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Mind over Matter....Appereances


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Yes, it's all about confidence. Which is entirely different from being conceited. A self-confident person will carry themselves differently, and project a different image than someone who thinks poorly of themself, walks around facing the ground, avoids eye contact...

Just like a truly good-looking person who is all stuck up on themself is unattractive, so is a beautiful person who has a low self-image. Imagine a super-model who wouldn't shut up about how big her thighs are, how she can't stand her nose, blah blah blah. After a while it would be a total turn-off no matter how good she looked at first.

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Honestly I think that maybe a small percentage of guys actually "look good" straight out of the box I think the rest of us benefit alot more from grooming clothes and just the general way we carry ourselves. girl have it alot tougher than guys do.

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Originally posted by dgmodel

and ppl who have popularity complexes, like have to be center of attn. all the time

I have a few friends like this and it's so annoying. There is nothing worse then trying to be the center of attention. Although one time a guy said to one of them, you know, if you didnt try to be all that and get all the attention, then you would be all that. Of course she got mad and stormed out!!!

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Originally posted by lollib

I have a few friends like this and it's so annoying. There is nothing worse then trying to be the center of attention. Although one time a guy said to one of them, you know, if you didnt try to be all that and get all the attention, then you would be all that. Of course she got mad and stormed out!!!

someone I know please let me in on this....

I think its all about personality,and how you carry yourself, if you think you are then you must be, and others will pick that up!! I like looks don't get me wrong, but I also need someone with a personality, thats the most important thing to me......

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Originally posted by lollib

I have a few friends like this and it's so annoying. There is nothing worse then trying to be the center of attention. Although one time a guy said to one of them, you know, if you didnt try to be all that and get all the attention, then you would be all that. Of course she got mad and stormed out!!!

Now what about the people who don't try ans be the center of attention, but always wind up being it..... If someone goes outta their way to try and make themselves the center, yes it is a turn off. I thinkit's more attractive when someone is very pretty, handsome, or what ever, and they don't think so. Their reacions are geniune and not about all the hot air.....

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Hi kids!

ummm....well, i think

Confidence: all has to do with how u feel about urself. sure, how others make u feel helps with this, but it shouldn't matter all that much. if u'r confident u tend to project calmness and something that makes people want to be near u whether u'r happy or sad or what have u.

Good looks: well, grooming is important, but people are naturally attractive to you or they aren't, and this can be different for each of us. confidence helps bring out the attractiveness, but an unattractive person who's confident and other things becomes that really cool person u know, u love to hang with, etc.

becoming better looking: its definitely true that the more u like someone's personality, the more attractive they become cause that beauty starts to be more than skin deep. its one of the signs of a good relationship.

Conceitedness: SUCKS! and yeah, its not the same as confidence. Confidence has nothing to do with how u treat urself or what u think u deserve....

SPYGIRL: what made u ask this? trying to figure someone out?

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Originally posted by SPYGIRL2

Now what about the people who don't try ans be the center of attention, but always wind up being it

No, my friend tired to be the center of attention and people knew it. I dont think there is anything wrong when someone just happens to be the center of attention without trying. I think when a person strives for all the attention, they have low self-esteem and this helps them to feel better.

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I def. feel that as far as confidence goes...if someone is attractive but not anything amazing and they have a very confident (not cocky) attitude, then people will view them as more attractive then they would if they didnt have that confidence. I just feel that how you carry yourself matters a lot in judging someones "beauty".:)

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Originally posted by lollib

No, my friend tired to be the center of attention and people knew it. I dont think there is anything wrong when someone just happens to be the center of attention without trying. I think when a person strives for all the attention, they have low self-esteem and this helps them to feel better.

Gotcha... I agree, people who stive to make a scene have a few issues....It's one thing when youare kidding around, but it's a whole other thing when that 's all you know how to do......

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