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** Roxy Review **

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missed last week to prepare for Howells on new years, but the crowd last nite was definetly a better looking crowd then last time.. girl to guy was much better as well.. roxy always seems to draw a great looking crowd..

music.. johnny banged it out.. definetly some great tracks.. i'll be your elements :D elastic culture- u(scott project mix) haven't heard that one since johnny dropped it at tunnel..

Johnny- i thanked you for playing so many of the requests i made opening nite.. absolutely made my nite.. keep bangin it out man.. great party and gonna be one for a long time :D

meetup was tremendous!!huge shout outs to all the cp peeps..

jonathonny - moonshine blows ;)



linabina - nice meetin ya hun

clubkat - thanks for the smack ;)

codica - we really dont' hate you ;)

karch - i'll pick that dancer up next time if you pay for me to get

back in the club when i get kicked out..haha



shwingep - choooooon


bkissa - hun, i would have proposed if it wasn't our first time

meeting... next time ;)

highmay - ask him to play french kiss!!






melichacha - good thing your not one of "those" girls ;)


sexybabyd - saw ur rippin it up on stage.. make sure you save me a dance next time ;)

cottoncandydream - lil louis still does not play chicago hard house ;)

laraver - nice to meet you

rachel1997 - old skool ;)

to those i missed, my bad.. its late/early and i'm exhausted.. see some of you tonight at sander @ vinyl

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Woo-hoo Johnny Vicious rocked Roxy again tonight..Mwuahz..Nice seeing everyone tonight..Robin, airatomic, Msoprano, Pfloyd, Pete,bigpoppinils,Lina, xtgspot,highmay, the 2 sexy bros Rdancer and trancern, Simon Vanity, quoth, Marina,and all the other people i met that i didn't know before.. Hope to see you guys soon. Thanks to Donny, Tina & Pete schwinge cause i didn't make it by 12 but they still got me in for free. ... Anyways I'm off to bed ... c u's soon:) :)

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let me see if i can remember who i met or talked to...

siceone - mad energy bro

bkissa - cutie pie



trancer... (i forget the rest of the name)


princesslolita - thanx for the candy


codca3 - bang my head on the wall

melichacha - what up thug

teklord310 - thanx for driving bro...it was your fault


fierydesire - thanx for the spanking babe

sexybabyd - such a qtpie





to anyone i left out.....maybe next time, but not at roxy....Vicious is boring....DT for president!!!!


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Roxy was off the rocker last night.

Me, Larry(legend 38), his friend and my friend Helen(from sicktracks and experience) took the drive on down to 18th st. Got to the club mad early adn were in the first 30 people to get in and I was surprised to actually see it free before midnight.

Met up with all the usual cast of characters from here including but not limited to... m*igetunderagegirlskickedout*soprano(suuckkkkkkkkkka), ggfella(i want those pics bro), pflyod, girlie, airatomic, xtcgspot, fireydesire(SMACK), regina p(you stole my Larry), glowdancer, quoth, karch, sexybabyd, trancend, joe g, simonvanity, court, mssabina and veronica(sexxxxxY), damnit theres so many, rdancer, trancernx, scoob-e, bkissa, godfatherbam, blazny, cottoncandydream, spragga, shwingep, bigpoppa, bigart, highmay, and linabina(um, yeah...)

Nice meeting some new faces such as codica, vixxenfoxxy(thanx for lickin the ice cream off my arm) princeslolita(thanx), Romina, clubkat, sicone(even if u bashed my review thread about factory nye), I know I met maaaaad other heads, but my memory is failing me like usual.

Johnny Vicious birthday cake for everyone after we sung happy birthday to him was great. The music before Johnny Came on was definitely alright. I was feeling it, yes many vocals, but I like all types of dance music. After he announced it was free again next week........ Johnny BLEW OFF THE ROOOOOOOF, with adrenaline and then followed it with Mad Myles' new track. SHit is h- o - t! We some how form a new Roxy stage crew. Exit has there, now Roxy had it's own stage crew. Definitely felt like it was goin to collapse with all the people on it.

Went up into the booth and watched Johnny work the wheels... Spoke to Rich Luzzi. Saw Richie Santana. lots of heads. It was cool I guess.

The crowd was good looking and had a very nice girl to guy ratio. Saw MANY exit heads, who all said "Fuck exit" and vowed to return to roxy. Saw some others who just weren't feeling the early beats and bounced, but they don't know what they missed. Hard beats all night long. Nice vocal selections as well.

I stayed till about 6:15 and bounced on home.

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Originally posted by roninmess

Roxy was off the rocker last night.

Me, Larry(legend 38), his friend and my friend Helen(from sicktracks and experience) took the drive on down to 18th st. Got to the club mad early adn were in the first 30 people to get in and I was surprised to actually see it free before midnight.

Met up with all the usual cast of characters from here including but not limited to... m*igetunderagegirlskickedout*soprano(suuckkkkkkkkkka), ggfella(i want those pics bro), pflyod, girlie, airatomic, xtcgspot, fireydesire(SMACK), regina p(you stole my Larry), glowdancer, quoth, karch, sexybabyd, trancend, joe g, simonvanity, court, mssabina and veronica(sexxxxxY), damnit theres so many, rdancer, trancernx, scoob-e, bkissa, godfatherbam, blazny, cottoncandydream, spragga, shwingep, bigpoppa, bigart, highmay, and linabina(um, yeah...)

