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How Necessary IS sleep?


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Obviously you need it, but how much? I mean, waking up without much sleep is rough, but once your up, its not THAT bad... usually....

I think half of it is in your head... For Instance, On the weekend, i'll get like 5 hours of sleep on average per night (if i'm lucky) and i'm fine the next day to do it again... But for the days I have to go to work, I need like 12 hours.... What I think, is that it has nothing to do with the amount of sleep, I think its just a subconcious function of your brain knowing that you don't really want to go to work.... but on the weekends, theres nothing to worry about, so its not a problem.


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Originally posted by bkissa

sleep is for the weak. i only sleep when i have nothing else to do. and if you really are sleepy and there's no time, there ARE ways to stay awake.

I think you're the most militant anti-sleeper I've seen in a while....

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D

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I found an aritcle in this month's FHM magazine...

The Giacomo family of Venice, Italy, is afflicted with fatal familial insomnia, a rare affliction that causes the brain to never rest. Virtually all of those in teh family who carry the gene stop sleeping at the age of 50. Awake for months, even years, they eventually die from sheer exhaustion. One in 33 million people carry this brain disorder, but since the turn of the century, at least 30 of the Giacomos' decdndants have died this way.

In 1964, Randy Gardner, a 17-year-old highschool student in San Diego, CA, set the world record for sleeplessness when he stayed awake for 11 straight days. And on the final night of his "awakathon", Gardner beat sleep research observers 100 times at pinball. He then slept 15 hours and awoke feeling fine.

Theres a few more. check it out

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Originally posted by mssabina

exactly. plus if you fall asleep, you might miss something good.

yes i agree. i can always think of 97439749237 other things to do besides sleep.

i've heard of someone staying up for almost 2 weeks w/ the help of e, blow, and crystal. but that sounds like a stupid idea to me.

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NAh I think you need sleep eventuuuuaally. My body starts shutting down at a certain point. Like to the point where I can't control it. I once slept for 21 hours straight!! My roommates thought I was dead!! hahahaha And the longest I stayed up straight was 36 hours straight. I know it's not that long compared to some people. I get into these stretches where I don't sleep at all or sleep all the time.

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i am the first person to say that the only way to study, work and party face is to not sleep (or cut back, but who wants to do that?)

that being said....

i did a research study on the evolutionary advantage of having both a long term and a short term memory.

it turns out that it is mathematically impractical to have a memory unit that can learn new things quickly but will not overwrite stuff that you already know or mess up "mental bridges" that you've already built. it is also completely impractical to have a memory unit that will be stable in what it knows but still be able to learn new things quickly.

thus we have two memory units: one for learning stuff quickly (where its ok if things are overwritten) and one for safe storage. the trouble is that it takes a LONG TIME to transfer stuff from your short term memory to your long term memory, and i'm pretty confident that that happens while you sleep.

i think it is ok if you go sleepless nights from time to time but if you ever plan on remembering anything (even dumb stuff like 'fingers in power switch bad') you best be getting at least a few hours sleep most nights.

man i love neuroscience.... you get to learn all about cool stuff (like seratonin and dopamine) :P



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i have gone 2 days without slepp a few times, and it isn't after you get moving again. my friends and i shoot down to AC @ about 1130, and by the time we get there its like 2am. we get home around 9am and we go to work and the gym.but once you hit that pillow again, you'll be out till the next week-end. i sleept for 2 days once. it was nutz. i missed a whole day. i couldn't believe it.:eek:

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