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Favorite Movie Quotes.

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I know all of you have to have some favorite movie quotes. What are yours? Here's all that comes to mind at the moment for me (I just watched Goodfellas for the millionth time):

"Do I amuse you? Am I funny like a clown?" -Joe Pesci, Goodfellas

"Go get your fuckin' shine-box!" -Joe Pesci, Goodfellas

"That’s the way it is with a wiseguy partner. He gets his money no matter what. You got no business? Fuck you; pay me. You had a fire? Fuck you; pay me. The place got hit by lightning and World War III started in the lounge? Fuck you; pay me." -Ray Liotta, Goodfellas

"Hey there you are"

"Hi do I know you?"

"No buts thats where you are, your there" -Austin Powers

"You are on a need to know basis and you don't need to know"-The ROCK (the movie)

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" The cardinal Rule in the Casino is keep them playing and keep them coming back . . The more they play, the more they lose, in the end, we get it all . . "

- Bobby as Ace in Casino

" English Muthafucka, DO YOU SPEAK IT!?!! . . "

- Samuel L. as Jules in Pulp Fiction

" . . . I fuckin known the guy 35 years, I'm gonna fuckin whack 'im for YOU!!?!!! . . "

- Pesci as Nicky to Ginger in Casino

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Originally posted by tottallyoff

'And now for something completely different'

Anyone know where that is from, I will be giving props to

. . . I know it's Monty Python . . . but I'm not sure which movie . . or if it's from the show . . .

. . I'll put my money on Holy Grail. . . .

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Originally posted by phuturephunk

. . . I know it's Monty Python . . . but I'm not sure which movie . . or if it's from the show . . .

. . I'll put my money on Holy Grail. . . .

DAMN IT!!!!! YOU beat me to it!

OK mine:


Brodie: Cookie stand's not part of the food court.

T.S.: Sure it is.

Brodie: The food court is downstairs the cookie stand is upstairs it's not like we're talking quantum physics here!

T.S.: The cookie stand is an eatery, an eatery is part of the food court.

Brodie: Bullshit! Eateries that operate within the designated square downstairs qualify as food court, anything operating outside the said designated square is considered an autonomous unit for mid-mall snacking.

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned for Sega.

Say Anything (my all-time favorite movie)

Lloyd: "I got a question--if you guys know so much about women, how come you're here at, like, a Gas 'n Sip on a Saturday night, completely alone drinking beers with no women anywhere?"

ALL: "By choice. Yeah, choose to refuse, man."

Lloyd:"I don't want to buy anything sold or processed or sell anything bought or processed or process anything sold or bought. My dad wants me to go into the army but I don't want to work for that corporation"

Drunk Guy: Give me my firebird keys!

Lloyd: You must Chill! I have hidden your keys

Drunk Guy: I love you man.

Lloyd: Hey Brother - Lend me a copy of your hey soul classics?

The J Man: No my brother, you must go buy your own!

Lloyd: Get in a good mood. How hard is it to just decide to be in a good mood and then be in a good mood?

Constance: Gee, it's easy.

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well anythign from say anythign is classic.

go that way, really fast. if something gets in your way, turn.

you fiend. dude you are the hottest thing since sunburn.

You'd better tell the Captain we've got to land as soon as we can. This woman has to be gotten to a hospital

A hospital? What is it

It's a big building with patients but that's not important right now

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. . . eww. . this is fun, another :


Air traffic Controller :"The fog is getting thicker. . "

Air traffic Controller Jacobs ". . And Leon, is getting laa-aa-aa-aarger . . "


Resivior Dogs:

Mr Pink : "Why do I have to be Mr. Pink"

Joe : "Cause' you're a faggot, that's why . ."


Resivior Dogs:

Nice Guy Eddie : "Who's your parole officer. . "

Mr. Blonde : "That asshead scagnetti . ."

Nice Guy Eddie : "Scagnetti . . fuck! . ."

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Originally posted by phuturephunk

" The cardinal Rule in the Casino is keep them playing and keep them coming back . . The more they play, the more they lose, in the end, we get it all . . "

- Bobby as Ace in Casino

" English Muthafucka, DO YOU SPEAK IT!?!! . . "

- Samuel L. as Jules in Pulp Fiction

" . . . I fuckin known the guy 35 years, I'm gonna fuckin whack 'im for YOU!!?!!! . . "

- Pesci as Nicky to Ginger in Casino

"What Ain't no country I ever heard of, do they speak english in What?" SLJ, pulp fiction.

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Mi 2- Woman like monkeys they are, wont let go of one branch till they grab hold of the next.

Tango and Cash- You broke that jaw, why did you do that, i was having a bad day, like now, yeah like now, yeah , yeah.

What were you doing on the couch with the elephant man?

Think he is telling the truth, i dont know, but he is standing in a puddle and its not raining, hahaha, Bad cop, worse cop. : High Five: Did you bump uglies with my sister?

Eddie Murphy Raw- I know you eddie, you cock socka mother fucker, suck my cock you black motha focka.

Demo man: Someone put me back in the fridge.

Time Cop: There is never enough time to satisfy a women, well then you better not waste your time trying.

Double impact- Look at him, hes a faggot, you of all people should know I would never wear silk underwear, faggot....

Rush hour 2- Nothing but silk touches this body, is your partner going to be wrapped up in silk too, I luv it when couples wrap themselves in silk.

Trancend- EAT MY FUCK~!!

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More . . more . . more :

"I am Jacks Raging Bile Duct . . " - Edward Norton as Narrator (tyler), Fight Club

"I'm jacks colon . . I get cancer . . and kill jack . ." - Brad Pitt as Tyler Durdon, Fight Club

"I haven't been fucked like that since grade school . . " - Helena bonham carter as Marla, Fight Club . .

" . . We are a generation of men, raised by women. . " Brad Pitt as Tyler Durdon, Fight Club

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