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My 11 day review of Ft. Liquordale/Miami/Sobe

Guest saleen351

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Guest saleen351

Some background info for you:



lives in NJ by the city

1. weather - top notch, no complaints at all.....I love it......

2. Women are everywhere....Hot too, really nice and easy to approach, they love the NJ asshole charm. They need some fashion help, but overall, I'll take a South Fl girl any day then a NJ girl.

3. PPl are def dummer down there. I got the weirdest looks and comments when I would go out and yes BUY A NEWSPAPER.. Everyone would come threw the apt I was staying at and when they saw I watched 60 mins or the oreilly factor they all were like wtf geek.... No one would talk about politics or the war or anything intelligent....

4. Highways are really good, no complaints, except you got 8 lanes all going slow sometimes....never could figure that one out.

5. I'm in love with the morning weather girl on channel 7 news, the blonde chick.....WOW..

6. music: this is weird,,,you ppl love club music down there but it took me a trip to scarlets the strip joint to hear some good beats..Need to speed things up down there, but I guess if I lived there I wouldn't notice it, so fuck it....Oh I forgot, why on one radio station, what seemed to be rap jocks mixing club tracks and they would only play 1 min of each song....thank god for cds

7. Stip joints are top notch...Great time, they love northerns...Why? I have no idea...

8. How come I was the tallest person in most places and I'm only 6'1???

9. ft liquordale is one awesome place...I could live on the river walk area....Serving liquor on the street...WTF, you ppl have no idea how good you got it...........

10. Sobe is cool, but I def have more fun in liquordale....

11. Never got to space, so next time i'll have to go..

12. clubs are all behind in music, not enouch hard beats and the sound systems are too low, crank that shit UP! NJ and NYC djs would rock that place.

13. ppl overall are all nice and smile....except the damm cubans, fuck them, bad attitudes..

14. as soon as my brother picked me up in the philly airport I was like , why am I back in NJ...I want to go back now......Hopefully I can find a job next time, which should be JAN.....

15. I can't wait to get my stang down there for some Ferrari hunting....

16. If you don't get laid when you go out to Gatsbys on a wed night they you need some professional help...I LOVE THAT PLACE.

17. some place called happy hour? on top of a building in miami beach. shit was phat, but no beer and I like beer to pregame, but it was fun...

this is a short list but you get the pt.

Any of yous that complain about shit down just shut the fuck up...if you have a good job then you have nothing to complain about down there.

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You're exactly why most of South Florida DOESN'T go to Riverfront to dance and heads to Space instead.

To get to Space you take I-95 all the way north until the road forks. You can't miss it -- it'll be on your left & it will look familiar.

PS -- most of us don't watch TV that obssessively because we're all busy getting laid and utilizing other social skills.

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Guest saleen351

remember this, I live in a big tourist area of NJ shore where all the clubs are, I welcome the tourists and I enjoy hanging with them, they by no means hurt the "scene" they just add to it... I was with 15 ppl that live there, so we hit all types of places...

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Glad you had a good time.

Your right, if you cant get laid at riverfront or Gatsby's on Ladies night (wed) you must be dead.

As for the stupid people... yeah I guess, but I think it is more because of the areas you were in. Go where real people live and we have book of the month clubs discussing Atlas Shruged and Emmanual Kant's Metaphysicis of Morals in between our speed chess matches. ;)

As for the music, what clubs did you visit? If they were in Lauderdale, your right, the music most probabally sucked. And as for the radio stations.. guilty as charged, they suck too.

but silly rabbit, breaks are for kids!!

BTW the same thing you say about Cubans I say about NY/NJ'ers, but I found out that it is just the assholes you notice while the normal ones tend to pass by without making an impression.

and as Im sure you figured out, lauderdale is for hooking up, south beach is for clubbing.

Let us know next time you are down, well drag your tourist ass off ocean dr. and turn you into a true floridian... since you already meet the requirement of being from the NY area :)

good luck with your job hunting........


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As for the sound systems, louder does not equate better. I'd rather have a good signal at 120 dB than a mediocre signal at 140 dB.

Heheh, you shoulda called that "The complaint to get pod's attention"

As for the latest sounds, yeah, you missed out on a lot by not going to Space, and more than likely you missed Liquid on a Thursday night.

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Guest saleen351

I had such a great time...No place is gonna be perfect, but I imagine with all of us tri staters moving there, that the scene will continue to get better until NYC is moved into 2nd place..

