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Originally posted by linabina

dkjfn kdjfg ;dfhg dkjf o;idusg 89s4yh irejkfgn vkjldxn vlkdsjfen g;oierh [gohia[ero0uijh f[oi4wjher [diofh [oaiherndjfnlk sjdjsdhfiasuroihdkjnkmvn;asidurpoikjr;lnf

uuuughhhhh aarrgggghhhhhhh sd3.gif

am i the only one who saw just a bunch of gibberish? dkjfn kdjfg ;dfhg??? are these words? wuts goin on? :confused::(

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omg! i know exactly how u feel! lol....i totally understand that whole ksjdfnlkjsfnkas dfdsjndsg thing!!!! i guess it's a girl thing...and yea ...eating chocolate is good but then the guilty fatness thing sux!! i am definitely feelin ya on this post!!! feel better!!;):D

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Originally posted by misk

omg! i know exactly how u feel! lol....i totally understand that whole ksjdfnlkjsfnkas dfdsjndsg thing!!!! i guess it's a girl thing...and yea ...eating chocolate is good but then the guilty fatness thing sux!! i am definitely feelin ya on this post!!! feel better!!;):D

thanks girl.. im glad someone understands me here.

am i the only one who saw just a bunch of gibberish? dkjfn kdjfg ;dfhg??? are these words? wuts goin on?

yes it is gibberish. cuz thats exactly whats goin on in my head. hadda share that. sorry.

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Originally posted by trancerxn112

What the... XTC a little bit of knowledge... I understand enough about women NOT to try to understand them

yes but dont think for one second that guys are NOT hard to understand at times too. it aint always about the women there mikey
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Originally posted by linabina

dkjfn kdjfg ;dfhg dkjf o;idusg 89s4yh irejkfgn vkjldxn vlkdsjfen g;oierh [gohia[ero0uijh f[oi4wjher [diofh [oaiherndjfnlk sjdjsdhfiasuroihdkjnkmvn;asidurpoikjr;lnf

uuuughhhhh aarrgggghhhhhhh sd3.gif

omg i always do that too like when im really mad or just annoyed ughhhhhhh its like oasjroidshogfre qhjtoirejligea jogeq rtjglejlejg lkdsafjdsadoifa jLHOAHOHGOAIE TGEA






omg yes i know, u wanna fucking kill the keyboard even sometimes!!!!!

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I was on the phone a little while ago when I noticed the bottom of my pant legs were splattered with something... wtf? So I'm racking my brains trying to figure out what the hell it is. I couldn't have spilled anything on myself... or it would've been in my lap or on my shirt. Maybe someone at McDonald's spilled it on me... but I should've felt something if that was the case.

Then my friend suggests that maybe I stepped on a ketchup packet... Suddenly I remembered hearing a popping noise when I was going to get some napkins... I looked down at the time but didn't see anything... I guess because it was all over my pants already!

Ohhhh my god I am such a klutz. :laugh:

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