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Johnny Vicious The Roxy And The Clubnyc Heads............

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HUGE HUGE SHOUT OUT TO ALL THE CLUBNYC HEADS.....we owed the roxy tonight...sorry if i didnt say goodbye to everyone but i had to catch the train or sit in penn for an extra half hour so i ran out the last minute.....

music review....hard hard beats all night long...hurricane came blasting it around 5am....siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick...the system....best in the city by far...crowd....dressy and very good looking. the typical vicious crowd...the venue itself is awesome...ive never been there and its fucking sick....biggest dance floor in the city by far....i feel for you if you missed this one....if youre gonna be going out on friday nights there is no other place to go then ROXY, ENUFF SAID.... the phazon will be coming in soon along with special guest djs... this party is gonna blow up just watch....

all clubnyc heads im gonna drop the film off today before work so the pics should be up in a few days....i had mad fun with all of you and it was good to see some old friends there as welll.....much love to all of you....


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WOW.. I'm so tired right now but what an amazing night ..Really.. I felt such love in that place tonight,.. We definitely owned that place as msoprano said.. It was a pleasure and a half meeting everyone.. I honestly love u guys.Johnny Vicious holy shit I can't even explain how good I felt listening to his music..All i got to say is Andrea Brown -Trippin twice woah.. That is my jam and the last thing i thought i was going to hear. I'm off to sleep so more tomorrow..xoxoxxoxoxox

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Originally posted by hottienotte

My friends and I went over to Roxy around 5-5:30 and they said it was closed, they wouldn't let us in. What the fuck was that all about?!?! For such a good party, why was it closed so early?!? :blank:

Maybe they just weren't letting anymore people in cause it closed out at about 7- 7:30.. This was by far a Bangin party..

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Originally posted by hottienotte

My friends and I went over to Roxy around 5-5:30 and they said it was closed, they wouldn't let us in. What the fuck was that all about?!?! For such a good party, why was it closed so early?!? :blank:

hmm maybe thats why vinyl was still packed. was a little dead early on but was crowded as usual later. I thought roxy was an all night thing... Any1 see me? Im the antisocial guy that sings and dances by himself on stage all night (im wierd :D ). im sure ive seen some of u 10000 times i just dont know any faces...

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Well to start off it was meeting everyone i had a really good time. As far as the music goes JV played really well like i expected the biggest shock was when he played boots on the run i almost lost it and especially when he played paula cole thats twice i heard it in 2 weeks. As far as the system goes i'm glad they are getting a new 1 last night it kinda sound like shit and the highs were a little 2 high with a little fine tunning it should sound better for next week. The crowd was a little young but good looking i saw a lot of factory heads there which as real nice and speaking of factory I was shocked to see Jonathan Peters there last night with a few people who i'm not possitive who i think 1 of them was Jim Hienz but i could be wrong.

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yea the highs were a little to high but the bass was ridiculous...there were at least 7 speaker stacks in there...everywhere i walked i was in front of one.....just wait until the phazon 2 comes in............:D :D

they should have a grand reopening just for that night

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i actualy thought the system was very good well, its not Phazon (yet!), but it is a lot better than most other places in NY now.

and the Bass stacks really were everywhere

oh, and i have so much less ringing in my ears than when i left Cipriani's; or most other clubs recently, for that matter

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Last night was crazy. Definately a night to remember. CP heads were everywhere. Great seeing everyone there... msoprano, pfloyd, Girly, Roniness, xtcgspot, Linabina, bigpopinallis, quoth,cotoncandy dream...thats all i could remember, there might be more. All the CP headz were the best, great chillin with all you guys. Definately going there next week again... and in 2 weeks it's gonna be JV's birthday, which should be nuts. No more Exit for me for a long time!! The crowd was good looking. Nice dressed up crowd. I saw a lot of Factory Friday heads there. Not a lot of Exit-heads though, I just saw one guy I knew from Exit. I thought the place had a great vibe too, everyone was just buggin out enjoying themselves. JV threw down sick track after sick track. Place started to empty out around 5-ish, which was the only bad part. I hope the crowd stays later in future weeks. The sound system was eh, but I don't care, I'm not that into the technical sound stuff. Who was spinning before JV? He was holding it down as well. When JV came I fucken went nuts. I think everyone pretty much did when he came down. Also it was a cool performance by Amber... I'm not that into performances, but it wasn't bad.

