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buying coke


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CAn anyone tell me some slang used to describe the quantity and prices for buying coke. I've been buying an $80 ..but not sure how much that is supposed to be...any help would be great..I like know an 8 ball is an 1/8 of ounce of coke ..but need more info. Peace

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Originally posted by autocom

CAn anyone tell me some slang used to describe the quantity and prices for buying coke. I've been buying an $80 ..but not sure how much that is supposed to be...any help would be great..I like know an 8 ball is an 1/8 of ounce of coke ..but need more info. Peace

If average price, its supposed to be a gram. Dont buy in powdered coke, always buy in rock(s). Im not ur daddy or anything, but stay away from coke if you can, the crash in the morning when coke ends is not worth the roll, i dont understand why you starting to use it. In case u havent had "roll-all-nite" on coke, i'll tell you how you'll feel in the morning... You'll nostrils will be burning like crazy, most likely they will bleed, your body will be shakin' for more coke, and you'll keep making urself promises not to do coke again. As you might have noticed, coke lasts for like 30 mins at most, and in the morning it drops to 10-15 mins and amount you'll need to get the comfort will grow much more. Coke makes you body chemically dependant, thats a fact. And after every night you'll spend snorting coke, you'll nose will be fucked up for up to 2 weeks after, it will feel like you have a terrible flu. I find it most useless/pointless drug ever. But i guess just couple lines during a party sometimes wont hurt, while drinkin' booze it goes nicely.

I hope you'll think much more before rolling on it. There is much more other party drugs that wont have such miserable after effect.

If you really want to know more, PM or AIM me i'll tell you, or just go to www.erowid.org and read cocaine experience vaults.

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Originally posted by crashedfx

If average price, its supposed to be a gram. Dont buy in powdered coke, always buy in rock(s). Im not ur daddy or anything, but stay away from coke if you can, the crash in the morning when coke ends is not worth the roll, i dont understand why you starting to use it. In case u havent had "roll-all-nite" on coke, i'll tell you how you'll feel in the morning... You'll nostrils will be burning like crazy, most likely they will bleed, your body will be shakin' for more coke, and you'll keep making urself promises not to do coke again. As you might have noticed, coke lasts for like 30 mins at most, and in the morning it drops to 10-15 mins and amount you'll need to get the comfort will grow much more. Coke makes you body chemically dependant, thats a fact. And after every night you'll spend snorting coke, you'll nose will be fucked up for up to 2 weeks after, it will feel like you have a terrible flu. I find it most useless/pointless drug ever. But i guess just couple lines during a party sometimes wont hurt, while drinkin' booze it goes nicely.

I hope you'll think much more before rolling on it. There is much more other party drugs that wont have such miserable after effect.

If you really want to know more, PM or AIM me i'll tell you, or just go to www.erowid.org and read cocaine experience vaults.

or if you want to know more, you might want to ask someone that sounds like they know what they are talking about. Sorry, but you really don't sound to experienced...

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Originally posted by jimk29

or if you want to know more, you might want to ask someone that sounds like they know what they are talking about. Sorry, but you really don't sound to experienced...

I wont argue, cause i aint got nothing to prove. I know coke, i've done alot of coke. If i have problem expressing myself to "sound" correct, thats just too bad, well, gimme 2 more years, i'll work on my english.

I do believe i might sound like a fuckin' christian catholic youth leader, but im not, and i mentioned everything below the first line cause coke destoryed lots of things, including my nasal tissue and my wallet. And i was so not worth it even a little bit. I wrote this one of constant unpleasant memories, so people who still havent went through it, would think twice.

And you, being sucha "know what they are talking about", if you would really know what you talk about, instead of flappin' your mouth for nothing, you could share with the rest of the world, what makes me a "unexperienced" and you sucha an expert.

( That is in case you were referring to yourself, and in case you werent, how can u judge me then? )


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Originally posted by jimk29

or if you want to know more, you might want to ask someone that sounds like they know what they are talking about. Sorry, but you really don't sound to experienced...

not like your contributing any of your experienced-related knowledge, jackass :rolleyes:

and for your information........im not that experienced and i could care less, so no need to comment on my response

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Originally posted by belladiva26

not like your contributing any of your experienced-related knowledge, jackass :rolleyes:

and for your information........im not that experienced and i could care less, so no need to comment on my response

Thank you sweetie :)

My thoughts exactly :)

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To answer your question about the prices. 80 bucks a gram is a complete rip off. Especially considering we live around NYC. The cheapest place in America to buy cocaine, excluding Miami. That being said dont think that everyone in the city is gonna sell you cheap coke. You need to know where your buying your shit from. Up-Town manhattan you can cop a gram for 30-40 bucks. But if your not into "chillin in the hood" then there are plenty of delivery services that will deliever anywhere in manhattan. They typically charge anywhere from 50-70 bucks. Sure, expensive, but the best shit around.

