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Oh god.....I am totally afraid of giving in to someone.....So much so that I totally dodge a lot of serious situations and run for the hills.

I'm just wondering when it'll all be ok again. Me and my X broke up almost a year ago. I know I am over him completely....so what's the deal?????


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Originally posted by starcapone

have a hard time fully giving yourself to someone for fear or being hurt??

I never think that the person i love so much, would hurt me that deep... I never learned from the first time i got my heart broken. And i cant make myself to hold back no matter that i got hurt in the past couple of times. When i'm with the girl, i give her everything that i can, cause it also brings me pleasure to make other human being happy. In the matter of fact i just went through this very bad breakup that kinda still hurts. So i think, after this time, which happened to be 3rd, i will have problem getting to close. I think its a good thing to take it slow and not get close to soon, which is kinda difficult during "Puppy Love" stage of a relationship which is the beginning. People should approach relationships more carefully and live 1 day at the time. But unfortunately it takes to get slapped on the face atleast once or maybe more to realize that for any person.


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i have the same problem. ever since me and my bf broke up i dont want to commit to anyone.. i havent even met anyone who really interests me. i dunno, i guess its kinda pointless to get into relationships with people if you dont see yourself with them in the long run and im not looking for that now. :o

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Originally posted by somebitch

i have the same problem. ever since me and my bf broke up i dont want to commit to anyone.. i havent even met anyone who really interests me. i dunno, i guess its kinda pointless to get into relationships with people if you dont see yourself with them in the long run and im not looking for that now. :o

hey! thats my reply!!! lol~ ummm... sadly, i am still not really over my ex... it's been a while too which makes me feel worse... anyway, because of how we broke up i am so weary of guys and have not allowed anyone past a certain point... even so... i'm not looking for someone right now... i just kinda want to be alone and have some freedom, but i have a friend who is kinda worth it and thats a huge problem... blah~ :(

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funny....I met this guy a few weeks ago...and we hit it off (or so I thought). The fuckin kid wouldn't even kiss me never mind sex. And when I asked him what the deal was, he said "I don't want you to hurt me." I was like wtf!!!! But I can totally understand where he was coming from bc my heart is actually still broken. But lucky for me, he warmed up a lil...and got to see that the only hurtin I would put on him is a good one ;)

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Originally posted by djmoonshine

hey! thats my reply!!! lol~ ummm... sadly, i am still not really over my ex... it's been a while too which makes me feel worse... anyway, because of how we broke up i am so weary of guys and have not allowed anyone past a certain point... even so... i'm not looking for someone right now... i just kinda want to be alone and have some freedom, but i have a friend who is kinda worth it and thats a huge problem... blah~ :(

yeah I am not completely over my ex..adn it has been awhile as well...whihc scares me too...damn I think the a way to get over someone fully would be to meet someone to fill that void, someone that you can make you happy and make you forget about your ex completely...

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Originally posted by fierydesire

yeah I am not completely over my ex..adn it has been awhile as well...whihc scares me too...damn I think the a way to get over someone fully would be to meet someone to fill that void, someone that you can make you happy and make you forget about your ex completely...

Exactly, I've learned that life goes on, and by thinking about someone in your past, you don't leave room for the future. That guy or girl that you blow off, might have been the one for you, but you'll never know unless you give people a chance. That's how I look at it.

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Originally posted by nurdee

actually...there's the other end of the spectrum also....ahem...>>enter yours truly<<

I always seem to give too much way too early...and im not talkin action...go figure. sad part is....i havent, and most probably will never learn....

Yeah, dude! i'm the same way ... gave too much up of myself, and i don't think i'll ever learn.

Still to this day, girls like talking to me and (i guess) are attracted to me, but that's b/c i AM so open and giving of myself.

I guess that's just in my character. But it sucks, cause i'm still feeling the pain of a breakup and it's been 3 months already!

SHeeSH :(

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