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ok i guess i've just recently stepped into the real world because i just realized this. the whole point behind dating is sex. when any guy meets a girl his ultimate goal is to fuck her. no guy would waste time "getting to know" a girl if he knew there would be no sex. some guys are a little more subtle and go through the whole courting phase before he sleeps w/ her and average girls fall for this and some are very blunt and let the girl know straight out what they want and less inteligent girls or sick girls fall for this. if you cut off the sex there is no motive for men. girls, doesn't it feel a bit upsetting to know that when a guy approaches you in the club his ultimate goal is to fuck you? i cant get this thought out of my head. its upsetting, but i know im right.

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I hear what your saying, but hun it isnt always true. Maybe at first there intentions may be like that, but I mean you can't generalize for every guy. I have met a numerous amount of guys who are looking more for just sex.

Well as for the whole idea about ultimate goal for a guy who comes up to you to at a club is to fuck, well hey your in a club. I mean its kind of hard to talk to girls one on one with the music blasting. I mean your initial reason to go up to someone is by how they look, so ofcourse you may think of fucking them. I mean you mean to tellme that when you check a guy out at a club your already thinkin 'oh I wonder if he is nice, he would be a good b/f etc etc'. No...your first thoughts are like 'damn he is hot, shit what I would do to him'.

Hey what about us girls. I mean we sometimes have intentions of just wanting to fuck the guy. I mean we dont' out right say it so bluntly but its on our mind.

I hope I made some sense here:confused:

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Originally posted by atomicapples

example : i dont go around trying to get laid...

tried that, done that... bored of it... i want a keeper

example : i dont go around trying to get a keeper

tried that, done that... hurt from it... i want to fuck, and fuck some more, and fuck some more, and fuck some more....

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Hey Kissa!

OK let me break it down for you....are you ready? -- you're 110% right ... now let me tell you with all my heartfelt sincerity

FUCK YOU!!!!!!! :blown: - hehehe :)

now i would just like to know why girls aproach guys - what do girls want from some Bloke in a club?

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Originally posted by bkissa

ok i guess i've just recently stepped into the real world because i just realized this. the whole point behind dating is sex. when any guy meets a girl his ultimate goal is to fuck her. no guy would waste time "getting to know" a girl if he knew there would be no sex. some guys are a little more subtle and go through the whole courting phase before he sleeps w/ her and average girls fall for this and some are very blunt and let the girl know straight out what they want and less inteligent girls or sick girls fall for this. if you cut off the sex there is no motive for men. girls, doesn't it feel a bit upsetting to know that when a guy approaches you in the club his ultimate goal is to fuck you? i cant get this thought out of my head. its upsetting, but i know im right.

I agree that most of the world revolves around sex everything you can think of... From Breakfast to Late night snack. (see first thing popped into your head when i said late night snack was something dirty...) I think it has something to with two things, I havent yet figured out which is the more predominant of the two... One being that sex is the most primitive instinct and men are primitive beings compared to woman, (vice versa in other cases but im saying sexually.) So basically all they do is fuck or do things to fuck... bathe? "yeah i have to bathe so i can smell good so i can fuck..." Job "yeah i need job, big job so i can sound important so i can impress, then fuck" Money: " Hell yeah tons of it so i can spend it on woman and booze then give booze to woman then fuck" Hair cut: " need to look good, woman dont fuck taliban looking men, grooming = fuck" so on and so on you see my point... and the second one being that from day one were conditioned that "nudity bad, cover up," "sex bad close your eyes or dont watch that," porn : filthy, boycott, shut it down etc..." so whenever we're told not do something what do you do??? "Dont buy dat reckiid dey be cussin on it" what do you do?Reserve the fucker so youre the first kid in school to have it. "Dunt be lookin them picture films boy they gots themselves pussy wussy's and tits and shits" what do we all do? go and wait in line for it...


Big Dumbo looking creature in a liatard popped into your head right???) So all they did was I guess encourage us more to do it... this goes for me at least... Im not sure if any of this even makes sense or if fact... its just my OPINION/THEORY and does not reflect the views and opinions of the board or other members and whatever else they say at the begining of those infomercials...


(just want to avoid anyone saying "hey i resemble that remark")

Its late, cant sleep, Idle mind...

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If theres any girls/guys from outside the U.S. that can help me in my theory... perhaps ppl that come from Europe or other countries or cultures where sex isnt taboo, and it is spoken about and its seen on Tv. Please fill me in on what the differences are if growing up in a diff. environment has any effect, on what I spoke about above or if im totally off the wall and dead wrong...

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Originally posted by bkissa

ok i guess i've just recently stepped into the real world because i just realized this. the whole point behind dating is sex. when any guy meets a girl his ultimate goal is to fuck her. no guy would waste time "getting to know" a girl if he knew there would be no sex. some guys are a little more subtle and go through the whole courting phase before he sleeps w/ her and average girls fall for this and some are very blunt and let the girl know straight out what they want and less inteligent girls or sick girls fall for this. if you cut off the sex there is no motive for men. girls, doesn't it feel a bit upsetting to know that when a guy approaches you in the club his ultimate goal is to fuck you? i cant get this thought out of my head. its upsetting, but i know im right.

well said :)

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Originally posted by somebitch

well said :)


With one exception. There are guys who actually do want relationships... and these are typically the ones who are broke with no job or future prospects... and/or are looking for a mommy to take care of them.

Now Phatman, was that "jaded" you said? :rolleyes::tongue:

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I am one of those guys that really loves being in my relationship, 3 years and 8 months, I am neither broke nor unemployed. Unfortunately I want my relationship to progress more than my significant other, she found out I was looking at rings and got a little freaked...

