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Sign the petition and get WLIR to go full-time dance!

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Attention dance music fans in the New York Metropolitan area.

Lately WLIR (92.7/Long Island) has been adding dance music onto their rotation, the stuff that is more progressive and cutting edge than other radio stations in the area.

For those that might remember, a few years ago, I ran the Metro New York Dance Radio Coalition years ago to get a dance station back to New York. While 'KTU did come on, while they have done a decent job, a lot of us feel that they haven't done enough to progress dance music.

What WLIR has been doing has been nothing short of fantastic! So much so that we would like to see them go further with the dance music on a full-time basis. If you feel the same way, then visit http://www.petitiononline.com/wlir927/petition.html and sign your name/e-mail to the list (your e-mail address will NOT be shown.) If you want to research further about what I am talking about visit http://www.nydailynews.com/2001-12-06/New_York_Now/Television/a-134265.asp where I was interviewed about the petition drive.

If you want to make some noise and get dance music further recognized, sign the petition!

Thank you,


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I DEFINITELY want to see this happen! I just read the Daily News article on this petition, and fellow CP'ers, let's sign up, i have always wished that 92.7 WLIR would play more dance, and KTU is still too "pop." WLIR is the only progressive station we have right now, and it's bout time it went even more progressive!

I just signed. :D

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Originally posted by scoob-e

like they dont already play i turn to u and castles in the sky enough. you wanna hear electronic? turn on 89.1 (think thats the channel if i can remember correctly)

i know....

sandstorm + blood is pumping x stupid annoying dumbfuck hoover track that i don't even know the name of = :gang: :gang: :gang: :gang: :gang: :gang:

no offense...but while they're better than alot of other stations, they're still not exactly cutting it.......How much progression is it really?

leave them be

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Originally posted by xpander

i know....

sandstorm + blood is pumping x stupid annoying dumbfuck hoover track that i don't even know the name of = :gang: :gang: :gang: :gang: :gang: :gang:

no offense...but while they're better than alot of other stations, they're still not exactly cutting it.......How much progression is it really?

leave them be

. . . It's all that dude Andre's fault. . He caters to the meatmarket crowd . . THe late night DJ's will play some of the cooler poppy type tracks, but Andre needs a wakup call, especially with the evening spot he's got . . the possibilities are endless . . for every time he hits it with a cool track, there's two helpings of cheese to chase . .

. . If you want to hear some good Techstep, tune into 89.9 on sat nights from 9:30 to 10:30. . this cat mat boogie throws down, and he aint half bad . . It's one of the few shows, other than NYU, which in my opion goes to far into the whole college radio Alt thing, that actually plays some decent music . .

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As long as they don't turn LIR into another Party. I like Party, Theo does awesome mixes in the afternoon. They have great music on the weekends (even broadcast from CPI in the summer) however, too much rap for me. BLECH! I don't think there is a strong enough demographic to support full time dance station.

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i refuse to support this..

we dont need any more forums where radio jocks, and labels support acts and tracks that pay cash.

fuck that.

if its done correctly...sure....but i know it wont be. it never does.

when i hear tekno on 92.7 on a friday night then i will belive.


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great, that's all we need is another station to say their gonna support dance & then turn around and begin to mix R&B into the realm in order to gain coporate sponsor's...

I'm not really interested in hearing white labels pop up on the raido either, kinda just takes away from the whole clubbin' experience, when I hear voice-overs & commercials being played over a Bedrock track...

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Originally posted by vampienyc10

NO way.. I'm not signing.. I want to keep WLIR just like it is.. once you turn it to an all dance station it WILL become another bullshit KTU..

I agree with you 100%!!!!

I also agree with lowmazda - there is definitley not a strong enough demographic to change this.

Oh and someone else said something about Andre....

I used to intern there. Hes quite the ladies man. Does anyone know Gary Cee? I think hes (or was) on the 3-7 spot. He tried to hook up with me in the promotions van one morning! I grabbed my WLIR phone cards that I had to put on every car in friggen Long Island and ran!!!!!!!!


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I have been reading your posts and all and I am going to answer a couple of questions about this.

1) The reason why the numbers are low is because the petition has just gotten underway.

