyone was honking at me, and for the entire time i was driving i kept checking like every 5 seconds if there were any bugs on me...Like I had Terret Syndrome or something....It was quite scary.....

lol :laugh: OMG, once i had to pull over because there was a spider on my window coming towards me. i went into a serious shock. i had to get some guy to help me. :(

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Originally posted by trancedkitten

Also the one thing I hate about going to florida is they have those big nasty flying roaches.....yuck! LOL!


...yup...Florida definetely takes the cake for: THE Most Nastey, Repulsive, Skeevy, BIGGEST , Weirdest, Most Mutated looking Bugs and Insects in the USA!!!

and.....if your in Florida....make sure you're not by a light outside during nightime.....

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Originally posted by linabina

i am completely clostrophobic <sp> the thought of bein in a tight space not being able to move i freak outttttttt... like every see die hard when theyre crawling through that vent thing omg... i could NEVER it gives me chills...

im also scared of bridges.. always get the chills on them when im driving..

im deathly afraid of planes... ill fly in one... but i cry whenever we take off and land.. i grab onto the arm rests and put my head agst the headrest and just cry... idk... its weird.

and im scared of bugs. i freak out.

lol it seems like im scared of everything!!!!!lol but im not... oh and one more thing... im scared of a broken heart... its not a phobia but its def a fear.. if i sense that im gonna get hurt, i freak out also.

thats funny I thought about the same thing that if u see my posts on this subject u'd think am scared of everything also ...lol

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Originally posted by glowgrlnyc

OMG...I was driving on Broadway and I felt something on my chest...but I just thought I was being paranoid as usual...but then I looked down and there was a waterbug crawling down toward my stomach(and was wearing a belly shirt....EEEH)...I pulled over in like a half a second...in middle of traffic and all...got out of my car, and starting shaking my entire Body....I looked like I was having convulsions...I finally got back into my car (Trembling) because everyone was honking at me, and for the entire time i was driving i kept checking like every 5 seconds if there were any bugs on me...Like I had Terret Syndrome or something....It was quite scary.....

omg thats fuckin scary...I hate water bugs, big bugs...arrghh yuck...

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Originally posted by dolik

Especially the big ones (waterbugs I guess?). if I ever find one in my room, i'm moving out.

OMG!!! I cannot see a waterbug. I hyperventilate and catch a screaming and crying attack. I remember one day sitting in my aunts living room with the family watching a movie in the dark.

Out of the corner of my eye I could have sworn i saw something moving but i figured it was just my imagination.

All of a sudden this waterbug came out of nowhere and landed on my shoulder. I jumped up so fast. OMG! My whole family wanted to kick my ass for scaring them. But i cant stand those things.:(

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I guess I'd have to say rats/ mice too. I was watching TV in my living room a few months back and I thought I saw something scurry around the floor. What I thought was a cocroach, turned out to be a mouse. I have never seen it since, but it still haunts me til this day.

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Carnies. Circus folk you know, nomads, smell like cabbage......small hands.

Alright, I know I suck for quoting that but I think its hilarious.

Seriously though, TICKS.


We were having one of those high school get to the woods and drink parties and we were right by the beach when the cops came and we had to scatter. We ran through some shrubs and made it to this pond. It was at night during summer and we were wearing shorts, sandals, etc. Someone said "What is this" and we took a flashlight to us and each of us was COVERED with ticks. I was wiping them off like they were dirt and everyone was freakin....a la Stand By Me. We were so grossed out that we all ended up jumping in the water with or without clothes just to drown them.

Ever since then I hate the things to the point I'm scared of them.

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