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Don't You HATE when People say....

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Don't You Hate When People say the Following about Clubbing and going to Parties (ADD Your Own):

1- I'm so over going out

2- I feel too Old (and they're like 19 years old)

3- I could just listen to music at home for free

4- Going out and not doing drugs is Pointless

5- I have no money to go out (Meanwhile they're driving a new car and just went on a $500 Shopping spree!!!

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This one is more of what people DO that I hate:

This is just another group of people that need to be taken deep into the woods and severely beaten with heavy mining equipment:

These GUYS!.....who choose to fly around the world in HOT AIR BALLOONS!...



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I have this problem everytime I go out with this one group of friends. We get to where ever we planned to go that night and 2 hours after being there, this one person in the group always wants to leave. Then everyone else feels bad that he's not having a good time so the start bitching that maybe we should leave early and take him back. Drives me nuts!:unhappy:

Why go out if you know you don't want to?:confused:

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Or when you plan to go out with someone for like a week, and its been one of those weeks that you totally NEED to get out on Friday night... only to have the person call you saying that they don't feel like going out anymore... AN HOUR BEFORE YOU ARE LEAVING!!!! Arghh... I hate that!!

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Originally posted by jennEfer

....only to have the person call you saying that they don't feel like going out anymore... AN HOUR BEFORE YOU ARE LEAVING!!!! Arghh... I hate that!!

I HATE THAT Soooooooooooooo MUCH!!! Especially when your all ready!!!

Or how about when they FALL Asleep...and then u can't wake them up, and you're totally ready to go out!!! Pisses me offff!!!


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Originally posted by glowgrlnyc

I HATE THAT Soooooooooooooo MUCH!!! Especially when your all ready!!!

Or how about when they FALL Asleep...and then u can't wake them up, and you're totally ready to go out!!! Pisses me offff!!!


yeah I hate that...thats what I always get, where am all ready to leave and an hour or right before I am supposed to walk out the house, they cancell, or they dont fuckin call and have their cell phone off, now thats just not right. I hate that the most. Its like If u dont wanna go, tell me , dont make me think we're going and then am stuck in the house all dressed up and ready to go nowhere....:mad: :mad: :mad:

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If any of you guys need a club partner Im down for what ever when ever I have had all my shots I am great conversation and ladies I wont hit on you and the best back rub this side of the mason dixon

no but for real I hate that one time I was all amped to go to vinyl and then one by one 5 friends just ditched me and it was around 12 too I was so pissed

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i kept hearing those things too often (another fav is: there's no vocals! how can u enjoy music without vocals?)

thats why i started posting here in the first place

i started hearing the same stuff from my roomies in london

on my birthday my fav dj was spinning, and no one wanted to come out to see her. they were going out someplace else, told me to go with them, but i decided i should go someplace where i wanted to go. it was my birthday after all. so, i sucked up some courage and went by myself. it felt a little wierd at first, but once my dj came on....it was all over. try it sometime. its very liberating. you can go to the club whenever you want, and leave whenever you want; without having to listen to other people whine, bitch and moan about "this music sucks" or "my legs are tired!" or "my feet hurt!" (these last 2 piss me off the most) or having to worry about finding friends after they disappear in the crowd. as usual, just be careful and pay more attention to your surroundings and you will have a good time.

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Shit lately I'll go check out a party or DJ by myself so I don't have to hear my friends whining about the music sucking (since they don't know jack and think hot 97.1 or KTU is good music), or my other friends wondering where all the B&T girls are for them to hit on.

I just go, dance, and chill.


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Originally posted by bigpoppanils

"my legs are tired!" or "my feet hurt!"

...These are those same people that wear Stiletto sandals, 6 inch Platform Boots or dangerously Pointy Boots, and those guys who wear those black leather shoes that have no shock absorbance, no support...and make Clunking noises when dancing...and then they wonder why their feet hurt.....DUH????????


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Originally posted by weed247



.....ewwwwwwwww..I Really HATE that!!!

Aso hate when they say:

1 - "I don't feel like going out...It's Raining" Last time I checked,

rain does not harm Humans in any way!!!

2 - "I'll go out next weekend" (never TRUE!!!)

3 - "I have a Boyfriend/Girlfriend now, so there's no point" ARGHH:mad: :mad: :mad:

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Originally posted by glowgrlnyc

...These are those same people that wear Stiletto sandals, 6 inch Platform Boots or dangerously Pointy Boots, and those guys who wear those black leather shoes that have no shock absorbance, no support...and make Clunking noises when dancing...and then they wonder why their feet hurt.....DUH????????


damnnnn she even has the pictures of the shoes!!! haha. I wear black shoes.. not neccesarily ones in the pic.. and I feel comfy when I dance hard.

I hate when people do that. Now I'm just like fuck it.. if anyone wants to come, they come, if they don't .... then I dont' give a shit. They know what number to call on friday night if they wanna come with me. I don't rely on people anymore. I'm like the opposite sometimes. I try to find every excuse not to go, but I end up going cause I always say I need a break but I end up going in the end:idea: :idea:

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Originally posted by glowgrlnyc

.....ewwwwwwwww..I Really HATE that!!!

Aso hate when they say:

1 - "I don't feel like going out...It's Raining" Last time I checked,

rain does not harm Humans in any way!!!

2 - "I'll go out next weekend" (never TRUE!!!)

3 - "I have a Boyfriend/Girlfriend now, so there's no point" ARGHH:mad: :mad: :mad:

lol ive heard all those excuses too and it drives me crazy. i kinda understand though, when my friends ask me to go out up here i never want to go and ill use any excuse i can come up with to get out of going, its just not my scene, clubs arent theirs.

lately ive been feeling kinda out of the whole clubbing thing, it just doesnt seem all that exciting to me. hopefully its just a phase...

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Yeah I definitely agree with all of you..

But I'll probally have to go with the one that when people say they are coming for like the entire week & then back out last minute.

I actually have a friend that was "coming" to the club for like 2 weeks in advance and even got all dressed to go and everything, and as we were leaving the house, he was like: "Am I gonna need my license to get into the club?" (cause his shit is suspended so he doesn't have it) and I was like: "Yes of course you do you stupid shit!" It turns out that he knew it, it was just his excuse. WTF is that all about?! :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

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for all these reasons i seek out and hang out with YOU GUYS AND GALS OF C.P... i've pretty much given up on my friends. they aren't into this scene because they don't believe it exists and i may be able to lead a newbie to limelight but i can't force him/her to enjoy it.

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