2) For those of you fearing that this station is going to be another 'KTU, what I am trying to fight for is a choice. For those people that like the older stuff, the popsy, freestyle a la 1990 music that is there, they can have 'KTU. What WE want is a current happening station that is progressive (trance, house, etc.) And despite some comments about Party 105, they are a HELLUVA lot better than 'KTU. At least we might have a chance to hear Ian Van Dahl's "I Will" versus 'KTU's 30,000 run of "Castles In The Sky" and we want to see if Party 105 can go into 92.7 and for modern rock fans, take the 92.7/98.5 thing solely to 98.5

3) Granted, a 100% dance station cannot work. But at least let us pick it up to the point where we can get the music WE want. And if it is about hip-hop and pop, what would you rather deal with, Ja Rule or 'N Sync.

4) If you don't want to sign, no one is forcing you to. But then it makes me think that is what is wrong with the dance music community. That since there are so many genres of it, that we aren't united enough to stand together and make ourselves known. Which is why radio and media haven't given us a fair chance. Right now is no time to be apathetic and fear that another dance station will sound like 'KTU. I will say it again.....it is time for US to take control and have a say. After all, the bottom line is us come advertisers anyway.

Look I respect people's views on this matter and whether or not I agree with them is unimportant right now. What IS important however is that WE as dance music fans take some sort of control on what we want. And I think it is very clear that for a new dance station, we do NOT want a 'KTU style station. We want something more progressive.

Anyway, the petition is based at http://www.petitiononline.com/wlir927/petition.html

At the very least, we have radio people talking about this so we awoke some eyes!


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the reason there is no unity is because most of the business is built up of shady,greedy,obnoxious characters who glorify aspects of the scene for their personal benefit.

no matter what your role is in the dance music arena..odds are you have been burned time and time again.

supporting a radio station that will eventually use this new format to support their own artists and labels is a mockery for what this lifestyle stands for.

if i hear one more chris the greek or riddler on the radio i iwll rip the tuning dial..

all you get is blah blah blah blah blah blah..bad mixing..blah blah blah blah...she's hot and off the meter....blah blah blah blah blah....

for once i want to hear a radio station play music and nothing else.


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"for once i want to hear a radio station play music and nothing else. "

Two words....satellite radio.

Now for other things.

Mike! I do remember you. You were there are the rally we had up in Elmsford back then! Yeah! Well I actually never left the scene. I still had the website going for a bit, until last year and I still continue to post in alt.music.dance. I was just quiet all those years until this happened with 'LIR and people were e-mailing me about this. That's why I came back.

And for those that want to know the count on the petition, so far 63 siggies. This morning when I woke up, there were 28! So to those of you that have signed, thank you! AND SPREAD THE WORD! If you know of other dance music forums out there, let me know at tonysantiago@rcn.com so that I can get the word out in those areas.

Thank you,


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Originally posted by tonysantiago

"for once i want to hear a radio station play music and nothing else. "

Two words....satellite radio.

Now for other things.

Thank you,


thanks for the tip..

and thanks for commenting on all the other points i stated.

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This is the thing.....is it enough that we'll get to hear THE NEW IAN VAN DAHL on WLIR? Great, it's less commercial than KTU, but what's that really going to mean? Is it really going to reflect what the music and the culture is all about?

The corporation doesn't give a shit about what we want to hear, it's about what they think we want. KTU had all the potential in the world. Is there any reason why we should believe that the new format would be so far off from KTU? In the end, it wouldn't be such a good idea to kill a GOOD variety station and replace it with a dance station that really isn't going to be more than a few steps apart from the like of KTU.

I don't suppose anyone considered the possibility that KTU is the epitomy of exactly what happens when you introduce dance music to the masses? The music becomes more and more focused on being more easily digested rather than being innovative and ground breaking. Is ther a reason why dance music NEEDS to be accepted by the public and the mass media? What's the long term consequences of this culture being embraced by the public?

It does seems that the ol' CDs are doing a better job than this station would.

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Basically I agree with both sides...

WLIR sucks horribly right now, and yet it is the best commercial radio station around, which says a lot about both our scene's demorgraphics (which are weak) and the state of "alternative" music (which is bullshit coopted pop with alterna-marketing added)

While I don't think WLIR would be able to become dance full time without having to cater to the lowest common taste-denominator in order to maintain advertising, what they could and should do (and I will vote, with this suggestion added) is set aside Fri and Sat nights and set up shows for TOP Quality Guest Dj's (if the could get a resident worthy of this more power to them) a la UK Radio 1, with no talk, no commercials, for at least 1hr blocks, and let some good shit permeat the airwaves for the period of time when the party ppl are getting ready and making their way out...and then another late, late run of it when we are going home! Cause NOBODY who is up at 5:30 on sat morning wants to hear Creed!!

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