Ive never woken up the next morning with all those symptoms described in the past post. I guess that dude just cant handle his drugs. To each his own.

Coke is good, but it can also be very bad. Sniff responsibly.

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Originally posted by glowey

I've never heard the term "rolling on coke"?

Yeah, its my bad, i kinda meant by it when you spent whole nite snorting it, so its like meth. You kinda roll all nite you know what i mean?

I dont know any "official" names for it. So i borrowed "rolling" from speed.

Is it that bad? ;)

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Up-Town manhattan you can cop a gram for 30-40 bucks. But if your not into "chillin in the hood" then there are plenty of delivery services that will deliever anywhere in manhattan. They typically charge anywhere from 50-70 bucks.

Well, we got our shit uptown for $50-$60 a G, thats why i said $80 is average, cause thats what it was going in Brooklyn & Queens spots for $70-$80. Those are not "friendly" prices, if you got your shit hooked up better than that, well only thing i can do is congradulate you. Whats your point?

Ive never woken up the next morning with all those symptoms described in the past post.

And so now this "Ive never" thing defines everything everywhere? How much do you snort lets say within 24-36 hours? We get like fair 5-6 G per person to last fri and sat, and the shit we buy is pretty good and clear, so dont make comments about it beign bakin' powder. And im not talking about waking up, im talking about going to sleep with your nose on fire and bleeding after 2nd day.

They typically charge anywhere from 50-70 bucks. Sure, expensive, but the best shit around.

Well, never heard of such a beatiful thing, but i hope i did like half a year ago before, we would've saved shitload of time, but anyway....

Coke is good, but it can also be very bad. Sniff responsibly.

well, thats the problem... Like i said in the post, while drinking i love a couple of lines, even still. But we had coke parties that lasted for a couple of days, and during sunday afternoon when its time to stop and get ready to sober up and go to sleep, thats when those symptoms described by me and to most other people at the party appeared.

I guess that dude just cant handle his drugs. To each his own.

Could have said it better myself. Just so you know there is a lot of people who cant handle their drugz. And if you expect me to get offended, please dont, just dont define it little bit more correctly "...dude just cant handle his coke." ok? Cause thats what basicly happens, i dont deny it. But what does that have to do with anything? Most of people dont know how to handle drugz, otherwise they would be legal. Not every person is so special like you

So now again' which part of those things above has anything to do with me not knowing what im talkin' about? The part that i paid more than you do for ur coke or the part of me snorting that shit in large amounts? Because i still dont understand what you trying to say. And if you would cut the macho bullshit that you trying to pull by showing off how cheap can u get it for, and how good can you handle it(well shit like i said maybe you special). We could prolly not have this argument at all. Its pissing me of when guy of your age goes "Me this, Me that, Hes moron". That is so fuckin rude and selfish. Every time i post something that differs with other peoples opinions, i try my best not to offend anybody.

You on other hand tried your best to do the opposite.

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hahaha, wow, crashFX or whatever, dude, I was really not trying to offend you. But unlike you I do not have the time on my hands to write a 2 page reply on why I wasnt.

I will say this though...No, I have never gone on crackhead weekend binges of coke.

Your prices however are way off. Its people like you that fuck up the market for others.

Dont be mad at me though, I AM NOT TRYING TO OFFEND YOU. But if this post does offend, then hey, BE OFFENDED.:blown:

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Originally posted by belladiva26

not like your contributing any of your experienced-related knowledge, jackass :rolleyes:

and for your information........im not that experienced and i could care less, so no need to comment on my response

all I was trying to say was don't tell people whats what if you don't have much experience. easy there killer...:mad:

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Ok, enough with the who's the bigger and better crackhead debate.

Terms that are used, are simple: Gram, Eight, Eightball, Fifties, and twenties.

I never heard any of that made up ebonics garble either.

The delivery service up here on the U East side charges $60 per gram - and if it's not there in 30 min you get a free order of breadsticks - LOL jk ;)

An Eightball is 150ish +.

I agree and say stay away from it and definately sniff responsibly if you do do it.

That wired feeling you get doesn't last very long and you just keep wanting more.

Tell tale signs of somebody that's ridin the white horse, obviously sniffing a lot, super chatter box, and usually lots of lip licking - especially if they've been freezing as well.

I like it, but I stay away from it b/c I like it a little too much. Plus it's not cheap!!

My .02

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Originally posted by pipdaddy

i couldn't imagine going to some neighborhood and randomly asking to buy.....sorry, but in my world, if ya can't find it from someone you already know, you got problemsB]

I could get it form alot of people i know.On the other hand going to cop in Washington Heights is the best.You save so much money and the quality of the coke is better.Grams in jersey go for 60 to 70 bucks.In Washington Heights i've never paid more than 30 bucks for a gram.So i guess i would rather go into strange neighborhoods to powder my nose.:D

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