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Went to catholic school for 12 years and am totally not religious (worked well, didn't it?). I think that there is SOME higher power but am not sure if it's the god of the bible. I think much of the bible is allegory, i.e., peoples' spin on events they couldn't explain. There is enough evidence out there to confirm that Jesus was a historical figure, but whether he was the "Son of God" is another question. Guess I'm going to hell.


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Hmmmmmmmm, I think either you or someone else brought up this topic a little while ago.

But I'll answer again.

Ok, for 9 years I went to a catholic grammar school, and for those 9 years, it was like every singel day i heard about there being a god etc etc. So even now, when I don't believe that the god that they said we have exists, something deep down still believes. Because of all those years that it was embedded into my brain. I can't help it.

I don't really believe in a god, but I do believe that there is something out there, but not a god. Something so much bigger than us, something we will never prolly have an explanatioin for.

In my opinion, we have religion because it gives everyone a sense of hope, that even when it seems like the whole world has gone wrong, we are not alone. They believe that there is a god out there who is always with them, someone to pray too and ask help for etc etc

If there wasnt religion I think there would be alotta chaos in the world.

But you know, this is just what I believe. No one really knows, and no one will prolly ever know.

So yeah thats what I think

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It's hard to define whether there's a god or not.

I must say, though, that the best insight i ever received about how to think of god and who is :

after reading mystic writers, such as meister eckhart or ibn al-arabi. They deal with a deep, inner god in all of us, no matter what religion or race. Transcendence is the key in thinking of god (above and beyond)

He is beyond our perception, however he is within each and all of us as well. This is known as the "immanence/transcendance" question.

Think of an outpouring of the mouth of a river, or snowflakes coming from the sky. Everything comes from one source, containing WITHIN it pieces of that source, but still is not completely of that source. it grows and develops on it's own, becoming an individual piece.

::not knowing God is knowing him:: ~Meister Eckhart

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I'm not religious. Sometimes I Feel there may be a God, but most of the time it's just us animals fending for ourselves. It's funny though...my Dad is so Catholic....goes to church EVERY Sunday...says his prayers at dinner...u know the deal. FUNNY STORY THOUGH....Father's Day I waked and baked myself into a stupor and he tells me we have to go to church with him. Despite my remarks of burstin into flames as soon as I cross the threshold, I had to go. The sermon was mad boring and I winded up passin out!!! LOL...He never asked me to go again ;)

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Originally posted by gmccookny

It's hard to define whether there's a god or not.

I must say, though, that the best insight i ever received about how to think of god and who is :

after reading mystic writers, such as meister eckhart or ibn al-arabi. They deal with a deep, inner god in all of us, no matter what religion or race. Transcendence is the key in thinking of god (above and beyond)

He is beyond our perception, however he is within each and all of us as well. This is known as the "immanence/transcendance" question.

Think of an outpouring of the mouth of a river, or snowflakes coming from the sky. Everything comes from one source, containing WITHIN it pieces of that source, but still is not completely of that source. it grows and develops on it's own, becoming an individual piece.

::not knowing God is knowing him:: ~Meister Eckhart

is that the ECKANKAR religion?

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Originally posted by breakbeatz2

i am against religion

but yes, i tihnk i believe in God

oh, and I am Jewish :cool:

I am against religion too. I think it breaks people apart when its purpose is to bring them together.

I also think the western anthropomorphic concept of god is silly. It only makes sense that in a society like ours, a man would be god. whenever i hear people refer to god as he it makes me realize why I could never conform.

I believe in philosophy, the question of the existence of god is only one of many questions that are unanswerable. The impossibility of answering the question makes it what it is.

I also believe that "god" exists in every living thing and it is some kind of energy.

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well said

this is cliche, but throughout history, religion has been used as an excuse for murder and conquest. even in today's "civilized" world, it is clear religion is a dangerous and manipulative weapon

religion is often just an excuse; and excuse to hate and to murder

Crusades, Inquisition, Nazism, The Intifada (and all of them stupid Western-world hating cavemen), etc. etc.

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Originally posted by bigpoppanils

i believe in god but i do not beleive that much of the bible is true. in case anyone is wondering, i was baptized catholic but received confirmation as a lutheran, and i go to church about 3-4 times a year

pretty much feel exactly the same way.

lately i've been coming up

with my own ideas/theories,

which, i don't think i'd feel

as free to do if i were brought

up into catholism or some other

more rigid religion.

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i rarely go to church

i beleive in god

i can't not beleive in god

to many miracles around us every day...things we take for granted

a oak tree starts from a little acorn...lives off of the nutrients in the dirt, water and sunlight...sunlight!!!feeds us oxygen and its leaves replenishes the nutrients in dirt...thats one of the most incredible things ever..

seeing my son take his first breath of air...i always wonder how that feels...does it burn or is it the greatest releif...he lived inside my wife's womb for 9 months...no air to breath in there...now he is almost six and he is having conversations with me...he is learning to read...we play video games together...he is a mracle that God gave me the oppurtunity/choice to take care of...I'll do my best for him

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