Was it just me or around like 4:30am did anyone feel like it was the Tunnel last year. I just got that feeling. I dunno.

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It was great meeting everyone last night - CPNY was in full effect!! We took up the whole back bar area during the meetup!!! I thought it was a good night till the end - so many fights broke out and when I left around 6 - 6:30 - I think! - There was a fight in front of the place and cops had to arrest some people!! I think a girl got hit too (during one of the fights inside the club)!! The bass in place had my whole body shaking - the dance floor is huge - music was good - overall the crowd and the night was good until the when it turned into a hockey brawl!! It was great meeting everyone last night - For those of you who don't remember who I am - I am the guy with a little bleech in my hair that worked the CP booth with Mugz, Cottondream, saigray and mist!! - MSoprano - it great meeting you and your brother ggfella - roninmess - great seeing you again.. SBD - it always a pleasure.. Quoth - great seeing you - sorry about the job... JenEfer - it's always great chilling with you - tell your bf we missed him last night!! For all the people I don't remember - I'm sorry - Oh yeah - the girls talking to mugz at the end of the night - I always forget you and your boyfriends name, even though we have met like 5 times - sorry (I remember the names DJmoonshine & clubkat?)!!!

Oh yeah - big poppa - welcome back!!

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Its official...I'm gonna need some new friends today after I get done killing all the one's that cancelled on me last night and forced me to miss this.........FUCKIN BASTARDS.....


I was really looking forward to the return of Vicious, but guess what.....my "friends" backed out and wanted to hang out in Astoria instead. I was so bummed out I left and went home at 12:00 and did nothing.

I regret missing it, I probably should have cruised solo, but I really hate that.

Maybe next time.:(

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Originally posted by perskription

Well to start off it was meeting everyone i had a really good time. As far as the music goes JV played really well like i expected the biggest shock was when he played boots on the run i almost lost it and especially when he played paula cole thats twice i heard it in 2 weeks. As far as the system goes i'm glad they are getting a new 1 last night it kinda sound like shit and the highs were a little 2 high with a little fine tunning it should sound better for next week. The crowd was a little young but good looking i saw a lot of factory heads there which as real nice and speaking of factory I was shocked to see Jonathan Peters there last night with a few people who i'm not possitive who i think 1 of them was Jim Hienz but i could be wrong.

speaking of Jim Heinz, I am such a retard, caus I went right up to him thinking he was Johnny Vicious [both have long hair and I couldnt see straight at that point] and I was like 'ehhhhhh Johnny, nice set" and Heinz looked at me like I was a crackhead, smiled and just shook my hand. A couple seconds lata I found out that he was actually Jim Heinz and J.Peters was with him too......ahhhhhhhhh....i just hung my head in shame.

good party last night had a great time. The CP meetup was dope. Good seeing all the heavy hittas and also some new peeps from the board. We should do it again...

Now on to Vicious review. His mixing was nice and hard. He would bang out like 5 hard tracks in a row, and then very considerately gave us time to recoup with some mellow house, only to kick our asses again with the hard beats. He was IMO was a little softer than he was at SF, but still sick.

some ridiculous trax I remember

4 Clubbers - Children [Junkfood PProject remix]

Insider - Boots on the Run

Cherry Moon Trax - Needle Destruction [insider Rmx]

Da Booka - Can You Feel The Rhythm

Liquid Overdose - Fearsome Bass

Derb - Derb [Arome Mix]

slammin night vicious and thanx for playin my request...much props. I wont confuse you with Jim Heinz next time either. HAHA!!!