Nice meeting some new faces such as codica, vixxenfoxxy(thanx for lickin the ice cream off my arm) princeslolita(thanx), Romina, clubkat, sicone(even if u bashed my review thread about factory nye), I know I met maaaaad other heads, but my memory is failing me like usual.

Johnny Vicious birthday cake for everyone after we sung happy birthday to him was great. The music before Johnny Came on was definitely alright. I was feeling it, yes many vocals, but I like all types of dance music. After he announced it was free again next week........ Johnny BLEW OFF THE ROOOOOOOF, with adrenaline and then followed it with Mad Myles' new track. SHit is h- o - t! We some how form a new Roxy stage crew. Exit has there, now Roxy had it's own stage crew. Definitely felt like it was goin to collapse with all the people on it.

Went up into the booth and watched Johnny work the wheels... Spoke to Rich Luzzi. Saw Richie Santana. lots of heads. It was cool I guess.

The crowd was good looking and had a very nice girl to guy ratio. Saw MANY exit heads, who all said "Fuck exit" and vowed to return to roxy. Saw some others who just weren't feeling the early beats and bounced, but they don't know what they missed. Hard beats all night long. Nice vocal selections as well.

I stayed till about 6:15 and bounced on home.

sup bro.. good chillin last nite..

just had some girl asking about exit guestlist and wasn't sure if you still ran your list there.. gave her your info though and told her to email you..

as for the stage.. hell fuckin yea.. we OWNED that stage.. hahaha and the corner of the dancefloor when johnny first came on and all of us were just going off!!!

hahahaha good nite :D

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Originally posted by godfatherbam

yo i didnt get mentioned either, but i am not sure if i met pfloyd or not...:(


I mentioned you in my post. Doubtness, i had you typed in, but then didn't remember if i did or not. So the thought was there.

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OMG.. I met mad heads last night, I don't even think I'm gonna attempt to try and list them all.. everyone was so sweet, it's nice to be able to put faces somewhat together with board names.. I had a wonderful time, Vicious was excellent (as always!!)

Well, just to reply to a few of these posts..

PFloyd - yo, I know you guys hate me, LOL, hey, I never even got to meet msoprano!!

ibclubbin - hun, well, I dunno LOL, good seeing you again, at least you actually talked to me this time!!

roninmess - I know this is gonna sound mad weird, but everytime I'm on the boards just reading through posts, I see your board name and it always gets stuck in my head.. it's mad weird.. and I go around the house just saying "roninmess".. ahh!! well good to meet you hun!!

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Well, I had a good time as usual. The CP meetup was off the hizook and by far the biggest I have seen. I enjoyed seeing the same old crowd and some new faces. I won't give any shot outs cause there are way too many of you. So, tonight I am off to relax... Evryone have a good evening..;)

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Originally posted by PFloyd40

did we meet?

simonvanity and godfatherbam i'm not sure we saw each other last nite either.. deifnetly next time :)

No, I don't believe that we did, maybe next time....

Yo Rominess, how do you do your hair like that? :D

Besides, i'm the only asian kid on that meetup, not hard to miss @ all! :tongue:

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Originally posted by codica3

roninmess - I know this is gonna sound mad weird, but everytime I'm on the boards just reading through posts, I see your board name and it always gets stuck in my head.. it's mad weird.. and I go around the house just saying "roninmess".. ahh!! well good to meet you hun!!

yes... very weird hahah... And yes, pleasure to meet you as well;)

doubtness, I use way too much murrays pomade... takes about 5352345235 washings to get it out.

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Originally posted by doubtness

No, I don't believe that we did, maybe next time....

Yo Rominess, how do you do your hair like that? :D

Besides, i'm the only asian kid on that meetup, not hard to miss @ all! :tongue:

hey hun..Nice meeting you.. I don't know if u rememeber but i walked up to you and said hello..

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Originally posted by doubtness

Were you the one that was by the table in the front, who shook my hand? :confused:

NO.. I had a ponytail and a black shirt on.... the little skinny chick by the back bar.. I came up to you and said hello I've seen your pics on CP...Anyways, you might not remember cause there is always so many people to meet..= )

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Originally posted by doubtness


This is going to bug me tonite....probably be all up dinking who you are......*grumble*

did u have shades on?!?

Someone please post a pic of her!!!

No, No shades. LOL.. Thats ok you don't remember..:)

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For better or worse, CP was down for a while... so I finally got my head screwed on right, and let me just say holy bazookas.

How many fawking people did we have up in there? At least 50! I walked to the back bar and I could tell some new skoolers were hanging out by the railing by the edge of the bar too scared to say anything... so I decided to play newbie for a while. Then I went to my friends and got introduced to like 20 heads... CP is growing, with class! Cheers everyone.

My one big complaint about Roxy is that it thins out far too quickly... between 4 and 5 is the middle of a set, the best part of a Friday night, and about the time that a vibe would really shine.

Anyway, I'm happy with the turnout last night... looking to hear more opinions.

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woohooo!!!! Great time last night!!!

::even if i lost my phone....thanxs jon :rolleyes:, i still love ya....well now that i found it haha hearton.gif::

To my kittens...it was grrrrreat seeing you's guys last night ::"how ju doin?"::

ya see Pfloyd, i finally caught your ass! :tounge: Gabo!!!! Huge growls for making that scene which left me, er, mouth_water.gif lmao.....and "The Old Man"....at least you can still shake what your momma gave ya :D

next time i wont wear the tail, seems like it was taking away most of the friction from my spanks spanka.gif

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