Pod I should of made it more clear that turn it up also meant energy...I like to feel the beat not just listen to it...but I didn't hit the non tourist club scene up so for what I said just apply it to liquordale..

The pt being you ppl have 2 complety different scenes that are 15 min from each other. And that kicks ass...I would imagine if I lived there, I would be in liquordale on fridays, sobe or miami on sat and wed at gatsbys...

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Originally posted by pod

As for the sound systems, louder does not equate better. I'd rather have a good signal at 120 dB than a mediocre signal at 140 dB.

POD... I'm really beginning to not like you(in an "I can't believe that post kinda way, other than that, we're cool :) )! I'm all for good sound bro.. but dB's!!!! Come on! As they say..."Shut The Fuck Up and Dance!" I'm a dj and a veteran clubber, and sound is always VERY important but not down to the fucking dB's! You guys that discuss "rigs" and other shit need a message board all your own! I respect what you do, but it takes the fun out of why we love music!In a recent review.. you HAD to add this...

Originally posted by pod

The sound there is a Turbosound rig by Sound Investment, Ltd. out of Chicago. It's decent for the room, but I'm not a huge fan of Turbosound. I've recently been shown the magic of Nexo, and I'm still a big EAW fan. They have some issues with the high-end of the signal in this install..

Seeing a dj like Miguel Migs on a Peavey guitar amp system, is FAR BETTER THAN SEEING A LOT of other jocks on your Nexo system which I assume doesn't have any issues with the high-end of the signal on their install!!!!

Don't turn this into a pissing match because I'm not dirting you or any other techies on the board... just kills me sometimes! And I refuse to respond because I'm just venting!

I dj every Saturday @ Sutra in Ft. Lauderdale whose sound system is one dB away from being worse than the ones attached to my iMac, but it gets packed with househeads each week that dance their asses off well past closing! Think they're out there with their dB meter????


Keep It Simple Stupid!

And there is a VERY thriving house scene in Ft. Lauderdale! How's the bandwagon SoBe people doing.. big fans of people like Tiesto, then you're out giving reviews of Miguel Migs!!! What sound do sheep make????

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by vaughanz

I dj every Saturday @ Sutra in Ft. Lauderdale whose sound system is one dB away from being worse than the ones attached to my iMac, but it gets packed with househeads each week that dance their asses off well past closing! Think they're out there with their dB meter????

I was at sultra last sat night. Place is OK, some hot broad jamie got us in the vip up stairs, then I knew the guys in the downstairs so I hung there....I think you were playing some sort of trance....sound system was terrible but the broads were pretty hot....

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Well i never been to vinyl, but i've heard complains about it. That the sound system sucks, that its a little hole on the wall, that its hot as hell, so on and so forth, yet people pack that place every time Tenaglia is there or any other big DJ. I guess some of the people in here are spoiled with the EAW system or any other system that is way to expensive for a small club to buy but if the DJ is good i wouldn't mind listenning to him over my headphones.

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I'm not sure how we jumped from girls to sound systems but...

Sound systems are key. I went to Level not too long ago after the revamping of their sound system and it sounded muddy and flat. I'm not sure if the engineer EQed the main room properly, but it sounded worse than before.

I'm sure they spent serious $ on the new system, but they failed to tune it to the acoustic properties and dimensions of the club -- and the ear.

So in a sense it doesn't really matter what kind of equipment is used as opposed to how well you know how to use it.

Best sound system in Fort Lauderdale: Chili Pepper. For those of you who have seen Rollins Band, Orgy, Jane's Addiction, The Cult, and other performers/DJs at that venue know what I'm talkling about. What's going on with the Pepper nowadays anyway?

By the way, Acosta was spinning that night at Level.

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Originally posted by saleen351

2. Women are everywhere....Hot too, really nice and easy to approach, they love the NJ asshole charm. They need some fashion help, but overall, I'll take a South Fl girl any day then a NJ girl.

You've GOT TO BE KIDDING! Where in the hell did you go? To me this place is a big sausage factory.....and the few girls that ARE here won't accept you unless they are able to review your bank statement (preferably investment portfolio) beforehand. Really nice and easy to approach??? Am I living in some kind of a stuck up, bling-blinging parallel universe or something? I've been here for all my 27 years. The women here are stuck-up bitches, whether they are "hot" or not. I feel like I have a better chance with women *anywhere* else in the country. Maybe it's the NJ asshole charm I just do not have. If that's the case, what does that say about the girls here, that they would prefer the NJ asshole charm........says a lot IMO.

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Originally posted by shroomy

Your right, if you cant get laid at riverfront or Gatsby's on Ladies night (wed) you must be dead.