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Originally posted by tastyt


With one exception. There are guys who actually do want relationships... and these are typically the ones who are broke with no job or future prospects... and/or are looking for a mommy to take care of them.

Now Phatman, was that "jaded" you said? :rolleyes::tongue:

ummm...maybe "fucked for life" would be a better phrase...what a shame what a shame...i could probably match, if not top anyone on this board with stories of how they got dicked over by the opposite sex...the nice girl gets screwed and so does the nice guy and then they make these realizations and it effects their trust and skews their perception so when a REAL man enters the picture he's got to deal with all the bullshit some ahole put her through...blah blah blah...same ol' same ol'...

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First Off I agree with you that there are some guys who just go with girls to get in their pants. The whole purpose of dating is to be on best behaviors when meeting someone. You see what they like, their manners, their faults ,likes, dislikes, everything. Its a fucking interview. If we like that person we generally spend more time with them and hopefully we have the chance to express our love and devotion to them physically. Those who pursue the endless conquests of bedding women generally are shallow people and eventually realize that it is time to find that partner we want to go through life with. I think its called GROWING UP. There is infinite supply of PUSSY, there is definatley not enough good girls running around.

It's easy to FUCK, then it is to make love.

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Originally posted by phatman

...bitter...jaded...burned...give it a name...sorry some dicks did exactly that, but going around generalizing aint gonna help the situation...vent if you have to -we all do it - just be careful...

im not venting. i just hada realization and came to this conclusion.

Originally posted by dgmodel

I agree that most of the world revolves around sex everything you can think of... From Breakfast to Late night snack. (see first thing popped into your head when i said late night snack was something dirty...) I think it has something to with two things, I havent yet figured out which is the more predominant of the two... One being that sex is the most primitive instinct and men are primitive beings compared to woman, (vice versa in other cases but im saying sexually.) So basically all they do is fuck or do things to fuck... bathe? "yeah i have to bathe so i can smell good so i can fuck..." Job "yeah i need job, big job so i can sound important so i can impress, then fuck" Money: " Hell yeah tons of it so i can spend it on woman and booze then give booze to woman then fuck" Hair cut: " need to look good, woman dont fuck taliban looking men, grooming = fuck" so on and so on you see my point... and the second one being that from day one were conditioned that "nudity bad, cover up," "sex bad close your eyes or dont watch that," porn : filthy, boycott, shut it down etc..." so whenever we're told not do something what do you do??? "Dont buy dat reckiid dey be cussin on it" what do you do?Reserve the fucker so youre the first kid in school to have it. "Dunt be lookin them picture films boy they gots themselves pussy wussy's and tits and shits" what do we all do? go and wait in line for it...


Big Dumbo looking creature in a liatard popped into your head right???) So all they did was I guess encourage us more to do it... this goes for me at least... Im not sure if any of this even makes sense or if fact... its just my OPINION/THEORY and does not reflect the views and opinions of the board or other members and whatever else they say at the begining of those infomercials...


(just want to avoid anyone saying "hey i resemble that remark")

Its late, cant sleep, Idle mind...

yes, very true :(

Originally posted by tastyt

With one exception. There are guys who actually do want relationships... and these are typically the ones who are broke with no job or future prospects... and/or are looking for a mommy to take care of them.

there are also the guys that want a beautiful/popular/etc. girl to make themselves look better. and of course same goes the other way around.

Originally posted by rdancer

First Off I agree with you that there are some guys who just go with girls to get in their pants. The whole purpose of dating is to be on best behaviors when meeting someone. You see what they like, their manners, their faults ,likes, dislikes, everything. Its a fucking interview. If we like that person we generally spend more time with them and hopefully we have the chance to express our love and devotion to them physically. Those who pursue the endless conquests of bedding women generally are shallow people and eventually realize that it is time to find that partner we want to go through life with. I think its called GROWING UP. There is infinite supply of PUSSY, there is definatley not enough good girls running around.

It's easy to FUCK, then it is to make love.

"fucking interview" i like that.

anyway guys. sorry to get a serious/depressing/watever u wanna call it...topic up. but its the truth. and anyone who is willing to open their eyes should be able to see that. it's just 1 thing that there is no getting around and that we have to accept.

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I've been seein this kid for a little bit and yes there is sex involved. He tries to tell me last night that he doesn't know anything more about me than a hole in the wall, but then the next words out of his mouth are, "I want to fuck you so bad." WTF!?!?!?!? So, I'm gonna have to be with ya on this one bkissa.

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Originally posted by tastyt


With one exception. There are guys who actually do want relationships... and these are typically the ones who are broke with no job or future prospects... and/or are looking for a mommy to take care of them.

Now Phatman, was that "jaded" you said? :rolleyes::tongue:

And also, the guys that are interested in a serious relationship are usually the one without. Since they're not about the game, and the lines and all the bullshit. Unless a guy comes on with the right game in an attempt to get laid, he gets thrown into the friend zone. And yes, I speak from experience. Call me jaded, burned, what have you. The guy that comes off as an asshole/player is the one getting the girl, and the guy that comes off as being nice and polite, and more layed back about fucking a girl likely becomes a friend/buddy. Here's my blanket/generalization statement...Women are some mixed up creatures talking about how they want the nice guy, and then still hooking up with the guy that they know is the player, and expecting to break him of his habits. The guy that treats women like objects is the one thta's always got a girlfriend.

OK, I'm done now...just had to vent on that one. Thanks for listening...hehe

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