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I am Glad everyone had fun. Johnny took that place a new a**hole!!! We got kick ass pictures. It was great to SEE EVERYONE FROM CP and other boards. Hey DEE & LINA "AMORE DON'T YOU KNOWWWWWW HOW MUCH I LOVE YOU SOOOO"

Dee you were so cute, I hope those pictures you took on my shoulders come out. That was nuts. GREAT MEET UP EVERYONE SEE SOON. PEACE ON EARTH SUNDAY!!!!

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Originally posted by pangelid

4 Clubbers - Children [Junkfood PProject remix]

Cherry Moon Trax - Needle Destruction [insider Rmx]

Children was great... I loved the version Vicious played last night and Needle Destruction shiiiiiiiiiiiiit!!

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Originally posted by djjonstephen


I was really looking forward to the return of Vicious, but guess what.....my "friends" backed out and wanted to hang out in Astoria instead. I was so bummed out I left and went home at 12:00 and did nothing.

I regret missing it, I probably should have cruised solo, but I really hate that.

Maybe next time.:(

the meetup pretty much held together the entire night

and karch.....bigpopinallis?

(thats ok, trancerxn can't pronounce it either. i guess both of you have been facefucked to many times):tongue:

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Originally posted by bigpoppanils

the meetup pretty much held together the entire night

and karch.....bigpopinallis?

(thats ok, trancerxn can't pronounce it either. i guess both of you have been facefucked to many times):tongue:

haha I knew I was misspelling it when i was typing it down.

oh yeah just remembered a couple more names that I met scoob-e and also schwingep

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I don't know what your all thinkin but I thought the Roxy was horrible last night. The crowd was so unbelievably roughed up and the music wasn't all that either. I heard better music in my car on the way there then at the club. Plus thank god that they are getting a new sound system. Atleast the place is big but to bad it was packed with people who probably couldn't get in anywhere else. They just let everyone in no matter what they were wearing. Have they ever heard of a door policy. I don't even know why I bothered to change out of my gym clothes. Anyway for all of you who loved it, good luck in the future. I'll be at Soundfactory.

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THE NIGHT WAS SICCK.. JOHNNY REALLY BROUGHT THE HOUSE DOWNNNN... When he played NEEDLLLLLLE DESTRUCTION that was sick.. and Also he played an Awesome remix of SPace Melody. ...U were right man.. it did kinda feel like tunnel.. But time will tell... Hopefully this party will be goin For a LONG TIME...


yo who was the guy before Johnny.. he played some sick tracks???

the amber performance i thought was pretty good..but the Sound system is horrible.. I cant wait for the new sound system to be in affect.. its goin to be RIDICULOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




p.s. Johnny the way u fucked up "dance to the rhythm" was just amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Wassup i get no lovin on the CP Board!!! hehe i was forced to leave at 4 oclock but the party was so amazing... lots of beautiful people but none so hot as the CP crew ok let me do this hehe... big shouts to Sexy Baby - Its Dj Vicious idiot... Vicious Idiot never heard of him!, Roninmess, Pangelid, Lina FUCKING Bina - mmmm this wall tastes so good ::lick lick:: , Qouth - OMG Its Wes Borland i love ur music is Fred here? wheres ur guitar? , XTC Gspot - sorry bout not saying goodnight , Clubkat, GGFellas - Now we can meet on common ground... exit meets limelight! , Msoprano, XTCGirlie, Crobra, CottonCandy, Bigpoppanils - i cant do it man... big popanopolis ... i know i missed a bunch but these guys stuck out... of and that little dude with the photons who the f#$% was that?!... Either ways for the time i spent there it was REALLY fun im def making Roxy my new base camp see you guys there!Its Dj Vicious idiot... Vicious Idiot never heard of him!

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