Really? I've never been there.......really never hung out in Ft. Lauderdale, actually. However, I bet I could go to Gatsby's on Wednesday night and not get one sniff of female attention. Hell, I doubt they'd even let me in the door.

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by patrickl

Really? I've never been there.......really never hung out in Ft. Lauderdale, actually. However, I bet I could go to Gatsby's on Wednesday night and not get one sniff of female attention. Hell, I doubt they'd even let me in the door.

First off I don't want to sound like some stud that knows everything to pick up women, but I know this, the way you post is a totaly reflection of your personality, Your obviously older then me, I'm 24 but age don't matter, BE AN ASSHOLE, try it, insult a hot broad and watch what she does, control her, run the conversation, its soooooooo easy it should be illegal. South florida women ain't that smart, and really easy to approach, that is a perfect combination, throw some hot gear on and be a fucking asshole and watch what happens, Don't worry about offending them, they like it, Hot broads hear the same shit every day by guy after guy, you have to be different, get her attention, comment on her fucking shoes, tell her you don't like her outfit, make some statement (suttle though) about her weight and she will remember you forever. DON'T TELL HER HOW GOOD SHE LOOKS, NO GOOD COMMENTS AT ALL. Now at this point your laying the ground work, find out where her and her friends usually hang, then a week later show up and be such a gentlemen that she is shocked!!! She can't figure you out now, she can't tell if your an asshole or just misunderstood, then close the deal....Thats how I do it, I ain't good looking enough or suave enough to pull ass right there right now, but I know over time I can wear them down. Like I said I ain't tom cruise but I know women are SICK of the same shit, espcially the hot ones...If you have any wall street brokers or friends that are brokers then go out drinking with them, brokers are trained to close deals, its who has the biggest balls on wall street, thats where I was trained, remember if you don't close the deal with the girl the next guy will....You got nothing to loose.... I'm sure I gonna get some BS for this post, but remeber this is how I DO IT, I NOT saying I pull ass every night, but I aint bad at it either...dont' think i'm a expert this is what works for me, so if you got a different way then go with it.

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  • 1 year later...
Originally posted by saleen351

First off I don't want to sound like some stud that knows everything to pick up women, but I know this, the way you post is a totaly reflection of your personality, Your obviously older then me, I'm 24 but age don't matter, BE AN ASSHOLE, try it, insult a hot broad and watch what she does, control her, run the conversation, its soooooooo easy it should be illegal. South florida women ain't that smart, and really easy to approach, that is a perfect combination, throw some hot gear on and be a fucking asshole and watch what happens, Don't worry about offending them, they like it, Hot broads hear the same shit every day by guy after guy, you have to be different, get her attention, comment on her fucking shoes, tell her you don't like her outfit, make some statement (suttle though) about her weight and she will remember you forever. DON'T TELL HER HOW GOOD SHE LOOKS, NO GOOD COMMENTS AT ALL. Now at this point your laying the ground work, find out where her and her friends usually hang, then a week later show up and be such a gentlemen that she is shocked!!! She can't figure you out now, she can't tell if your an asshole or just misunderstood, then close the deal....Thats how I do it, I ain't good looking enough or suave enough to pull ass right there right now, but I know over time I can wear them down. Like I said I ain't tom cruise but I know women are SICK of the same shit, espcially the hot ones...If you have any wall street brokers or friends that are brokers then go out drinking with them, brokers are trained to close deals, its who has the biggest balls on wall street, thats where I was trained, remember if you don't close the deal with the girl the next guy will....You got nothing to loose.... I'm sure I gonna get some BS for this post, but remeber this is how I DO IT, I NOT saying I pull ass every night, but I aint bad at it either...dont' think i'm a expert this is what works for me, so if you got a different way then go with it.

you know what "the saleen" is right on just about most or all of this post. keep the free chick advice coming:cool:

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Originally posted by saleen351

Some background info for you:



lives in NJ by the city

Any of yous that complain about shit down just shut the fuck up...if you have a good job then you have nothing to complain about down there.

:confused: :confused:

Is this the same dickhead we know??!

you oughtta check back on ur attitude mr saleen.. they say first guess is usually the right one...

After all its not like u were forced to move dwn here.. u came cause u liked it.. nothing has changed, it has only gotten better.. so,

As I always say, quit yer bitchin and STFU.. or u could always go back to Jersey ;)

and btw.. the scene is far from Dead...

its dead up in jersey! lol


MP3. :smoke:

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